
His Addiction- For Eternity

Alicia made a bad impression the first time they met and the second time they were both drugged and had a wild night together Two days after he threw a contract to her face " this marriage has been agreed on by our families, I'll take responsibility for you" he said with a righteous face " Two faced bastard" she gritted her teeth, it was obviously a plan that was accepted by him. If not who could force Luca Gray to do something he doesn't want to " I'll never be yours" she vowed But at the end she not only became his wife but ran away with his seed. ____________________________ After 2 years she came back with a beautiful baby girl " I want my daddy" this was the first complete word she said She couldn't believe her ears.....,.. " You heard our girl, she wants you to marry her daddy again" the shameless father said with righteousness she hated the most.

adeola_eniola · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 3 (Mutual Agreement)

" let's just put it to the point that we are not a good match". She said calmly while Luca stared at her

He unfolded his arms and smoothly stood up.

" Nice to meet you Miss Knight" he answered with a small smile and walked out without another word.

This made her speechless again, he has succeeded in surprising over and over again.

Dialing a number on her phone " what do I do aunt, the guy doesn't seem to like me " she spoke with a pou as she picked up her bag and went into the restaurant's bathroom.

Moments later, a young beautiful lady came out her face was as clean as spring, her wavy blonde hair was smooth and long it went past a waist as it shimmers she had on a long black dress with red heels. As she clink on her heels she garnered attention that got awes from people the waitress who served her stared at her with gaping mouth and eyes full of admiration.

She smirked knowing the fill effects her beauty had on them .

Her big black bag was on her shoulder and a disposable bag on the other hand, which she dropped into the trash can at the entrance.

She walked out and crossed the street to a black Ferrari, she unlocked the car and dropped her bag on the passenger seat and walked to the driver side and drove off In a rush.

AT the same time, Luca was in the already in a board meeting. It was a spacious room with a wide table at the center, there was an eery silence.

The only sound was the flipping of papers by Luca, this stopped when he raised his head in heightened anger and stared at the shaking man standing few metres away from him. " You're fired " he said in a firm tone before standing up and walked out.

The man stared at the empty seat in daze before crumbling to the floor, others present looked at him with pity but didn't dare to utter a word of comfort in fair of the CEO's P.A that was still rounding up.

" This meeting will be held again in 2 days, by then I hope no one gets fired. He said as he directed his gaze to the man still crumbled on the floor " escort Mr Smith out of the premises" .

" Ow aunt stop " Alicia muttered as her aunt hit her on the bag " YOU WANT TO REMAIN A SPINSTER FOR LIFE?... GO AHEAD AND WORK YOURSELF TO DEATH "

After saying her piece she stormed off angrily, Alicia pouted before going back to her room, her aunt was right about one thing. She was truly a workaholic.


Days went on without any blind date for Alicia, she has succeeded in pissing off her aunt totally. And now she would leave her alone for a while.

She smirked in victory, Alicia has lived with her Aunt since her parents died and slowly together they got to where they were with the leftovers from her parents properties and her hardworking Aunt.

Her Aunt Maya has once been married but got divorced when she found out her womb couldn't hold a child and her husband got a child with a mistress.

Alicia was alighting from her Ferrari, she was wearing a white trousers and black top with brown boot heel she had on her a small brown bag and a dark glass. She succeeded in passing off a bad girl aura.

As she entered the house which was what you would describe as a small white mansion.

She saw her aunt seated and receiving a call.

" Don't worry I'll settle everything on my own side old madam Gr..." She stopped short when she noticed Isabella and calmly ended the call.

45 years old Maya scanned her niece from head to toe with disdain " is this the proper way to dress to work? ...I wouldn't be surprised if you get fired" she said with a sneer

She has been throwing snide remarks at her ever since her last blind date.

Isabella rolled her eyes and decided to ignore her " come seat here, I have something to discuss with you" Maya grunted as she spoke in a low tone to her niece.

" You know the old madam of the " spring ops" company , she wants to celebrate her birthday and I'm in charge of planning her event " Isabella raised her brow, her aunt was an event planner for a big company and just recently retired and worked freelance. She was obviously well known in the field because even after resigning she still get to work for various big people but why was she telling her about this. Isabelle wondered.

" Okay..... So? " She asked questioningly

Her aunt gritted her teeth in anger " so you'll be assisting me with organizing and making sure everything is in order" That was feasible, even though she was a jewelry expert. She was also pretty talented in event planning and worked as an assistant for her aunt right from high school but now she only does it when she wasn't busy at work.

Her work in " blue pyramids" does not require her to work everyday, so she gets the chance to get off work early or not go at all as long as she wasn't consulted on a project or particular piece of jewelry.

She flipped through the plan her aunt gave her and then rubbed her forehead with a frustrated sigh " Aunt isn't it this woman's grandson I went on a date with a week ago?".....

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