
His to ruin

"stand up",he says in a deep voice staring at her timid figure . she was shivering due to his previous outburst , thinking he may hurt her again.Still sitting at the same spot against the wall crying silently. "stand the fuck up !!",he growls in a dangerous manner . She immediately stand with slumped shoulders not daring to look in his bloodshot eyes. He menacingly looking at her wet clothes that are working like a second skin gritted his teeth. "strip!!"voice reverberated in the room that run chills down her spine.

rabia_Akhter · Adolescente
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5 Chs

True fury

Amna pov

Tossing and turning on my bed I was trying to sleep for the past two hours but it seems like that pervert has taken my sleep. The way he is boring holes in me feels like he will take my breath and how dare he orders me. I will tell Bhai about him if he does it again. 

Hooriya pov

My phone beeps once.

Sitting on my study table I was making notes I didn't bother to take a look at whose msg is this as I very well know who it will be.

After completing my notes I took my phone and went to bed. I look at the same message but from another number as I had blocked the previous numbers.

" Baby you think I'm playing some game. Do not mistake me for my mask. You are mine and I swear if you run counter to my desire ill do worse with you and your father. So think wisely meet me at xy cafe after your college tomorrow. I'll be waiting. Love you. "

Putting my phone on the side table. I take a turn on my bed facing the window gazing at the stars

Ya Allah please help me. This sick will suck me.

Hooriya walked into the class and took her seat. Amna was nowhere in sight. But a few minutes later Amna strolled in looking at her she immediately scurried to her side. She greets Hooriya politely and sits beside her.

Amna pov

Today I have made up my mind to ask Hooriya about her unusual behavior. I went to class and look here and there. She was sitting in 3rd row I walked towards her and say salam. She greeted me too but didn't say anything else.

Me being me. I sit beside her.

It was a 3rd lecture but she did not say one word to me. I was getting pissed at her behavior. At last, I asked her

"What happened hooriya".

She looks at me feigning confusion "W-what? "

"you are ignoring me, if I had done something wrong then tell me please "

"N-no nothing like that. I don't know why you are feeling like this. " she stuttered.

"Hooriya!!  You don't know how to lie. So please stop it. And tell me what's going on in your mind related to me. " Amna says.

Hooriya took a deep breath and says " Our friendship is not meant to be. We had different backgrounds... " She did not tell her that his brother point a gun at her dad.

Amna stops her in the middle  'Hooriya how can you think like this? We become good buddies in a day and you are placing this social wall between us. If this is the reason to end our friendship then I am not letting you go. I'll stick with you like a plaque. And you dare to snub me again. "

Hooriya smile at her and nodded.

It was the last lecture hooriya phone beep. She put it on vibration mode and ignore it.

Amna sitting beside her continuously felt vibrations from her phone and then a phone call

"Hooriya, it might be an important call" Amna whispered in her ear.

Hooriya unlock her phone and see the call and  text messages from the same number

"Im waiting baby. Do not make me upset today. Else you know the consequences. "

She irritatingly put her phone in a bag

"Who is it? " says Amna

"Ah... My school friend is waiting for me in the cafe. I have to go there."

Hooriya hugs her before leaving and rushes to the cafe.

The cafe was near to University she was reciting prayers on her way.

"Ya Allah please protect me and give me strength."

She entered the cafe.  One table is occupied with a bunch of guys and on the other table there is the man in black tees and jeans looking down.

I know he is the one  "the black soul".

I walked to him hurriedly and tap on the table. He looks at me up and down with lusty eyes that I want the ground to open up and cover me.

" Please sit baby girl". He says in a husky tone and I fume at his choice of words

"listen to me one last time. I'm and was never interested in you.  It is better if you understand this otherwise I'll take legal action against you and this is my last warning. "I point my finger to him I don't know where did I get this much bravery. I know only one thing I can't let him take advantage of my circumstances.

He was looking at my finger which is pointing at him without blinking his eyes.

I instantly regretted pointing my finger. I know it might have hurt his ego. I was analyzing the situation but within an eye blink

He pushed me to the wall and grip my neck 

"You think I'm your crazy lover? Huhn. I like you since the college days. And you think of me like crap. Listen to me you are mine. "

Saying this he tried to come closer. His lips were about to touch mine when suddenly a shot was heard


and my face got covered in blood.

I was so appalled at that instant that I couldn't comprehend what is going on.  But before the darkness consumed me a pair of hands held me and all I could see in his eyes was pure rage.