
Chapter 1:His Rejection

I get up on a very early morning and I know nobody is up yet. I decide to take a shower a few minutes after I'm in the warm water the cold water makes me jump.

Seems somebody woke me up early just to mess with me. I turn the water off and change into my clothes for the day.

I wore a pair of Sweat pants and a big and fat black hoodie, I didn't have anything really nice. I walk down the stairs and make breakfast.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I am Kristen Matthews and today.... Wait.... Wait... is my 16th BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Today I find my mate and shift. So exciting!!!!

I have long black hair and Navy blue eyes. I have a bit of a tan that I really like. I am 5'8 and a half. Everyone thinks that I'm not supposed to be this tall I think it's fine.

As I finish making breakfast I put hot plates at everyone's spots and they start filing down the stairs to the dining table. Nobody ever bothers to say thank you. Danny my older brother who hasn't gotten a mate spills coffee on the floor and I rush to clean it up and get him another glass of it.

Let me just say I'm the Pack Omega considering I was the Beta's daughter (My father) but that was what was chosen for me. And for that matter my brother is a Beta.

Haha funny thing is I don't get treated like a pack member my life is a living Hell. I get abused and judged. Whenever the pack gets angry or frustrated guess who they come to??? Me that's who, and no not for advice for personal uses like hitting kicking.

Ya it's pretty bad. Every time they find new ways to hurt me not just physically like emotionally and mentally too. I guess it's just the life I have to live in.

While I was doing the chores I smelling Marshmallow and Woods I followed the sent it was the Alphas sent. Roy Weston.

I quietly whispered 'Mate' and he turned with a smile and joyful look but when he saw it was me his face turned to a scowl and anger rose inside of him.

"How could you be my mate you can't be. I could never like a thing like you. Your not fit to be a Luna nor my mate." With that said he abused me much worse than the rest of the Pack did and left me lying on the floor in puddle of blood.

I cleaned it up and felt a sharp pain in my back at first I thought I was shifting but I looked and there was a pink high heel stabbing into my back. It was Megan the Pack slut. She pushed me down and I felt dripping across my back. She walked away cackling with her clones behind her.

I decided that was the last straw I was in this place for way to long and now I have had it.