
Hogwarts: Sign-In Mangekyo Sharingan [ Harry Potter]

Braun found himself thrust into the magical world of Harry Potter, facing a perilous encounter with werewolves from the outset. Miraculously, just as danger loomed, a sign-in system materialized, offering unexpected rewards. "Ding! You've signed in at the wolf's lair and unlocked the [Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]!" "Ding! You've signed in at the Leaky Cauldron and acquired [Dark Fruit]!" "Ding! You've signed in at Hogwarts..." As the wizards beheld the blood-red eyes in the shadows, fear gripped them all. Dumbledore: "No one is more fitting to be Minister of Magic than Braun!" Voldemort: "He's the Dark Lord, even darker than myself!" Hermione: "Just as I suspected of someone I hold in high regard! Braun, you possess unparalleled power in the world!" Leaves some power stones MY CRYPTO ADDRESS: 0x6B156E6043D3e0EFDA868A37bAA8f8be3c101477

4thSecret · Livros e literatura
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38 Chs

Wizard Chess And Lunch




The train continued its steady rumble as the scenery outside shifted from city to countryside. The sooty air of the city gave way to the earthy aroma of the countryside. Rain began to fall outside, creating a gentle patter on the windows and forming meandering watermarks as it flowed down.

Inside the compartment, the passengers were anything but idle. Braun and Ron were deeply engrossed in a game of wizard chess, with Hermione observing the game and Harry showing equal interest. They all seemed eager to learn the specific rules of this magical chess.

"The rules of wizard chess pieces are quite straightforward," Ron explained while moving his piece on the board. "To determine who goes first, we roll dice. Each type of chess piece moves differently. Kings and queens mostly stay close to the board, with queens protecting the bishops in the middle. Rooks, or berserkers, can go on a rampage, and knights can only move diagonally. Pawns can only advance one grid at a time."

The white knight on the chessboard interrupted with annoyance, "Shut up, you idiot! You've already lost two games!" The white pieces appeared eager for a rematch, while the black side seemed to mock the opponent's inadequacy.

Ron, somewhat embarrassed by his losses, continued to explain the game to Harry and Hermione. However, when Hermione inquires about the origins of the game and its resemblance to Muggle chess, Ron is stumped. He admitted his lack of knowledge on the topic.

Braun then stepped in to provide an informative response. "It was created by a squib named Parr in the 11th century. His magical abilities went unnoticed, so his parents sent him away from the wizarding world, and he was adopted by a church. With ingenuity and determination, Parr rose to become the bishop of the church.

During this period, Muggle society was in the Middle Ages, and the concept of divine rights was paramount. The church often organized crusades and conquests to spread their faith. Parr, now a bishop, led an army to defeat Viking invaders and compelled them to sign a treaty.

Wizard Chess, or Parr Chess, as it was known then, was used by Parr to simulate battlefields and strategies. As you can see, the chess pieces in this game resemble Viking warriors and knights, reflecting the historical context of their creation. Over time, Parr introduced the game to the magical world. Interestingly, the original concept of chess originated in India and traveled to various parts of the world, eventually inspiring the creation of Wizard Chess in the magical realm."

Hermione looked at Braun with admiration, her scholarly nature naturally drawn to those with wisdom and knowledge. Braun had an impressive grasp of the history of wizard chess, a subject he had acquired through the original body's deep interest in the game.

As they played chess, the compartment door was opened by a smiling elderly witch pushing a cart filled with delectable snacks and treats, from pumpkin pie to honey candies. Ron decided to stick with his pea beef sandwich, while Braun chose pie sandwiches and milk.

Harry, being generous, ordered a portion of each item on the cart, and the witch was delighted as he paid a galleon for the feast. The small table was soon overflowing with an array of delectables.

Despite the variety, Ron and Harry appeared more drawn to the candies and sweets than the regular food. They eagerly shared their treats, encouraging Hermione and Braun to join in. However, Hermione declined, expressing concern for her teeth, as both her parents were dentists.

Braun also refused to indulge in the sweets, advising that they should save room for the sumptuous evening banquet. Disappointed, Harry respected their choices, but Ron was less polite. He discarded the sandwich he didn't like and eagerly indulged in the candies.

Harry's eagerness to share his snacks came from a place of generosity, with the cost not being a significant concern for him. He wanted to make friends in the wizarding world and enjoy their company.

Hermione and Braun remained resolute in their choices, and while Harry was a bit disappointed, he understood their decisions. Ron, however, happily devoured the sweets and introduced Harry to licorice wands and Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.

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