
Hogwarts: beginning with the creation of the One Ring

Traveling through time and becoming a member of the Shelby family, Altaïr originally thought his mission was to restore the glory of the Razor Party and create the glory of the Shelby family. But a sudden owl made him realize that he had arrived in the world of Harry Potter. Since you can't be a godfather, be a devil! Beginning with the creation of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, the awakening of the nine spirits of the rings and the resurrection of Sauron... As the two worlds gradually merged and more and more Lord of the Rings characters appeared, the style of the Wizarding World changed. Dumbledore "Give the Philosopher's Stone to Voldemort quickly, we need his power to fight Saruman!" Snape "The great dark lord Sauron, I am willing to give everything, just so that Lily can be resurrected!" Minister of Magic "Nine Ringwraiths have captured Azkaban, go ask for Gandalf the White!" That day night fell and the volcano of the Last Judgment rose from the earth. The Shelby family boy held the One Ring and climbed to the top of the volcano to announce it to the world. The real devil has arrived. Please note that this and the characters are purely fictional. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated. ----------- This story is a translation from Chinese to English so the names may be in their Chinese version just in case.

Malthael_2005 · Outros
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20 Chs

003 Shelby's boring day.

Sophia is a blonde girl, not pretty, but very gentle.

When Altaïr was three years old, eighteen-year-old Sophia arrived at Shelby Manor.

Eight years have passed in an instant.

"Good morning, Master Altaïr."

Sophia entered the room, put the clothes in her hands into the closet next to the bed, then walked over, opened the curtains one by one, and opened a window in the corner.

The sun of the early morning of July enters the house and outside the window you can see a green spot, everything seems vibrant and full of vitality.

"Good morning, Sofia."

Altaïr greeted her and then went to the bathroom to wash.

Sofia prepared him a fitted white shirt, a tight gray vest and a matching suit, and as an accessory an exquisite gold pocket watch.

Since Altaïr didn't need to go out today, Sophia didn't prepare a hat for him.

The Shelby family hats are always special, with a sharp razor sewn into the brim, which is a family honor.

While Altaïr changed his clothes, Sophia had been watching from the side. She had nothing to be ashamed of. She had cared for Altaïr for eight years. Sometimes, Sophia even treated Altaïr like her own son.

After Altaïr dressed, Sophia walked up to him, put the pocket watch in his suit pocket, hung one end of the pocket watch chain on the button of his suit, and then helped him straighten his collar. Shirt.

"A handsome young man, I don't know how many girls he will charm when he grows up."

Sophia praised him sincerely. Although Altaïr was now only eleven years old, Sophia still felt a different charm in him.

Handsome, elegant, calm and noble.

It's hard to believe that he is a child of only eleven years old.

Altaïr inherited Roman ancestry from his mother, with black hair and eyes, which is a symbol of nobility in today's British society. After all, the entire history of England originated in Rome.

Most Romans had black hair and eyes, including the famous Julius Caesar.

Of course, from Altaïr's point of view, this was actually not much different from his previous life, except that the color of his pupils in his previous life was lighter, leaning towards dark brown, and now it was almost pure black.

Overall, Altaïr was quite satisfied: after all, the familiar black hair and black eyes made him feel like he was still an oriental.

The two left the room and walked towards the restaurant on the first floor.

The Shelby family lives in Shelby Manor. In addition to Altaïr, there are also his two uncles and an aunt.

Of course, this also includes their respective extended families: one of his two aunts comes from a noble family in London and the other is the daughter of the leader of an underground gang in Birmingham.

In addition to the Shelby family, there are almost a hundred servants living in this huge mansion, including housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, maids, etc., as well as dozens of members of the Little Razor Party, who are responsible for protecting the security. of the mansion. .

In addition to these, the Shelby family also raised dozens of hunting dogs, a hundred horses on the horse farm, and many cows and chickens on the mansion's pastures.

After all, Shelby Manor has a total size of 100 acres, which is equivalent to 400,000 square meters in a more understandable unit.

The Shelby family is used to dining together, which helps cultivate relationships. The lessons of their predecessors are still vivid in their minds. There is a relationship that cannot be ignored between the decline of the Razor Party and the division of the Shelby family.

"Uncle Michael, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Fiona, Aunt Nancy, Aunt Kate, Cousin Paul... Good morning!"

Arriving at the restaurant, Altaïr first greeted the large family.

"Tomas! Good morning!"

Everyone responded in unison, Altaïr sat at the dining table and the restaurant maid began to serve them breakfast.

Breakfast is the same every day, consisting more or less of bacon, fried eggs, fried mushrooms, fried sausages, etc. The staple food is toast, which is also combined with milk or black tea.

After all, Britain is a country with a food desert, and Altaïr never expected to find delicious food that would surprise him for breakfast.

"Thomas, after dinner, you have to go to a two-hour class with Paul and Jenny. In the afternoon there will be shooting training. After training, you can go swimming or play ball."

After Freddie came in, Michael took over Shelby Manor and took care of everything for the little Shelbys every day.

The Shelby children would not go to school because other Birmingham gangs might murder them to attack the Shelby family. After all, Altaïr had already experienced it.

In fact, since then, little Shelby rarely leaves the mansion except when necessary.

"I see."

Altaïr nodded and gracefully ate the food on his plate. He didn't tell everyone about Hogwarts because the time hadn't come yet and there were too many people in the restaurant.

There is a wizard in the Shelby family, this matter will become the top secret of the entire family and only a few people are qualified to know about it.

After dinner, Altaïr went to class with his cousin Paul and his cousin Jenny.

He also has some cousins, but they are too young and don't need to go to classes, the exception is Altaïr, because he is the future leader of the Shelby family, so even though he is only eleven years old, he has to go. living with two children of fifteen or sixteen years old, they take classes together.

Today's course is philosophy, politics and economics, it is said that the professor is from Oxford, Altaïr listened with great interest and from time to time asked some questions, which made the professor very excited.

Him feeling surprised.

"I can't believe you're only eleven years old, Altaïr. Your way of thinking about problems is great. I think you'll have great achievements in the future."

After class, Altaïr said goodbye to his cousins and went for a walk with Sophia. Altaïr had his own dog, a Doberman named Charlie.

"It looks like you can't bring dogs to Hogwarts?"

Looking at Charlie who was eating raw meat, Altaïr fell into deep thought.