
Hogwarts: beginning with the creation of the One Ring

Traveling through time and becoming a member of the Shelby family, Altaïr originally thought his mission was to restore the glory of the Razor Party and create the glory of the Shelby family. But a sudden owl made him realize that he had arrived in the world of Harry Potter. Since you can't be a godfather, be a devil! Beginning with the creation of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, the awakening of the nine spirits of the rings and the resurrection of Sauron... As the two worlds gradually merged and more and more Lord of the Rings characters appeared, the style of the Wizarding World changed. Dumbledore "Give the Philosopher's Stone to Voldemort quickly, we need his power to fight Saruman!" Snape "The great dark lord Sauron, I am willing to give everything, just so that Lily can be resurrected!" Minister of Magic "Nine Ringwraiths have captured Azkaban, go ask for Gandalf the White!" That day night fell and the volcano of the Last Judgment rose from the earth. The Shelby family boy held the One Ring and climbed to the top of the volcano to announce it to the world. The real devil has arrived. Please note that this and the characters are purely fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated. ----------- This story is a translation from Chinese to English so the names may be in their Chinese version just in case.

Malthael_2005 · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

011 - Altaïr's Wand

"This wand is not my job. It was left by my grandfather. It was a great try."

Ollivander smiled mysteriously and took out a simple wand, which also seemed to be made of yew, but it had some complex lines, which was very mysterious.

"This is a special yew. It has absorbed the blood and toxins of the poisonous leopard. The core of the ordinary wand can't even get close to it. Therefore, my grandfather made a bold attempt."

Ollivander stroked his wand and spoke slowly:

"Yes, the impudence of the dementor..."

Before Ollivander could finish speaking, Professor McGonagall interrupted him.

"What? Ollivander, I don't agree with you giving such a dangerous wand to a young wizard."

"Oh, relax, Minerva, it's not the wizard who chooses the wand, it's the wand that chooses the wizard. This wand has been dormant for a hundred years. I think it's been waiting for today."

Ollivander handed him the wand.

Altaïr looked at the wand in front of him and felt a little surprised.

Ollivander's grandfather was really crazy with a wand made of dementor nerves.

By the way, does that thing have nerves?

How did you take it off?

Altaïr reached out and took the wand.

A mysterious throbbing sensation spread throughout the body, and wisps of white mist appeared out of thin air. With a terrifying shiver, he ran through the entire Ollivander Wand Shop. In the blink of an eye, the entire store was covered in frost.

"Perfect match! Truly a perfect match!"

"Yes, dementor nerve, eleven inches, boy, this wand is yours."

Ollivander clapped his hands happily, suddenly thought of something and continued:

"But one thing you should know is that this wand cannot cast the Patronus Charm, but don't worry too much. The most important function of the Patronus Charm is to resist dementors, and you don't need it, because this wand will protect you from being captured. Attacked by ghost monsters."


Professor McGonagall stepped forward and asked seriously:

"I want to know if this wand has dementor properties, such as sucking people's happy emotions and causing them to fall into darkness."

"No, Minerva, our Ollivander family will not make such an evil wand. On the contrary, with the nerves of a dementor, this wand can not only protect you from being attacked by dementors, but also make you more sensitive and yearning." for happiness and beautiful things."

"People in darkness long for light more, right?"

After hearing Ollivander's words, McGonagall breathed a sigh of relief.

If it were true as Ollivander said, then this wand would be of great benefit to Altaïr.

"I hope so, but thanks anyway, Ollivander."

Professor McGonagall said and prepared to take them all away. Of course, Hermione and Altaïr paid seven gold galleons each.

Altaïr's wand should be worth much more than seven galleons, but Ollivander did not increase the price.

After leaving the wand shop, Professor McGonagall took them to Madam Malkin's robe shop to buy wizard robes, then went to the Flourish and Blotts bookstore to buy the textbooks needed for the new semester, and then went to the crucible shop next door to buy medicine refining. Tools Crucible and brass scale for weighing.

In addition to the textbooks needed for first grade, Hermione also bought many additional books, which resulted in her not having enough money to buy a pet. Altaïr also didn't buy a pet because he thought it was too much trouble.

In short, after having bought everything they needed, it was already after four in the afternoon.

"Okay, that's it, Altaïr, Mrs. Granger, classes start on September 1st. You have to rush to King's Cross Station before 11 o'clock that day to catch the Hogwarts Express. Remember to bring tickets" .

After Professor McGonagall finished her instructions, she sent them to the Leaky Cauldron. She still had things to do. When they were shopping just now, something seemed to have happened at Gringotts and Professor McGonagall wanted to take a look.

After Professor McGonagall left, the Grangers looked at Altaïr, who was holding the crucible and a bunch of things, and asked:

"Altaïr, where do you live? Why don't you put your things in my car first and we'll take you home first?"

"Thank you, Mr. Granger, but no, my family should be waiting for me outside the pub now."

Altaïr smiled at Mr. Granger's kindness, that being said, Hermione's parents were actually very good people, much better than Harry's uncles.

"That's good. Our family lives in Manchester. I'm a dentist and I opened a private clinic there. If you have time, you can come to our house as a guest."

Mr. Granger smiled, took out a business card, and put it in the pocket of Altaïr's suit.

"I will do that."

Altaïr nodded. Manchester is northwest of London and Birmingham. The distance is not very great. It only takes two or three hours by car or train.

The four left the Leaky Cauldron and Altaïr looked around. Sure enough, Jimmy and several Razor Party thugs were waiting at the corner.

"Jimmy! Hey! I'm here!"

Altaïr screamed and Jimmy, who was smoking, heard the sound, turned his head and looked, then put out his cigarette and ran.

"Oh, I actually bought so many things."

The bodyguards behind Jimmy took the cauldron and books and left with a wink, Jimmy murmured and looked at Granger and the others.

Altaïr introduced him.

"This is Mr. and Mrs. Granger. This is my classmate, Hermione Granger. She's going to Hogwarts too."

"Oh! Oh! She's a... I mean, a little witch?"

Jimmy's originally indifferent expression suddenly became serious.