
Chapter 11 - Training

----------------YANG'S PERSPECTIVE----------------

Five years have swiftly passed since my daring confrontation with the formidable Yakuza boss. Reflecting on the events that have unfolded during this period fills me with a sense of awe and gratitude. The first remarkable milestone was my graduation from the rigorous master's training program, a feat achieved nearly three years ago. Upon mastering the profound teachings of the Inner Eye, my esteemed master conveyed that his wisdom had been fully imparted to me. Thus, I proudly ascended from the ranks of Disciple Class to navigate the treacherous realm of Expert Class—a daunting transition for a mere thirteen-year-old like myself.

Fascinatingly, Kyao completed her master's studies just a few months after I did and found herself in a challenging situation when she was unexpectedly evicted from her home. Fortunately, thanks to the generous support and network of connections of my mentor, I had already secured accommodation and some initial bodyguarding contracts. In a heartwarming gesture of kindness, I extended an invitation to Kyao to stay with me until she could find a more permanent living arrangement for herself.

This situation was truly ideal for us, as it opened up the opportunity for us to spar much more frequently and collaborate to enhance our skills together. Over the past three years, we have wholeheartedly embraced this chance to grow and improve by engaging in regular practice sessions.

I skillfully evaded a strike from Kyao, showcasing quick reflexes and agility, before delivering a powerful punch to her face, which led to her staggering backward in surprise. Seizing the opportunity presented by her momentary vulnerability, I executed a swift leg sweep maneuver, causing her to lose balance and gracefully fall to the ground. In an act of sportsmanship, I extended my hand towards her as a gesture of goodwill and assistance. Despite any initial annoyance she might have felt, she ultimately accepted my hand with a subtle sigh of resignation.

"This inner eye technique is fucking annoying. Trying to use it is difficult, there is too much to keep track of. How you managed this Yang is beyond me." Kyao's words sparked a gentle chuckle and a casual shrug from me, as I couldn't help but appreciate the acknowledgement. Indeed, honing the skill of mastering the Inner Eye technique is no small feat; it truly presents an unparalleled level of challenge that demands dedication and perseverance.

"You're not wrong there Kyao. Even for me it took me two years to fully master the technique and be able to use it at all times. But you are making good progress. You can actually use it in combat when you are focused on it, but that means if someone is able to disrupt your focus then you can't maintain it. As well, yours isn't as accurate as someone who has mastered the technique. You need to focus on every aspect of a person down to their breathing." I would say to her as I would continue to help her as best as I could. Kyao had begun learning the Inner Eye technique from me roughly 2 months into us staying together, and it took her roughly three years to learn how to use it combatively. By my estimation it should take her another two years to be able to use it effectively

We spent roughly another hour in training as we headed inside, reflecting on the impressive progress we had both made over the past two years. Kyao, in particular, had truly blossomed into a formidable fighter. During one of our recent bodyguard missions, I had the privilege of witnessing Kyao's exceptional skills in action. While I found myself engaged in battle with a fellow Expert Class fighter, serving as a sort of "babysitter" for the opposing side, Kyao demonstrated her prowess by taking on and besting two high-disciple class martial artists simultaneously. It was a testament to the dedication and hard work she had put into honing her abilities, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration watching her perform at such a high level.

But that accomplishment pales in comparison to the truly remarkable feat Kyao and myself achieved just a few months ago. Facing off against a Low Master Class Fighter, we both displayed remarkable skill, courage, and teamwork to overcome this formidable opponent. Despite the fighter not being a true Master Class combatant, the fact that we were able to defeat such a powerful adversary was a testament to our growing strength and capabilities. That hard-fought victory serves as a sobering reminder of the inherent dangers that exist in the world beyond the safety net provided by our masters. But our triumph underscores just how vital it is to continually hone our abilities, as you never know when you may be called upon to confront such daunting challenges.

As we entered the shared living space we called home, I eagerly made my way to the kitchen, intent on preparing a nourishing breakfast for the two of us. Neither of us had yet indulged in a meal, as we had purposefully chosen to wait until after completing our training regimen. This strategic timing allowed our bodies to more efficiently process and utilize the nutrients from the food, maximizing the benefits of our hard work and dedication.

"Hey Yang, After I learn this inner eye. Can you teach me that Seikūken technique you use?" Kyao would often ask me questions as I chuckled lightly, cracking open a few eggs and gently placing them into a well-oiled frying pan. I would then carefully set the pan atop the stove, the sizzling sound of the eggs filling the air as I began the process of cooking them to perfection. My goal was to create a delicious tamagoyaki, the beloved Japanese rolled omelet, whose savory-sweet flavor I knew Kyao thoroughly enjoyed. 

"One thing at a time Kyao. My master always taught me to focus on one technique at a time. Besides in my opinion the Inner eye is a far more valuable technique to learn." I would reply, only to hear Kyao huff with annoyance. Clearly, she was not pleased with my response, but that was alright. In time, all things would find their proper place. As I continued preparing breakfast, the sound of my phone ringing from upstairs suddenly interrupted the tranquil morning routine. Kyao's subtle displeasure did not deter me, for I knew that patience and understanding would eventually win the day. The ringing phone, however, demanded my immediate attention, signaling that more activity and engagement lay ahead on this pleasant morning.

"Kyao, can you get that? I am a little busy." As I heard Kyao ascend the stairs, I found myself appreciative of my own heightened sensory abilities. As an expert-class fighter, I possess the remarkable capacity to amplify my senses and extend my perceptual range through the power of my chi. This remarkable skill allows me to listen and observe over greater distances with an enhanced awareness that few can match. In this particular instance, however, I did not feel the need to eavesdrop on Kyao's phone conversation, as I knew that if the call had been of any true significance, she would dutifully inform me of the details upon her return downstairs. I am grateful for my refined senses, which grant me a level of situational awareness that serves me well, but I choose to exercise restraint and respect Kyao's privacy, confident that she will share any pertinent information when appropriate.

I continued to make breakfast as I normally would, dutifully preparing the traditional Japanese rolled omelet known as tamagoyaki for both myself and my housemate, Kyao. Although she had been on a lengthy phone call upstairs, Kyao eventually made her way downstairs, joining me in the kitchen after taking some time to conclude her conversation.

"So, was it anything important?" As I approached the table and sat down, she calmly sat down and began to enjoy her freshly prepared tamagoyaki, a traditional Japanese omelet. With an expression that conveyed a sense of indifference, she looked up at me, awaiting my question. I appreciated her composed demeanor in that moment, as she appeared unfazed and fully present in the simple pleasure of her meal.

"Yeah, just one of the clients calling. We got another job to get to. From what he said we will be one of three expert fighters they are hiring. Along with one master and 3 high class disciples." She would respond thoughtfully as I briefly paused to savor my meal and contemplate the implications of her words. The notion of hiring an unusually large number of individuals for a single task struck me as highly unusual and intriguing. What could possibly require the recruitment of so many skilled fighters? This piqued my curiosity, as I had not encountered a true master-class combatant since my esteemed mentor, Master Yao. Perhaps this presented an opportunity to forge a meaningful alliance with a formidable warrior, one who could impart valuable knowledge and insights that could enhance my own abilities. The prospect of such a powerful connection was both exciting and humbling, as I considered the potential benefits that could arise from such a fortuitous encounter.

"Well that's interesting. I wonder why they are hiring so many martial artists. Did they tell us what the job was?" I would often find myself in moments of curiosity, seeking answers from Kyao, only to be met with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders—leaving me yearning for more. As she gracefully savored her meal, her gaze shifted back towards me, revealing a subtle mix of irritation and impatience etched on her features.

"From what they told me, we will be meeting at their HQ. From what I understand we will be guarding a rather wealthy family, so the payout may be higher than normal." Reflecting on Kyao's profound words, I found myself intrigued by her insights. The notion of a prosperous family maintaining a headquarters and actively recruiting numerous fighters piqued my curiosity, prompting a cascade of potential explanations to flood my thoughts. The mystery surrounding these circumstances lingered in my mind like an unsolved riddle, inviting me to delve deeper into the enigmatic world unfolding before me.

As I delved deeper into my discussion with Kyao concerning the phone call, a sense of calm washed over me as I absorbed additional details. It became apparent that this particular family held significant sway, with one of the parents holding a prominent political position. Despite their status, the politician had been subject to repeated targeting by political adversaries, prompting concerns for his safety. Scheduled to travel to the United States for meetings with international supporters, the looming threat of assassination necessitated the hiring of extra security personnel. As I pieced together these intricate details, it became evident that our involvement would not be immediate, allowing me a precious window of time to make necessary preparations and brace myself for the tasks ahead.

After we had polished off our delicious meal, I rose from my seat to retrieve my plate, but to my surprise, Kyao deftly whisked it away with remarkable agility. Her swift and nimble movement not only caught me off guard but also left me admiring his quick reflexes and dexterity.

"I will wash the dishes since you made breakfast." As she gracefully made her way into the kitchen, her words lingered in the air, a gentle melody that accompanied her movements. With a soft smile, I observed her graceful exit around the corner, feeling a sense of gratitude for her thoughtful gesture of taking care of the dishes. As I stood there, appreciating her kindness, it dawned on me that our kitchen supplies were running low. In a spur of culinary inspiration, I made up my mind to retrieve my wallet and phone from upstairs and venture towards the market in search of fresh groceries. The thought of preparing a comforting bowl of Udon for dinner sparked excitement and anticipation as I embarked on my journey to gather ingredients for our evening meal.

The trip to the market was surprisingly dull, except for a couple of sketchy moments when some sneaky individuals attempted to swipe my wallet. Without missing a beat, I instinctively twisted their hands the wrong way, causing them to dislocate. After setting their wrists back in place, they bolted away from me, hurling insults and labeling me some kind of monster. Talk about nerve! Who can blame a guy for defending his valuables against such shady characters?

Oh no, let me tell you, the return trip turned into quite the unexpected spectacle! Picture this: as I strolled past an ordinary alley, out of nowhere my martial arts reflexes kicked in. With lightning speed, I leaped off the ground just in time to narrowly dodge a figure hurtling through the air from the alley. The poor soul crashed into a nearby wall with a bang. Without missing a beat, I landed gracefully on the roof of an adjacent building, pure curiosity driving me to unravel the mystery behind this bizarre incident.

In front of me, a scene unfolded where approximately six individuals were present, with five encircling the sixth person. Despite my initial detachment towards the group exhibiting aggressive behavior, it was the individual being targeted who captivated my attention. He stood tall, with a muscular build and features that painted a vivid picture: fair skin juxtaposed against dark blonde hair styled in spiked tufts, complemented by piercing blue eyes. His attire spoke volumes about his nonchalant demeanor - a white sleeveless shirt paired with blue jeans, adorned with white sneakers and a red jacket deliberately torn at the sleeves. This young man, seemingly not much younger than myself, displayed an unwavering composure in the face of adversity, radiating an aura of confidence that belied any hint of fear or doubt about his ability to navigate the impending confrontation.

"You guys should take that as a hint. Leave, I don't care to fight weaklings like you." As the man began to speak, his words were met with a disturbing display of disrespect: one of the individuals gathered around him spat at his feet. This blatant act, dripping with contempt, underscored the intense animosity and hostility present in the scene. It served as a visceral symbol of disdain, punctuating the man's words with a visual representation of the lack of regard or courtesy shown towards him.

"No way in hell Berserker. You sent our buddy to the hospital when he challenged you. And we are going to make you pay fo-" Before he could even complete his sentence, the individual referred to as Berserker sprang into action with startling agility and force. His fist found its target with alarming precision, connecting squarely between the recipient's eyes. The impact was so intense that it seemed as though his very features might collapse inward. The sheer power behind the blow sent him hurtling through the narrow confines of the alley, creating a surreal scene as he ricocheted off one unforgiving wall before careening into the opposite side with a resounding thud.

Berserker's menacing glare shifted towards the four remaining men, each bracing themselves for the impending clash. A sense of anticipation filled the air as I observed with keen interest, curious to witness how this formidable warrior would fare against his outnumbered adversaries. The way Berserker effortlessly showcased his lightning-fast agility and raw strength left little doubt in my mind that a swift and decisive outcome was all but inevitable.

Hey guys! So if you are all wondering why I am doing timeskips so frequently, and such large ones is that this season is sort of a extened prologue for Yang. Basically I want to make this 50 chapters or less, so we can get into the actual main series as I know alot of you want to get to that part. So I am trying to get there as quickly as I can without sacrificing Yang's development. I didn't want to make a bland character. So after this next Mini-Arc I am hoping to actually end season 0 and start Season 1. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed! Also, for those wondering, in the series proper we never get an actual timeline for Berserker in terms of his backstory, so I am making some things up for the story.

Mightiest_Disciplecreators' thoughts
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