

One month after I killed my parents, I returned to school.


You would think the death of my parents would bring attention to me. And yet, not one head turned, not one person flinched as I stepped through those broken-down doors.

How shocking.

I had been hoping to switch schools, not return to the crumbling one I had been attending for the past 3 years.

Its not as if anyone would notice my absence. People didn't notice me when I was standing right in front of them, they certainly wouldn't notice me if I was hundreds of miles away.

Unfortunately, the officer who had been assigned to the task of being my guardian, Joel, had thought it better for me to finish my school year here. That earned her a strike. Her first strike was earned the moment she told me I would be living with her.

Two strikes already


Quite unfortunate for her though, as three strikes does in fact mean death.

It brings quite a lot of confusion along when I try to think about why I started the strike system. Even if they don't get three strikes, its not as if I won't kill them anyways. I assume its just a game I like to play. To see if they'll kill themselves before I get the chance to do it for them.

Because doesn't that just sound fun.


Frankie Reedhart is invisible.

Not literally.

No one notices him, and even when they do, they don't see him. Not really, at least.

All they see, and all they'll ever see, is a boy who's parents died due to an unfortunate accident that took place the night of October 4th.

But, it wasn't an accident.

And to Frankie, it wasn't unfortunate.

But no one else needs to know that, nor will they ever.


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