


/"we have a problem/" Ade said as soon as i walked into the house this morning after meeting with George for some more training.

We were working on getting all the licenses for the bar as weve pretty much sorted out the venue.

/"What now/" i said removing my jumper.

/" i just got alerted that some journalist saw Zach the other day and now she is planning to go public about it/"


/"She can't do that/" i exclaimed already knowing that this really was a problem. We couldn't let this happen.

/" yeah i know, Braden is trying to set up a meeting with her because Zach could be in real trouble if this gets out/" ade explains to me.

I breathed in and out deeply.

/" Well we might be in luck, she was pretty open to meeting with us. She is coming over right now/" Braden said walking into the lounge.

I guess we just had to wait.