
What's wrong with you

At the dinner table,

"I must say Mrs. Chung,you make very tasty stake",

Mr. Joseph complimented as he put the forkful of stake in his mouth,

"Well,thank you...i have a few recipes off my sleeve ",Mrs. Hellen boasted ,feeling high because of that one compliment,

"Mama makes the best cakes and pies too! you should taste and see for yourself!", Martha added to have rest of the family members nod in agreement,

"Oh stop,enough with the praises....though i must say, she's not wrong",said Mrs. Hellen,this had Kylie roll her eyes,her

aunt was at it again,always bragging about her skills and bla!!

"Mm,i will definitely have to try them,from what am hearing,it seems to be mouthwatering delicious!",Joseph uttered and everyone laughed except for Kylie whose mind was else where.

Later,the girls went off to bed and Mr. Joseph was arranged to sleep in the guest room.


Kylie sat on the bed ,still perplexed by the whole situation of reporting after the other members,

she didn't know how things would be once arrived there but she had a bad feeling about it.

Now arriving on the third day! she didn't want to break any rules,least of all be the focus of attention,she hated being on the spotlight,yes! she might have been popular for being the jack of all trades in sports back then in high school,where her name was the daily talk of the school,her great performances but she wasn't that type that craved for attention,she preferred to keep her personal life on the low.

"Troubled?", asked Martha from the left side of Kylie,

Kylie didn't respond but that doesn't me she couldn't see her sister's reflection from her corner eye who stayed in place staring at her,

She sighed deep before turning to face Martha,

" Am worried", she uttered,

" Why?",Martha asked with concern,

" I don't want to report late!", Kylie then shook her body like a troubled little child complaining to her mum,

" Is that why..... hey,you shouldn't worry about that,be grateful at least you have more time to heal and arriving late,it shouldn't be a problem,they will surely understand.....Kylie you didn't plan for this accident to happen,that's why it's called an accident,you didn't know,okay my Rattle bun bun?",

Kylie was taken aback by the nickname,her eyes wide with surprise,

" Your what?!"

"Rattle bun bun! see since you gave me spoilt Chum chum, i had to get you one too!!",

" .....come here! you...", Kylie embraced her sister

with all the love,

" Am going to miss you so much!",she muttered,

"Mmmh.....me too.....but we still time together,why not use this time.....",

Kylie waited to hear the rest of the words, which didn't come,

" For what?", she asked curiously,

" To continue from where we started!....about your boyfriend!", Martha said,excitement evident in her voice,

" Oh i see, so you're taking advantage of my state ,huh!

smart girl...

So where did i stop at?",

"Him being the most popular guy, bla bla blaa....that stuff",Martha then adjusted the pillow as if getting ready for a bed time story.

"Okay, here we go...

Like i said our first encounter wasn't that appropriate as one would say....look,am going to use my name in the story to make it easier", Kylie noted and Martha nodded her heard in agreement.

"Kylie joined Diava High School for her final two years in high schol,she was a simple selfless girl,quiet person and may be shy too.

Her days were amazing and the ones she will live to treasure,

joining a school for the first and being a new student,

let's say things weren't that smooth in the beginning,

she had to make friends and with this came challenges for it involved trust ,loyalty and all.

Another factor was to find what she was good at in terms of club activities,she wanted to try sports,she always had big dreams of winning trophies and medals and she wouldn't leave high school without bagging at least one trophy.

Kylie started off with cheerleading,it wasn't easy in the beginning but with practice she got the hang of it,being the competitive type,she wanted the at most position,she trained harder,even when the members were given time to rest,she used that time.

Within a month she was promoted to leadership roll,

this was a golden opportunity but also came with its' effects,former leader Halsey, wasn't happy about a random nude taking her position,Halsey was the meanest girl in school but also popular for looks and her good work through out her years in the school,she had a peer of mean friends,every where she went the followed like her minions and together the brought destruction every where they stepped, students bowed before them ,giving the at most respect.

Halsey envied Kylie ,since she joined the cheerleading squad,all the attention was taken away from her,every one was now praising Kylie,

" Argh! that bitch!! i'll show who's queen,you'll regret you joined the club",she growled devishly,

" So what are you planning Elsie?", asked one of the peer members,

" Don't worry, i have just the perfect plan", she said


Within a week,the mean girls group spread nasty stuff about Kylie to other students especially,saying she was lesbian and that she loved girls and other nasty stuff about her,they even posted a forged photo of Kylie making out with a fellow girl.

That day Kylie came to school late coz of the problems back at home,

arriving,every body was giving her the 'disgusting' look,

she didn't understand at all why but she didn't let it get to her.

Reaching class,she could see different students,some not from her class gathered in groups gossiping,

still not getting what was happening,she sat on her seat,the moment she sat,all the boys around dashed away from where she where she was seated.

Now Kylie was troubled,she didn't like the look they were giving her,

opening her book,she tried to concetrate and ignore them,suddenly a girl came and sat next to her,she ignored the girl,the girl then hit the table with a loud bang,

Kylie was taken aback by the sudden action,she looked at the girl wide eyed,

The girl had a smirk on her face like what she did was nothing yet,she afterwards grabbed Kylie's hair hashfully and pulled it backwards,

Kylie groaned in pain,

"Don't tell me you don't like it!",the girl uttered mischievously,

"Come on, don't be shy now darling,it's normal to feel that way,truth be told...i feel that way too", the girl whispered the last words in Kylie's ear and emphasized the 'darling' part,

Kylie on ther hand was in pain,she had never known what it felt like to have your hair pulled,

she was infuriated and now the words that this fool was spitting out,she felt like plucking out her eyes,

she gathered all the strength within her and pushed the girl away, "What's wrong with you?! are you insane?!", she exclaimed and stood up from her seat.

Now every one had gathered,some outside their class windows,"And what nonsense are you talking about?!",

Kylie demanded,

"So you can finally talk,why were you acting like a log back there?...any whoo,i didn't came to fight, darling", the girl uttered emphasizing the darling part again!

this had the others in the room laugh,

the girl then stepped closer to Kylie,"Isn't it obvious,i want you, honey",she said as she caught some strands of Kylie's hair,

Kylie looked the girl from head to toe,

the girl had black short cut hair ,black eye shadow and pins on the nose like a bull dog,for the clothes; she wore a black baggy t-shirt,and black large pants, basically she was dressed like a boy and that would make her gay.....thought Kylie,

"You.want.me....why? do i owe you any money?.... not that i can remember borrowing any,so.....", Kylie tried to be at her bravest,she didn't want any misunderstandings with any one,

"I wish you did, that way i would get a reason to see you everyday, darling", uttered the girl as she stepped closer to Kylie,

" Stop playing games! what do you want?!"Kylie shoved her hand away from her hair and pushed the girl to create distance between them, she didn't like this at all,

" You", uttered the girl as if she was heart broken by Kylie's sudden action,

"I don't even know you!....and you want me, for what!

if it's what your thinking, sorry to rain on your parade but am straight!",the moment Kylie uttered these last words,every body present in room burst into laughter,

"Oh baby,you still don't get it,do you? like i said before,there is no reason to be shy about it",the girl said gently as she moved towards Kylie,

" Shy about what?!...i already said i don't know you!....

infact,what's your name?",Kylie asked but the girl didn't reply,

she just kept moving closer,

"I asked, what's you name?",she asked again

"Mm?",the girl hummed in question while she running her fingers through Kylie's hair,

" Answer the question, don't come any closer!", Kylie said as she tried to push the girl but she was too persistant,

"What's your name?! don't come closer, what's wrong with you, girls don't kiss! just answer the question",she said getting irritated by this girl infront of her,with the zero distance between them and their faces so close,she felt very uncomfortable.

" Lizzy, what's yours?", the girl finally spoke,

" Kylie, now give me some space!", she exclaimed feeling agitated,thankfully Lizzy finally backed off giving her some breathing space,

"So, what's it gonna be,darling?",

'I thought we were done with this nonsense!'

Kylie was frustrated with the entire situation,she didn't understand why everyone was acting different towards her all of a sudden and why this idiot! was still bothering her even after she said she was straight,

"Didn't your hear what just told you?!", she asked but the girl just stared at her blankly,

" Well let me make this clear,i hold no desire towards girls and will never have! i don't know what you heard or what you were told but as for me,my words remain- I.am.straight!!!!", Kylie spat out and she then turned to arrange her books on the table desk when the girl suddenly yanked her from behind,feeling displeased with what she just said.

Kylie stumbled because of the force used and due to panic that she might fall,she unknowingly got hold of whatever her hands could find,with her eyes closed,she held tightly onto her life saving support.

Seconds passed by and suddenly the class was filled with loud cheering and hand claps,Kylie who had no idea on what people were excited about slowly opened her eyes,only to see her face was buried in someone's neck,her hands clasped around the person's neck,she could feel her nose tip touching the skin,she breathed in the scent,it was feminine.....

' Wait! is this who i think it is?!...what the hell am i doing?!.... Kylie you fool! pull away now!!!!!'

And in that instant, Kylie pulled away,slightly embarrassed at what she did but she didn't let it show,instead "What's wrong with you?!" she resorted,

On the otherhand, Lizzy was still in a trance trying to recover from what just happened moments ago...

When Kylie hugged her,she didn't expect to feel the way she did,i mean she has come across countless girlfriends and embraced many of them but none has ever made her body react like this,she felt a sudden warmth engulfed her body the moment this girl hugged her and the way she breathed out as the air crashed against her skin,Lizzy felt a tingling sensation,

she felt the urge to get hold of her thus she placed both her hands on Kylie's waist that had everyone around burst out in excitement, of course she knew the reason why.....

The question Kylie asked was just enough to knock her out of her frozen mode,a mischievious smirk formed across her lips,she then opened her mouth,

"What's wrong with me?....no,what's wrong with you? you are the one who hugged me", she said in a sarcastic way,

Kylie furrowed her brows and a deep frown formed on her face,"Well,you're the one who pulled me!",she exclaimed and Lizzy put her hand on her chest indicating how shocked she was,"Oh,i did?...I am so sorry,darling", she emphasized.

This made Kylie's veins pop,how many times do i have to.....!!!!

"Stop calling me that!! am not your anything!!", she grumbled,

"So, you don't like it,DARLING?", this time she long emphasized the 'darling'

This stupid girl !!!!....

"How many times do i have to warn you,you pig?! if i slap you!!",Kylie said as she pointed her finger at the girl,she angry and tired,she couldn't take it anymore,

"Hey chill,what's with the hot temper? all i wanted was for you to accept me",uttered Lizzy,

"As who?...i think i already told you and am tired of repeating myself!",Kylie stated,

"Yeah i heard you but.....judging from what i saw,it shows the exact opposite of what you telling me and don't get me wrong here darling,i just broke up with my ex and i was hoping we could,you know... catch some cruise ", Lizzy uttered firmly,

With what was spilled out,Kylie didn't even mind that the girl used the forbidden word that she interjected a minute ago, instead her mind was focused on the first part of the statement,

'Judging from what i saw'.....what is she talking about?

judging fr....

"What are you talking about? what did you see?", she asked very curious,may be this was the cause of all the bad eyeing and bad mouthing being fired at her,

Just as the girl was about to fill in the gaps,the teacher interrupted,"Morning class, can i have all of you taking your seats",

At that time,the students who had gathered outside were no where to be seen, everyone took their seats except for Lizzy who remained standing,she made her way to the front and whispered something in the teacher's ear, Mrs. Janette which caused the woman to smile,

she afterwards gave an envelope to the teacher and made her way out the classroom.

This action had Kylie knit her brows,

'What did she tell Mrs. Jane? is it concerning me?!....

that ringed pig!!', Kylie battled within herself,first of all,

she didn't know this girl and the way she was acting so familiar with her, she didn't like it.

Kylie took the first ten minutes of the lesson clearing her mind,with all that just happened,she needed to calm herself,

When she was sure that her mind was steady and on set,she kicked off with the lesson.