
Highschool AxL: Holy lion

Meet Daniele Berti, a reincarnated person,At least he learned that when he turned 5 But unfortunately the world he is in is more dangerous than he thinks.

Goksumr · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Fighting the Vermillion bird and revealing its trump card

Third person pov

A dark brown haired boy sleeping in the room slowly opened his golden eyes



Looking around, he examined the room and then examined his own body.



There were no wounds and he was...naked?? 



Daniele quickly woke up from his stupor and started wearing spare clothes from the space storage. 



He immediately wore black shorts with boxers underneath,He wore a black T-shirt  on top, and as soon as he changed his clothes, he was startled when the door suddenly opened. 



The people who opened the door were looking at him with surprise.



Tobio, Sae, Lavinia, Shigune, Regulus were there and someone else he doesn't know 



Tobio, Natsume and Shigune also had their Sacred Gears.  



"Aaaaaa, good morning?"






Lavinia was the first to wake up from the situation and ran forward and buried Daniele in her chest. 






Daniele waved his hands up and down and tried to get free, but it was in vain, he was suffocating in heaven.   



"I think you should leave him, Lavinia, otherwise he will fall into a coma again."



In response to the voice, Lavinia finally released Daniele. 



"Finally get some air"



Daniele said while taking deep breaths.



Daniele looked at the man who said this 



 He was a man in his twenties with black hair, golden bangs and a goatee. 



"This seems like our first meeting face to face. Nice to meet you again, the lion king of this generation, I am the Governor General, Azazel."



After he said the last part, 12 jet black wings appeared on his back. 



Daniele pov

Vali, described Azazel's wings as "never-ending black" and he was not wrong, I felt like I was being drained in just by looking at them.



I looked at Azazel when I heard giggling 



"You can admire my wings later brat, but first, how are your wounds completely healed, they were made by the holy Flames of Longinus, so there should have been at least a scar left?"



Azazel drew in his wings and spoke 



"Was it that bad?"



"You can't even guess but—"



Azazel reached out his hand in front of me and opened a magic circle, and the magic circle destroyed the clothes on me accompanied by light.



Come on dude!!! I just wore it 



"There is not even the slightest scar, I can't help but wonder. How did this happen?"



When Azazel said there were no wounds left, Lavinia in the back looked a little sad for some reason and Shigune breathed a sigh of relief....What the hell happened while I was sleeping?



"Well, I have no idea"



"Hmmm, so you, the Lion King, turned to Daniele's spirit to keep his mental state stable, after all."



"Oh, thanks partner"



[It doesn't matter kid, after all I can't let my partner die, and as for how you gets better,I have good news for you, your  guardian angel visited you while you were sleeping.]



"My guardian angel? Wait..RIEL!! So she healed me ."




I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart



[Yes, with naked hug]



"Yeah,naked h--NAKED HUG?!!!!!!"



The warmth in my heart is now on my face



"Wait, did I do something wrong?"



[How should I say this? It's not the right thing to fart when a beautiful woman is hugging you naked.]











"There is no point in living"



While my world was collapsing, I  was staring into abyss with my eyes 



[Pfft, hahaha it was a joke buddy calm down] 



"Is this a joke, you damn cat, it was going to hit my heart"



"Riel? Who is that?"



[An angel visiting the partner]




"Ohhhh, wait so an angel willingly slept with you naked!!!"



"Umm, Governor General Azazel, isn't healing through naked skin contact specific to devils?"



He came out of his daze when he heard Lavinia's question. 



"Actually, it is not like that, skin contact healing is the type of healing that devils do by transferring their demonic power to the bodies of others, Angels do the same thing by transferring their holy powers,After all, both races make magic by supporting their innate energy with their imagination.But they generally do not choose to do it.Because bad thoughts creates  and this causes them to fall"




Then he focused on me again and this time there was interest shining in his eyes. 





"So you are very lucky child, even though I don't know that angel, I can say that she cares about you completely, probably nothing else crossed her mind while she was healing you." 



"why are you looking like that"





"Boy, do you want to be my disciple, I can teach you how to impress a woman"





"what are you talking about"





"When she's an angel, you can't do sexual things with her, but if you turn her into an fallen angel with my training, you can do ecchi things with her, imagine, brat!!!" 




Upon his words, I couldn't help but imagine such a scene with Riel. 





Dream world




Riel was currently lying on the bed in her bathrobe, looking at me with open arms.




"Come on, Dany~~~~"





Real world 





Survey possible puberty ...but 





Suddenly I dreamed of another scene 




Dream world



Riel covered her eyes with her hands and was crying loudly, accompanied by a pair of black wings behind her and black feathers on the ground.



Real world

I quickly took out an exorcist gun from my space storage  and pointed it at Azazel. 



"Do not even think about it".    


I didn't even notice that my voice was cold.  



Azazel blinked a few times in surprise as he looked at me. 



"pffttt. You're really fun , aren't you kid?"



He started to mess up my hair with one hand. 



"Don't worry, I won't touch your *guardian angel*"




While grumbling, I took another t-shirt out of my  space storage  and put it on. 




"Well, if there's nothing else—"




[Actually there is something else, partner] 




After saying this, a black lion cub with golden eyes emerged from Regulus' shadow.



I looked first at Regulus and then at Jin next to Tobio. 




Lion -check ✓




Golden eyes - check ✓




Jet black fur - check ✓




Out of the shadows so shadow manipulation – check✓





"I don't know how but congratulations to you and Jin" 



[Not like that, idiot] He said as he hit my head with his  paw



"oww, so what"




[I told you that I had a bad feeling from Sae Toujou, so I went to investigate while you were sleeping]






Regulus pov



At this moment I was still looking at the angel hugging my partner, when she entered the room. She slowly stood up and her clothes appeared on her again. She gave my partner a kiss on the head before leaving. 



Heh, I was definitely going to make fun of it later



I left Dany's body accompanied by golden lights, since I am an independent avatar I could take myself out and I can move a certain distance away, of course not too much. 



I leave the room and head out to find Sae Toujou, I have to find out what's bothering me 



Although I cannot normally do this due to my very large form,  I can make the size even smaller , but at most the size of a normal lion. 



But I don't like it very much, I'm a Nemean Lion, not a normal lion



I could wait for Dany to wake up, but I didn't want to cause trouble for his as soon as he woke up.  



I left the room and followed the scent coming from another nearby room. When I approached the door, I opened it with one paw.



There were several machines inside that I assumed were checking Sae Toujou's status. Yes, the feeling of disgust from this girl seemed to increase even more.



Around the girl were Lavinia Reni, Shigune Nanadaru, Griffon's owner(Natsume), and a man with black hair and golden bangs.



"Regulus-san did Daniele-san wake up"



*The dog's*owner saw me coming and asked, I really don't like that thing, but I guess this one's owner isn't that bad.     



"Regulus's independent avatar form, can you get that far away from your owner anyway?"



"tsk, none of your business, damn black pigeon." 



True, I knew this guy thanks to previous users, he was the leader of Grigori, undoubtedly the weakest leader of the three groups in terms of power, but he was definitely not to be underestimated. ,It's really hard to predict what to do. Not to mention he now has the dog and four fiends added to his side




[Partner's condition has become mentally and spiritually stable, I came here to deal with my own matter, there is something about this girl that bothers me and I have to find out]




When I said the last part while looking at Sae Toujou, the dog immediately walked up to her and started growling at me. The surrounding shadows began to spread 




Hıh, like it's a big deal, I let my own golden aura flare up and begin to drown out the shadows 



While my golden aura and his shadow were colliding, Azazel suddenly came between us and released his own dark golden aura, suppressing both of ours.My strength basically depends on my partner's strength, even if I can  crush a middle class devil by myself according to devil calculation, I didn't have much of a chance against Azazel, who was maou-class, but of course I still wouldn't shy away from a fight.But Dany just got wounded and I didn't want to push has. I withdrew my strength with a "tsk" and that dog did the same. 




"You said there was something bothering you, can you elaborate a little more?"





[There's a smell coming from the girl that bothers me, as if someone took pieces of me and that dog and roughly mixed them in a mixer]  





"hmm maybe the cowardly lion"




Others reacted to his *cowardly lion*  words , especially when the dog's owner shook his hand tightly.





[what is that] especially the name disgusted me, a cowardly lion was nonsense   




Azazel then started to explain some things, apparently a product of the remnant of the organization that my partner and I went to before




They made a lion that manipulates shadows and breathes fire? 




And right now it's still attached to the girl, but Azazel's investigation is still ongoing to see if it's harmful or not.



[Generally I understand.....well then when do you plan to show up] 




I asked looking at Sae Toujou's shadow as my golden aura flared up once again, the dog was also ready to attack but Azazel blocked it and the others in the room.




As I increased my aura even more, the girl's shadow suddenly began to fluctuate and suddenly gushed upwards, taking the shape of a lion with golden eyes and black fur.He looked like he was twice my size and started growling at me, the surrounding shadows started heading towards me, heh, so he seems to have a bit of an instinct to attack the king directly. But




[Know your place, mongrel] My aura flared up more powerfully than in my fight with the dog and suppressed all the shadows, the artificial lion strained to stay standing but eventually gave in. I was known as the 'Lion king" for a reason, and I wasn't about to be defeated by a newborn kid, yes, this thing was just a kid.  Was I angry at those magicians for creating something like that, but they definitely knew what they were doing.




He was small in size and now he looks like a lion cub at most 




With sufficient training and close interaction with my aura .....The possibilities put a smile on my face, it would definitely help the kid.





[Azazel, I want to buy this thing, it shouldn't be much of a problem considering my partner's contributions throughout this fight]




Azazel reacted a little to my words and was about to say something when the dog's owner suddenly intervened.





"They was told that if its was forcibly removed from Sae it could harm her life, I will definitely not allow that!!!"





So he's worried about his wife, well that's not bad, I can respect that.






[Don't worry kid, this brat isn't a sacred gear, it's more like a parasite, forcing it out would hurt because it refuses to come out, but I'm sure it won't refuse, right] 




When I gently looked at the kitten-sized artificial lion , he sweated slightly and nodded his head urgently.



flashback end



[This is how it all happened] 



I looked blankly at Regulus, then turned to Tobio and Sae and apologized. 



"Don't worry, on the contrary, I'm glad that thing came out of Sae's body, I was really worried about her getting hurt."



"Tobio" Sae blushed slightly and hummed his name, and when Tobio looked at her, his face flushed and when the two of them joined their hands together, they created a rosy atmosphere.



Go get a room ,damn it!!!!



When I looked at the Cowardly Lion, I was thinking about what to do, then an idea came to my mind, first of all, I took out a book and clothes from my dimensional storage and put them on *again*



When I looked at the book, it was my birthday present from my mother, and it contained information about acquaintances and acquaintance agreements. My mother said that she would take me to pacted the first one, when I was 14, that is, a year later.



But I wasn't about to miss the opportunity 



"that book"



"is there a problem" 



I saw Azazel's strange eyes for a moment, but then he reassured me.So I continued with the name and turned until I found a particular page and there it was, the familiar pact spell formula. 



I re-read the instructions and it looks like I need to state my full name, I can do that later but....meh let's do it



"I want to make an familiar pact with you, is that a problem?"



The artificial lion looked into my eyes and then took a step forward 



I got my answer 



I started ıncantations the spell as a purple magic circle formed below us. 



<<I, Daniele Abe Berti, I request to establish a familiar pact with you ,A bond will be established between us and under your service, my will, way way, purpose purpose.>>




I missed Azazel and Lavinia's confused expressions when I said my other last name. 




With the approval of the Cowardly Lion, the pact was completed and the magic circle below us glowed the same golden color as his eyes and disappeared. Then he suddenly jumped up and jumped into my lap.




When his head rubbed against my body, I couldn't help but caress his head and mane, although not as soft as Regulus, it was quite soft. 



[İmmediately spoiled] 




<Heh are you jealous>




[Like I'm jealous of the newborn brat]




"So you come from that Beast Tamer family huh, now this independent avatar longinus makes an interesting combination with" Azazel seemed like he was talking to himself rather than telling me, so I asked




"Is the Abe family that famous?"




"Among human families, it is as famous as the Pendragon family, so yes, it can be said that it is quite famous." 




This time it was Lavinia who answered




I saw the Pendragon family in church classes, I knew the Abe family was famous but I didn't know how much, after all it was only mentioned a little in both the manga and LN,It's barely mentioned in the future, damn it, it didn't even appear in the anime. 




Just as I was about to continue asking, a slight tremor was felt. 




"what is this"




I questioned and at the moment of the shock Shigune hid behind me slightly, I said okay I will take responsibility but what am I, a human shield?




"Let's check" with Azazel's words we all went outside and other than the shaking, we started hearing sounds. We finally got out of the building 




At that moment something flew into the wall, was it Kouki? 




He was buried in the wall and there was a slight amount of blood at the corner of his mouth





When we finally looked at the sky, the sky was covered with black clouds and was there Dulio?




Dulio pov




When I finally reached the given address, I encountered a gangster-looking boy with a cat on his shoulder.





He looks the same age as me, that thing on his shoulder is probably Sacred Gear



"Where is Daniele?" My voice carried a coldness that I didn't even notice, and the sky behind me was covered in black clouds. 




"Heh, don't come out of nowhere and ask questions, pretty boy, introduce yourself first." 




Normally I would respect your wish, but right now there was a more important name, I had to find Daniele.... my brother. 




"You don't have time for this, I'll repeat, where is Daniele?"




"It's like I would say that to someone I don't even know who they are."



Suddenly, one of the tails of the cat on his shoulder wrapped around his arm and turned it into a spear, and the other one swung it at me like a whip.





Definitely Sacred Gear




I created a wind barrier to block the incoming tail whip. 



He saw that it wasn't working and tried to attack me with a spear. Lightning flashed around his hand, which had turned into a spear.




The lightning coming towards me froze and shattered but it didn't stop there, gangster's body was also completely covered in ice 




It was obvious that he was surprised when I saw his surprised face, but I didn't stop there.




I used the wind I gathered in my hand to hit him hard. The ice in his body shattered and he flew towards the wall and was buried in the wall. 




I then saw a blue glow flying towards me and I immediately created a circular wind shield around me to protect me.




When I look at it now, he was a boy around Dany's age. 



"So this is Zenith Tempest okay let me try it"  








It was not difficult to understand the situation when the wind around him decreased to half and I saw the transparent blue wings on the child's back. 



I immediately increased the decreasing wind and suddenly released it, pushing the child back. 



As the boy was flying towards me once again, I gathered wind around him to neutralize him without harming him, but at that moment a golden cut separated me and the child and divided the air between us. 



When we both turned to the attacker, I saw Dany with Regulus in his hand. 



I disappeared with instant speed and appeared right in front of him, tearing the clothes on his upper body with the wind, checking for any wounds. 



Daniele pov



My clothes are torn again!!




Seriously, why do my clothes keep falling apart today, I'm about to run out of stock!!!!



"Dulio, I'm fine, go away for a while."



 Dulio pulled away, Regulus turned back into his lion form and I took out another outfit from my space storage and put it on.



"what are you doing here"



"Griselda said you was injured and detained"









"I believe you probably misunderstood"





I turned to the new voice and saw David. 





"Hello Mr David"





"Hello to you too young Daniele, I see you have fully recovered "




"Yes, but what did you just say"





"Griselda called me and let me know, in her words*cough* "that fool definitely got it wrong and stop him now!!" that's what she said"    




"ha-hahah I guess so"Dulio scratched the back of his head while laughing nervously, oh poor Dulio, Griselda will definitely kill you 



"Am I interrupting something?"



We turned to the feminine new voice and it was Suzaku wearing a red uniform and jet black pantyhose*ohom*.I immediately pulled my gaze back, and where I turned I saw Azazel looking at me with a slight grin, damn him! 




"*chuckle* never mind, it's nothing, but do you have a request, Suzaku Himejima?" 




"We have a pending agreement that is more of an approval than a request."



The change of location is a dojo affiliated with five families.




At this moment, me and Suzaku were standing face to face. 





The outfit she was wearing was a backless, short, white kimono style outfit that highlighted her hips and black pantyhose legs.




In my case, I was wearing black long shorts and a tight church combat outfit. 



While I definitely didn't like this outfit, it was seriously perfect for combat and I refused to back down here.



"Alright alright, I'm Ouryuu Nakiri and I'll be the referee of this battle. Here are the rules



1- The fight continues until one cannot fight or the other party gives up.


2- All types of equipment are allowed in combat 


3- Killing attacks are prohibited, otherwise the fight will be directly intervened and the other side will win. 



As another information, this place was developed by five families, so you can attack without worrying about the environment. 



That's all the rules, anyone has any questions"





"why is the future leader of the five families a referee?"    





"I'm just wondering about the fight between Longinus and the Sacred Beast, another question"




This was not the answer to my question, even though I wanted to say this, I shook my head in the negative and Suzaku on the other side did the same. 




"then.. get started!!!" 




Without wasting a moment, Suzaku pointed her right hand at me making a gun sign







 With a sudden reflex, I immediately jumped to the right and dodged the explosion of fire.



Then she formed a flame spear around herself and threw it at me.  I hastily responded with my own spell



†Gather, 5 spirits of ice. Magic Arrows, Series of ice.†



5 spheres appeared around me and they instantly turned into 5 icicle and collided with Suzaku's flame spears. 




When the surroundings were instantly covered in steam, I took immediate action and manifested Regulus Nemea in my hand, dispersing the mist with a single swing.




When I couldn't see Suzaku anywhere, I suddenly slid back slightly when I blocked the leg coming towards me from behind 





A magic circle appeared under Suzaku's feet and she started to slide. She was surprised at first, but then she quickly gathered herself and lowered her foot in the air to the ground with momentum, and she just used her sliding foot to deliver a straight kick, I blocked the attack with the flat side of the axe, but I slid back.



"I saw that spell once when you were fighting the Vanishing Dragon"



Sparks were flying around the leg that hit me, Suzaku, who kicked me, lowered her leg.



She used her flame to strengthen her body



Suddenly, several talismans appeared in her hand and she started ıncantation.



<<From water to wood, from wood fire>>



She threw the three talisman in her hand and their ends came together and turned into a giant flame bird and attacked me.



In an instant, I grabbed Regulus hard with both hands and split the flame in half with a single swing as Regulus glowed with a golden aura. 



Suzaku came out from behind the flame and tried to hit me with a palm blow. 



The ax in my hand turned into Regulus with a flash, and Regulus blocked the palm strike with his own body.Even if it was powered by flame, it wasn't very effective against Regulus' hard body. 



I immediately appeared behind Regulus and used the holy power from the cross that I held in my right hand. I placed my left hand in front of my right hand, increasing the holy power and  




†holy fist†



She tried to use a flame barrier to block the punch, but the flame shattered it instead and threw Suzaku back. 



Regulus immediately ran after her, but he retreated to me as vermillion flames exploded, surpassing even the flames of the Tenma's Blaze Black Flare. 



*kreeeee*(I played Pokemon games and I have no idea how to make bird sound write and It would be ridiculous to write *chic* , sooooo) 



I was amazed when the vermillion flames then took the form of a flame bird, it was so beautiful 



It looked like it was both an object made of flame and alive. 



But its radiated tremendous power as well as its beauty.



<Regulus >



[Not yet ]



I took a position  while saying "tsk".It would really benefit if Excalibur Blessing wasn't broken right now. 



The cross I used before was still wrapped around my hand



According to Regulus, hits previous exposure to the Incinerate Anthem gave him a high level of holy power, so it would be a shame not to use it.  




Sacred Beast then flew towards me, Regulus jumped out from me and the two of them worked and spread two different energies into the environment as gold and vermillion.



I ran towards Suzaku



I strengthened myself with holy power and accelerated, reaching Suzaku faster. Sacred beast attacked to block me, but was blocked by Regulus.



As before, I took a stance where I collected a large amount of holy power with my left hand in front of my right hand. 



Suzaku did not lag behind and attacked me by gathering vermillion flames in her right hand, but unfortunately 






Me and Regulus instantly switched places 




*Roar* Appearing in front of Suzaku, Regulus roared fiercely towards her, and as the golden destructive aura was mixed into his roar, he flew her completely back, tearing some of her clothes and inflicting wounds on her in the process. 



†holy fist†



Meanwhile, I punched the surprised Sacred Beast directly in the face, who shared a similar reaction with the host, sending its flying towards Suzaku. 




"Just because you know something doesn't mean you can avoid it completely "




I said while looking at Suzaku's face 



"Hmm, maybe you're right, it was a mistake to lower  my guard, then let me get serious a little more."



Suzaku next to her glowed and rose up, and bird-shaped flames began to rain down. 



"let's call this the *Suzaku meteor rain*".   



When the nose area was attacked by birds from the flame, there was an explosion of flames everywhere. 



When the flame dissipated, Regulus stood over me and blocked it with his body, but the heat still began to overwhelm me and make me sweat.



[İt's time partner]



As my hair covered my eyes, I couldn't help but smile at Regulus' words.   



Regulus transformed back into his ax form with a flash of light



"Hmmm so we continue" 



"No, this is the end, at least for you"



As Suzaku made a surprised expression at my words, A magic circle three times my width  suddenly appeared below me. 



The magic circle was golden, and as soon as it appeared, colored lights such as gold, blue, vermillion etc. appeared around it.



These lights were absorbed into the regulus nemea, and with each light absorbed, its power increased.  



Third person pov


"What is this Albion"



"This is a magic formation that absorbs magic from the surrounding area."




He was surprised because the voice was not Albion's, and he turned to the direction of the voice, and the person who came was a man with gelled hair mixed with blue and red. 


"Teacher Mephisto" 



Mephisto, whose identity was revealed by Lavinia's words, looked at Lavinia with a smile. 



"Hello Lavinia, I'm glad you look good" 



"What did you just mean sir?" Dulio was more curious about the magic his little brother had created without his knowledge, so he couldn't help but intervene. 



"Hmm, ah, you're Dulio Gesualdo, aren't you, one of the high-ranking hounds of the church? "



"hmmm, I'm afraid I'm Dulio Gesualdo the human."



Dulio continued with a smile without any offence, leaving Mephisto stunned.




After blinking a few times, he sighed and continued. 



"The spell generally absorbs residual magical energy from the surrounding environment from previous spells,I don't quite understand the formula, because the boy apparently included Regulus' aura in the spell ,But all I can say about this is that this magic is missing"



The energy absorption lasted for about 5 seconds and the magic circle was shattered. 



Daniele pov 



When I looked at Suzaku who was looking at me confused, a smile appeared on my face. This was mine and Regulus' trump spell. 



Even though the deficit was weak in a normal situation, it was a spell that could be the strongest in the right environment and best of all, consumption was almost non-existent. 




But the formula is still incomplete, that is, it is not completed. It is active for a maximum of 5 seconds and absorbs a certain area. 




But that's enough, I looked at the Regulus Nemea I was holding in my hand, it was shining with power. 




"I am coming!!!"I said these words and ran towards Suzaku Himejima once again. 



"Suzaku!!!"Addressing her words, The Sacred Beast Suzaku flew towards me and attacked me, I threw the strengthened Regulus Nemea at its, once again the field was divided into gold and vermillion, but When the gold completely overcame the vermillion, I cut the Sacred beast in half and it disappeared into the flames.  I came right in front of Suzaku, who was looking at the scene in surprise before slowing down. 



I swung Regulus Nemea, which was now down due to the previous swing, upwards, releasing all the accumulated energy and its own destructive power



Suzaku tried to create another flame barrier at the last moment, but the barrier shattered like paper and advanced towards Suzaku at full speed. 




*booooom* a huge burst of golden energy shot upwards and pierced the ceiling of the strengthened by five families dojo 



The entire ceiling of the dojo was completely destroyed 





"Suzaku-sama/Suzaku!!!" There were loud noises from the five family members and Tobio around, but Seiryuu and Ouruu were extremely calm as they observed the fight.





I spoke out of breath, "Looks like my won."



"Yes...my loss"



Everyone who was worried was surprised when the sound came as the smoke disappeared. Just as the attack was about to hit him, I changed direction at the last minute and aimed at the ceiling, which prevented him from getting hurt.  




"heh, okay then ----" All my words stuck in my throat when I saw the scene in front of me



Meanwhile, from the perspective of those watching around, Kouki turned his face, but his ears and face were red, Sae and Natsume covered Tobio's eyes completely, Lavinia also covered Vali's eyes "It's not suitable for Vah-kun to see"


Dulio was looking at the ceiling as if he saw something very interesting, Ouryuu turned his face giggling and Seiryuu seemed to focus all his attention on him as he cleaned his glasses.

.Azazel's eyes were covered by ice created by Dulio



So what was in front of me, Suzaku, her upper part was almost naked and her black pantyhose were torn in places, her sexy and buxom body was completely in front of my observation.Even though she covers her breasts with her right hand,this does nothing but highlight their massive size!!!!!!




"I--well--this" My ears felt warmer and hotter as I stammered something ,After looking at me, Suzaku looked down then looked at me, her eyes narrowed slightly.



Then a flame appeared around her and surrounded her. When the flame disappeared, she was wearing a vermillion kimono. 



"So, you're a pervert"  



I felt a giant rock with the word *pervert* falling on my head



"WHAT?! no I'm not"



"You stare at me when I was almost naked." 



"It's not my fault, it's your fault you have a body lik---" I immediately closed my mouth



She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms under her breast , causing them to jump. 



"My body is what"



I don't deny that it caught my attention for a moment. 




"You did it again ,you also looked at my legs a few times, besides my naked body." 



At that moment I went rigid and ran out of words. 



As she slowly walked towards me, I took a step back. Don't come!!! Stay away



When she finally pushed me to the wall, she put one hand on the wall and restricted me. What kind of kabedon is this?




I started to sweat 



"Recommended kids like you should seriously be punished" I didn't like the look in your eyes!!!!




At that very moment my savior buried me in the holy mountains....what!?  



Lavinia intervened and pulled me out and buried me in her big breast. 



I'm drowning there!!help!!



"You're not allowed to bully Dany."



"Hmm, you mean bullying", her tone gives me chills even though I can't see her face



The others around were giggling at my situation, except for Azazel, who was laughing at me with his ass.




After a while 

We were ready to set off with David and Dulio among the trees.



Lavinia hugged me tightly once again and buried my face in her breast.



When I talked to Tobio and the others, I talked to Azazel and he gave me a phone,



"This phone call is reaching me, you can request the two requests I owe by calling here."



"Why two?" 



"You got injured on the mission because of my plan, at least I can do this"



"Otherwise Michael will rips off my wings"  I didn't understand the last part because he was whispering but hey I have two requests now which is pretty cool. 



I finally looked at Shigune standing in front of me.



"Will you keep your promise to me?"



"Of course, as I said, I will definitely take responsibility when the time comes." 



I assured


She hugged me tightly when I was about to say this



While I was stunned, she suddenly left and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 



I finally looked at Vali standing in front of me



"I agree"



"What???" He looked at me with a confused face 



"I saw your balance breaker, so I'm definitely behind you, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up."



I extended my fist



"I will hang you in the end, I will definitely win"



Vali blinked, once, twice. Then a smile appeared on his face.



"Of course I, Lucifer's heir, will wait for you. And I will defeat you again "



When he extended his fist, me and him bumped fists, it was a promise made between me and him and neither of us would break it.



We finally parted with a wave of my hand 



But I missed a few things



And this was Dulio 



Dulio pov 

Responsibility ??? Did Dany do something to that girl? 



Hmm I guess I should give it to xenovia and Irina along with the other pictures I took. 



suzaku pov

""Do you have a request, Oji-sama?"




"I was just wondering what you thought about the child."



"hmm nothing specific but I think it's bullying"






Suzaku briefly remembered Daniele's red ears and funny reactions. 



"For some reason I feel like I'd enjoy bullying him."



Barakiel then noticed that Suzaku's tone was the same as his wife's. 



...Young Daniele, be careful you've been targeted by a Himejima woman



Barakiel prayed in his heart for the child