
A Slap To The CEO

[At Ocean University- award distribution ceremony]

"It's such a pain to keep you company, Xuan!" a curly-haired man grumbled. "You get all the attention while we...." He sighed as he looked around. Almost every male and female student had their eyes on Li Xuan.

Li Xuan was sitting lazily on the chair, enjoying all the attention. When he heard his friend complaining, he lazily ran a finger through his slicked black hair and turned his equally black eyes toward his friend, all this while his signature smirk never left his lips.

Li Xuan has graduated from the very same University 'Ocean University'.

Now that he had accomplished all the success, the university's directors decided to call him as chief guest for the award distribution ceremony of this year's graduate student. So that they could seek inspiration from Li Xuan.

Before Li Xuan could speak anything his another friend butted in "Apparently there is one girl who doesn't find our Xuan that fascinating."

Li Xuan raised his eyebrow as if to Saying 'There is?'

"You see over there.." Li Xuan's friend pointed his finger and the rest followed his finger with their eyes "Yes, that British girl with blue eyes." He said, "That girl hasn't glanced at you even for once."

The one about whom they were talking was none other than Lucy Carl.

Lucy was just an average student thus, naturally, she was not going to be awarded but she was enjoying the event and cheering for her friends.

Li Xuan glanced at the girl. She had pair of blue eyes and waist-length honey brown hair. She had a huge smile on her face as she was cheering for her friends.

Such a charity case she was!

"It's good that she is not ogling at me, I don't want the attention of a charity human." Li Xuan said. arrogance was evident in his tone.

His friend smirked "You don't want or you can't get? Just so you know, Charity cases like hers are almost impossible to get charmed." a few seconds later he added, "They tend to stay in their boundary."

"You know you are challenging me, don't you?" Li Xuan asked his friend, and his friend just shrugged as he gave Li Xuan a daring look.

Well since it's a challenge, You are a lucky girl that I myself is going to take the initiative. He thought.

He stood up from his chair, moved in her direction. His friends were giving him encouraging looks and thumbs-ups.

The award ceremony was still ongoing but Lucy's friends had gotten their awards. Thus, for Lucy, the event had came to an end. And now she was all set to go home.

Just then she sensed someone's presence which was getting closer and closer with each passing second.

"Hey beautiful," She heard someone whispering in a husky voice, next to her ear. It was a male voice and the owner of this voice was leaning a little too close for her comfort.

Her mannerism didn't allow her to snap at his closeness thus, she calmly turned and said in her British accent "Yes, may I help you?"

Help? and this average student? how foolish! He, The GReat business tycoon, The CEO of 'Origin Incorporation' doesn't need anyone's help and more or less this charity case's!

"No. It's me who is going to help you." He said arrogantly.

Lucy seemed to be confused "My apology, I don't think I got what you mean to say."

He sneered as he thought she was acting all clueless and naive.

"Don't be shy," he said as he took her hand in his own "Isn't every girl's dream is to be in my good graces? today is your lucky day, you have got my all the attention!"

Lucy, as per instinct, jerked her hand back "I think, I think you have got the wrong person."

He was angered! The girl jerked back her hand! "What is wrong and what is right? everything I say and do is always right. So, let's cut the chase, name your price for the night."

Lucy's breathing was getting heavy, One of the sign that she was on verge of losing her temper "Sir, go and bestow your good graces and attention on those who actually need it. I am fine as I am, thank you."

She threw her backpack on her shoulder and turned to leave.


His arrogance was not ready to take a no for an answer. He grabbed her by the shoulders and roughly turned her toward him "Are you rejecting me?! do you know who I am?"

Of course, she knew who he was. Being a social person, it was not hard to stay updated about rumours and realities.

She admired his accomplishments but she never felt inspired by him. Because he was not good as a human.

He was one of those self-centered people who considered themselves as the Emperor while the rest of the individuals were not even worthy to be his pawn.

She calmly freed herself from him and said in an equally calm voice "Certainly, You are the honourable chief guest here. So kindly respect the honour you are given."

Her calm demeanour had started to annoy him. wasn't she supposed to get excited by the offer he gave her? What's with her playing hard to get!?

There's no way he's going to lose face in front of his friends. No girl was left who was not charmed with him and this charity case wasn't going be an exception!

He attempted to grab her hand again but she crossed her hands on her back. Just like a well-trained soldier.

He sighed,

And took a step toward her, cupped her face with his palms and pressed his lips forcefully on hers.

Before he could deepen the kiss she pushed him away with all her might.


And what welcomed him was a tight landing of her slap. Her five fingers were imprinted on his left side of cheek.

pin-drop silence!

Those who were earlier watching and whispering about the drama being unfolded were now silent as if they had no vocabulary at all.

"Don't consider my mannerism as my weakness, Mr. who-ever-you-are!" And this time there was no hint of calmness in her voice, instead, there was a dangerous rage which would make anyone shudder in fear.

She closed her eyes in an attempt to calm down "You are invited here as the chief guest. But judging by your ill-mannered and cheap behaviour, You are not even worthy to be a normal guest at all."


"Sir, our team has spotted the lady at the international airport of our country 'C'."

Li Xuan was snapped out of the memory from six years ago.

He screwed everything!

If only he could go back to the time and undo his deeds.

He never thought the lady whom he wanted to get rid of will be occupying his heart and mind all the time.

He missed her when he was at work, when he was eating, when he was sleeping, when he was jogging, When he was in a traffic jam. hell, he missed her all the moment!

But she was gone from his life and only he was to blame. Will he ever find her again? it's already been six years.


"What did you just say?!" Li Xuan impatiently asked his secretary, Yang Yun

Hi! The author here,

Welcome to the story of Li Xuan and Lucy Carl.

Let's enjoy their journey as they grow as a human.

Feel free to point out my mistakes as constructive criticisms are welcomed here.

See you in next chapter,. until then bye-bye and Happy Reading!

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