
Chapter seven : Unexpected choice


I imagine that Jack is here in front of me,

I spread my legs and put some fingers inside of me. So much juice is coming out.

I feel so hot, I need him right now.

I look for something big enough and put it inside.

I found something, I put it in and out.

" Yes, Jack.... more..."

I feel needier, that shampoo bottle isn't enough. I need Jack's dick, his a big dick.

" Hmmm"

That's when my door opens.

I see Jack coming in.

Is smell is mesmerizing?

" Jack... I want you!"

" Are you sure princess? You are in mating heat and if I take you there is no taking back."

" I know but I'm like that because of you. The one I want is you, Jack. I love you."

When I hear myself say that, I blush.

And I can see the happiness on his face.

He takes off his clothes.

I hid my face behind my hands.

He comes on the top of me.

He took my hands.

" Baby look at me."

I open my eyes and he kisses me. A long and tender kiss. I feel the love in that kiss.

I go down and spread my legs.

And touch my hole.

" Hmm, so much juice is coming out Princess.

All for me, only me. But I need to prepare you more because that much juice isn't enough for my dick. Look how big it is, only for you Princess."

I look at his dick, It's so much bigger than what I saw last time.

Then he leans and licks my hole vigorously.

" Hmmm... Ahhh, Jack."

He even turns me around to lick me more.

But I can't stop thinking about his dick.

I feel his tip near my entrance.

" Wait, Jack!"

He looks at me with surprise.

" Can I prepare you too? Can I lick it?"

He smiles at me then, shows me his dick.

I took it in my hands.

" Hmmm so big."

Then I put it in my mouth and start to lick it.

I can see that he likes it.

I love sucking him.

I keep on sucking him until he cums.

Even his sperm taste so good.

That's when he lays me on the stomach and put himself on the top of me.

" I can knot you better like this."

Knot..... I blush when I think about it.

My mom told me how it works.

When an omega goes on his matting, the alpha put his dick inside and it seems after a little time, his dick is stuck inside the omega. So that the Alpha keeps on leaking sperm into the omega womb. Then a knot if formed for a short time during the leaking.

At the same time, Jack keeps on grinding in my hole. Then he stops, I feel an enormous wave of orgasm and feels liquid inside me. There it is the knot.

Some minutes later I feel his dick loosen, then he bites me on the neck. Strangely I feel so much pleasure by that.

It's the mating mark. I feel happy that I got his mark.

And I fell asleep like that.

Even if we mated, I was still on the heat for 3 days.

Jack and I stayed inside the room.

I don't even remember how many time we did it.

But now I feel calmer.

I touch my skin where he bit me.

I feel aroused when I remember what happened.

Jack was gone during the night. Because he needed to take care of some matters.

I decide to sleep some more, I used so much energy.



It's already been 5 days since I mated him.

And today is the celebration of our mating.

I invited many pack leader and I didn't forget the guy who has been trying to snatch my princess.

Even though he's the Royal pack's Prince, he can't defy me, now that I mated him.

And also being in the Rogue Pack doesn't make me a bad guy. It's been a long time that we stopped our bad doings and we even did a treaty with other packs. We are almost a normal pack now.

I sense Winwin coming in tiptoe and I smile to myself.

He hugs me.

" Who is hugging me?" I ask as if I didn't know.

" It's me silly." he giggles.

It makes me remember Mary.

I promised to myself that I should forget her.

Now Winwin is my princess.

" You are thinking about her right?"


" Who?" I ask him dumbfounded.

" Mary....."

I look at him surprised.

" I know about her. You said her name many times in your sleep. And I dreamed about her too. Also, I remember all of her memories."

" Do you?"

" Yes, I feel as if I have a bond with her. In my every dream I am her. You were in my dreams too. You guys were so happy together. That's why I want to say this. I am her, she is me. You don't have to forget her. You just have to love us equally."

When I hear this I feel proud of him and I hug him tightly.

He starts to cry.

" Why are you crying?"

" I remembered my parents?"

" Oh! We can see them later if you want. I ended them to a friendly pack."

" What? really? I thought they died."

I grin at him.

" I was a secret. By the way, the party is tomorrow, I invited all Packs without exception."

" Even Taeyong?...."

" Yes. When I sensed the invitation, his men stopped their infiltration. Instead, they will come as a guest. But you should know something.

Tomorrow there will be a trial for us. They will ask to see your mark, show it to everyone, I can't be at your side the whole time. They will ask in time questions about our mating, don't be embarrassed and answer them. Some will be on our side and some will be against us. They could say that this mating should be cancelled. They could even say that I raped you without your consent. They could try to separate us. I could be put in prison too...."

I see him become serious and sad at the same time. And he starts to cry.

" Jack, I'm scared, I don't want to be parted from you."

" I know baby. That's why I want you to be strong and to answer them because It's a situation where my words will not be listened to.

" Hmmm okay....."

Here Is chapter 7!!!

Hope you guys enjoys it.

Next chapter will be the last of volume 1.

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