
Chapter 50

" And this is my house, Daniel. Do not forget this," Mr. Smith said in a loud tone. " Please Daniel leave the study room."

" Fine dad," he said raising his hands up in a form of surrendering. "I'm leaving dad. Carry on," he said and began going. He hesitantly walked to the door.

" Listen young man, make sure to close the door behind you. And please do not try to eavesdrop on me. Because if I find out you are listening in on our conversation, you will have me to contend with, little Daniel. Be wise. Now you may leave," the father said waving his hand. 

" Why would I listen in on your conversation, you know I cannot stoop so low and besides I do not care about what you guys are discussing. All I care about is when this whole nonsense will come to an end because I need to come back to my study roo,_ Daniel said and left.

Mr. Smith laughed. " Such a scandal. Always fond of lying and doing things without thinking," Daniel's father commented. He turned to Whitney who was secretly and carefully smiling. " Oh my dear, sorry for wasting your time and keeping you waiting," Mr. Smith said, rather politely.

Whitney barged into Daniel's room.

Daniel was seated on a couch. He looked up to know who had just entered his room.

The sight of Whitney made him shiver especially because he never expected her. " What can't you understand? My dear Whitney it is over between you and me. Breaking news. If it's actually because of my dad that you came here in order to do me a favor so that dad won't suspect we are divorced, then I will suggest you get lost because I can handle my problems and dad. "

Whitney cleared her throat, " It so much pleases me to see you so frustrated. There is no difference between you and Bruno Fernandez. Whenever you get frustrated you can't seem to watch your enemies around you being so happy so you make flaws. Anyway, I'm here to continue business like I said ... "

" And I will make it clear to you that I can never do business with you," Daniel sneered.

" I do not blame you. I blame the fact that you are so bent on thinking that I am yawning for your business partnership. What seems to be the problem my dear Daniel? Why do you keep making a lot of mistake? I do not, maybe mind you making mistakes but all your mistakes revolves round me and always have to work for my good."

" Go straight to the point, bitch. Stop beating around the bush, you hear me? Now what do you mean?"

" I mean business like I said. You made a very terrible mistake," she said passing some documents to him, " beware all of this are photocopies, so do as you want with them. I just want you to know the truth."

" What truth?"

" At least collect the documents dear. _

He collected them. " I wonder what mischievous plans you have come up with."

" Why wonder? You can just guess," Whitney said beaming at him with smiles all over her face.

" Listen to me young lady, do not try putting me to a test. I am completely sure that I never signed documents concerning the house," Daniel said tensed up.

" Who then did?" Whitney asked, gazing at him indifferently. " Let me bring you back to your mistake."

" What mistake?" Daniel asked reasonably." Mistake, mistake", Whitney said shrugging.

"You had made a lot of mistakes, but I will bring to your notice the worst of the mistakes you made. You had met with Clinton in the restaurant, so as to sell your company__".

"And what has that got to do with the fucking mistake, you said I made?" Daniel intruded sharply.

"Allow me to finish what I have to say Mr. Daniel. There is no need to be faster than your shadow," Whitney said comprehensively. "From the knowledge that I have gathered and my own point of view, you were advised to not do something that you ended up doing. Think carefully Mr. Daniel, that was when you made the mistake that left my husband in charge of this great and massive castle."

Daniel responded to her words with a deep and confused stare. He was so drowned up in her words that he did not where to start from to escape. He searched his memory. He went back to his past. He could see Clinton in his vision, Clinton was settled on the throne of Kings, while he was seated on a very low six to the ground.

He began playing the game of chess.

"Think well" Whitney said slowly.

"No," Daniel screamed, coming out of his reverie. "No way. There is no way Clinton will rule over me."

"Was that a vision? You are supposed to be thinking and not realizing it," Whitney said in a steady tone. "You are fuvked up and there is nothing you can do about it."

"I do not know what you are talking about," Daniel hesitantly said. "There is nothing to think about here."

"Of course there is so many things to think about here, ex husband. Clinton had carefully given you an instruction. He warned you carefully but you neither paid attention to him nor did you heed to his instruction."

Just like a missile, the past memory of his meeting with his ex best friend struck him destroying his gaze at Whitney. The vision of Clinton discussing business with him, burrowed his sagging brain. He tried to fish out and recall his mistake but the vision was blurred when it came to him making a mistake.

"I do not blame you Daniel, even your brain is as empty as you are since it can not remind you about your mistakes but fortunately, I will give you a hint of your mistake besides, no one is various mistake. Even I made a mistake. A mistake of marrying and trusting a man like you. A mistake of ever loving you."

Daniel seemed not to make anything out from his brain. He was damn confused. "Go ahead and give me a hint then."

"Clinton had warned you not to do something..."

"You have said that already. Just go straight to the point," he said to her impatiently. "I have more important things to do, stop beating around the bush," he added.

Whitney rested her forehead on her palm. "Seeing you happy makes me so sicktoday call was seeing you so frustrated makes me feel more like a winner," Whitney said plaintively. "Baby I advise you to just calm down. There is still more than enough time. If you make me angry, I will show this document to your dad, you can see he loves and favours me a lot. I wonder who you took after, cause it is definitely not your dad, that man is a typical example of selflessness and humility," she hissed. "You are just so unbelievably different from him, you are dirty and disgusting. You are so inhumane and heartless. You are very proud and you always tend to look down on people. Sincerely speaking, I see you as a mere cow.."

"Watch your tongue woman. I will not have you insult me in my territory."

"Your territory?" She asked with a mocking tone. "Alright I agree that this is your own study room. I do not intend on taking it away from you, not even when this big house of yours will eventually become mine. This may be your study room but mind you, this territory is mine. Soon this house would be in my name," Whitney said in a bold tone.

Daniel knew from the tone in her voice, that she was not joking. This woman was really bent of ruining in his life. What wrong had he done to her? Other than playing with her emotions for just a little period of time. So why was she acting all up. 

"Whitney what wrong have I done to you? Tell me what mistake I have done to you and how I can rectify it, so you can stop wrecking my life, please." Daniel pleaded with her.

Whitney was moved back a bit, on hearing the great Daniel plead but her wicked self came back immediately she realized that this was Daniel, the same man who lied and pretended to love her for months. He could not be trusted, for all she knew, he could be pretending to be remorseful.

Whitney began to clap her hand, she stopped clapping. "Do you really want to rectify your mistake? Are you ready to do all I want you to do? All I really want is to see you begging and pleading for my mercy," she said frantically. "Can you remember the day that Clinton had handed you a document to sign. He had instructed you on where to sign and..."

"Yes I remember that. He instructed me on where to sign, I had also cross checked the document, and it looked perfect, it was about the company," Daniel said.

"You are correct in a way but there is a slight mistake on your own part. That day Clinton had instructed you to sign on only two spaces at the last page, out of the three spaces there. The last one was supposed to be left empty but you went on and signed on all three of them. Probably you did that out of anger and after that you quickly walked out," she explained it all to him, with enough details. "That is it,"



"And how has this got to do with my mistake? I do not see any reason whatsoever I'm what I did, when I signed on the last space. So tell me what my mistake was then?"

"You are at fault for your predicament and your fault is that you did not calm yourself down properly before reading through the document. Now, your question should be, what was the last signing place for?" She decided to use her words to make him understand her point.

Daniel laughed sorely, "alright then, please do me the honor of briefing me on what the last signing space is for," he said, pretending to be humble.

"Ok, well Mr. Smith, the last signing space had to do with your company.." she said and paused.

"And?" He asked, with so much interest.

"It concerned every property which was assigned and connected to the Smith company," she finally revealed it to him in a dismissive tone.

"I still do not understand," Daniel said, looking so bewildered.

"What I am trying to say is that when you signed on the last signing space, you willingly but unknowingly gave up all that concerned the Smith's company and most of all, you transfer it out to the C. T. I company, along with the Smith company," she said with an unidentified expression.

Daniel sucked in a frown. "All you just said now is farce, you are just bluffing. This cannot happen. This castle, including the company's estates, the upcoming companies under our name, the company's road, the company's gifts and every other thing belonging to this company can not be taken away by the C. T. I. I will rather prefer to die, than to watch my hard work drain away."



 "Then go and commit suicide, because your hard work are completely draining away slowly," Whitney said sarcastically. " If I walk out of your study room's door without us coming to a business term of agreement be ready to be disowned by your father. He is being swayed by his kind heart to keep giving you second chances but once I give this document to him, I wonder the metamorphosis. The change of looking his face will be the one of agony and betrayal. So the only options you have is to do business with me or you can go on and just commit suicide."

Daniel could feel his senses being paralyzed. It seemed he was hearing things. Perhaps imagining things too.

He stared straight at Whitney, trying to figure out, how she got so business inclined and business skilled. She handled business like gum chew. Who was giving her ideas on how to bring both him and his hard work down? How did she become so wise and manipulative? She had nothing. Daniel was certain when he first planned to use her as his pawn in order for his dad to will his hard earned thing to him, that Whitney that Whitney could do nothing. He was certain that once he finishes with his plan, he was going to dump her and get rid of her for good. He thought she was a coward and she wouldn't ever get up from the push he gave her. But here was she, sitting in front of him striking him with frustration and behaving as if nothing happened between them and as if she was a business rival trying to suffer him. The frustration had begun to show in Daniel's face. He looked devastated. Whitney leaned forward her eyes avid, as she stared at the frustrated Daniel on his seat. " you know what?" she began to say, " Time up. I won't tolerate you thinking, while I have my butt nailed to your seat, all because I want to help you. Ask me what business proposal I have for you and do not even think of wasting my precious time. Do you hear me? "

But Daniel was expressionless and speechless shrivelled sweat showed on his face. It was as though, he did not recognise the fact that she has spoken.

Whitney was crouched forward, her eyes gleaming. " I am through trying to help you suit yourself," she said  she began walking to the study room's door hastily and angrily. 

She was expecting Daniel to say something the moment she stood up but nothing of the sort happened.

It was until she reached the door that Daniel cleared his throat and began to talk. " What business proposal do you have for me, Mrs Whitney?" Daniel said pathetically. "I am ready to commit. I have decided to come in terms with any business proposal you lay at my feet as long as it's going to save me from all the shame and disrespect I will receive once my father finds out about what is going on." 

Whitney turned. "Now you are talking like someone who is ready to mingle. Now you are making sense also." She walked back to the seat she had been sitting on. She sat down. " Do you have any idea of how happy I'm, because of what you just said?" 

Daniel nodded grimaced. " Please just tell me what the business proposal is all about."

Before he finished talking, she had already raised a document. " Go through this carefully and slowly. Do not be in a haste or else you want to make another mistake that will certainly also be for my good." 

" You have decided to involve the court In any business you do. Sounds crazy and weird but it is for the best," Daniel said smiling wanly as he collected the documents.