
Hogwarts: Sign-In Mangekyo Sharingan [ Harry Potter]

Braun found himself thrust into the magical world of Harry Potter, facing a perilous encounter with werewolves from the outset. Miraculously, just as danger loomed, a sign-in system materialized, offering unexpected rewards. "Ding! You've signed in at the wolf's lair and unlocked the [Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan]!" "Ding! You've signed in at the Leaky Cauldron and acquired [Dark Fruit]!" "Ding! You've signed in at Hogwarts..." As the wizards beheld the blood-red eyes in the shadows, fear gripped them all. Dumbledore: "No one is more fitting to be Minister of Magic than Braun!" Voldemort: "He's the Dark Lord, even darker than myself!" Hermione: "Just as I suspected of someone I hold in high regard! Braun, you possess unparalleled power in the world!" Leaves some power stones MY CRYPTO ADDRESS: 0x6B156E6043D3e0EFDA868A37bAA8f8be3c101477

4thSecret · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs


"Ding! Successfully signed in at Rowle's Manor.

Obtained reward: Rowle's family-inherited soul magic (100/100).

The Rowle family signing is now officially complete.

Please select a new check-in location as soon as possible."

Accompanied by the electronic sound, Braun suddenly felt a plethora of new insights into his knowledge of soul magic.

However, this state didn't last long and quietly dissipated, leaving Braun with a sense of loss. In fact, he still had doubts in his heart, but the system had clearly announced the result.

Inherited by the Rowle family, soul magic had reached its pinnacle.

"It felt stronger than what my parents had grasped, but not too overpowering. However, regarding the soul trauma of Neville's parents, I think I can give it a try!" Braun muttered to himself in the bedroom.

He allowed all the activated items in the bedroom to dress and tidy up for him. The full effect of soul magic was evident—even without a living spirit to control, it could animate surrounding inanimate creatures under the influence of Braun's magic. Of course, this also consumed a significant amount of mana.

"Master, are you free now?" A trembling voice knocked on the door.

Braun pushed open the door just in time to see Dom standing outside, looking full of respect and fear. Braun felt indifferent about it. Naturally, he wouldn't go to extremes like Hermione, promoting racial equality, especially concerning house elves.

That was just impractical nonsense. Hermione was young at the time, and she was only promoting such ideas in school, which had little effect.

If it were an adult wizard openly declaring this idea, they might even be apprehended by the Ministry of Magic and sent to Azkaban to reconsider their stance.

One must understand that it took a lot of effort for wizards to defeat the house elves and make them their servants, with many wizards sacrificing for it. To turn around and unbind these creatures was seen as an enemy of the mainstream of the entire wizarding society.

Even the Weasley family, despite their good impression of Muggles and a lax attitude toward pure blood, didn't dare speak such words about liberating house elves.

Braun wasn't looking to stir up trouble or betray an entire class. He followed Dom downstairs. At that moment, Neville and Mrs. Longbottom were already there.

Neville sat stiffly at the dining table, while Mrs. Longbottom drank black tea and chatted with Braun's grandmother. They exchanged greetings with Neville and sat down to have breakfast. The two old women were still engaged in a low-voiced conversation.

"Have you heard about the Romanian forest?"

"He's coming back; it's just a matter of time. The stars have already given us the revelation."

"And the Boy Who Lived... he's due to enroll this year too."

"That kid? I remember him; his grandfather once asked me to help name him, but his parents didn't seem to believe it."


While listening to the conversation between the two old women, Braun focused on his breakfast. It was evident that Mrs. Longbottom had a very good relationship with his grandmother, considering the early morning invitation.

Unexpectedly, the conversation between the two even touched on Voldemort's whereabouts. Was Voldemort well-known in Romania? Before he could ponder, Neville approached him.

"Braun, let me show you this!"

Neville carefully pulled a ball out of his pocket.

"A Remembrall?"

Braun took it curiously.

It was a transparent glass ball.

Touching it with the palm of your hand could help you feel the extremely subtle magic circuit on it.

Other than that, it seemed to be no different from an ordinary glass ball.

"Yes! Grandma gave it to me. It is said that it can help me remember things that I have forgotten. My memory has never been very good."

Braun handed the memory ball back.

Neville took it and showed Braun how to use it.

"You just put magic into it, and it senses what you forgot. Then the color will—"

"Neville, it's turning red!"

Braun reminded.

Neville was also taken aback for a moment.

"Yeah, that means I forgot something."

Neville said a little dully.

Then he reacted and began to think hard again.

"I also forgot what I forgot. Braun, do you know what I forgot?"

Braun was looking at Neville in a daze.

Braun was speechless.

Big brother, you forgot what you didn't even know.

Where did I know?

However, he still looked at Neville very complicatedly.

Only then did he realize that the wand pouch on the opponent's waist seemed to be empty.

"You forgot your wand?"


Neville scratched his head.

After touching his wand bag, he suddenly realized

"Yeah! I seem to have left my wand at home!"

And as he remembered, the color of the memory ball in his hand changed from red to transparent again.

Neville's forgetfulness amused Braun, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "It looks like the Remembrall is working well for you, reminding you about your wand."

Neville grinned sheepishly. "Yeah, it seems so. Thanks, Braun."

Mrs. Longbottom, noticing the conversation, chimed in. "Don't worry, Neville. We can floo back to your place and fetch your wand before heading to Diagon Alley."

"That would be great, Grandma. Thank you," Neville replied gratefully.

As breakfast continued, Neville shared stories of his summer adventures, the latest gossip in the magical world, and the anticipation of starting their first year at Hogwarts. Braun listened intently, eager to begin this exciting journey.

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