
Chapter 49

Continuation of Clinton's POV

I would feel jealous and rejected, if the two of them happen to get back together, even though this was exactly the way I would feel, I still did not feel like going after her. Fate and love were both playing a fast one at me. I had always believed that one's first love was one's last and true love but I was beginning to think that those thoughts were fake. If Daniel was Whitney's first, last and only love, then the case was same for me, cause Whitney was my first, she was going to be the last and the only love in my heart.

x x x x x x x x x

The car that Whitney was in, finally arrived, surprisingly she had asked the driver to take her to the Smith's castle. As she was stepping out of the car, Mr Smith's car was driving in.

Whitney turned and saw the car approaching. She waited for him to alight from the car, in order to know who the person in the car was. The elderly man stepped out, yes it was her ex father in law.

With a huge smile on her lips, she walked to him. She greeted him at once. "Good day father," she said.

"Good day my daughter. It's been long since I heard from you. Your husband had told me that you went on a vacation. At a point I was beginning to think that he had sent you away but I'm glad he didn't. So how are you doing?"he asked her, as his brown but we'll structured teeth, showed in full.

"I am good father but your son can be a Devil at times.."

"You can say that again," the old man concurred, as the both of them laughed it out.

"So tell me what has been going on with the two of you," he inquired.

"Nothing much, your son is becoming too insolent. I wonder if he is really your blood. He does not have any of your characteristics."

"How do you mean?" Mr Smith asked  "Why do I feel like there is something wrong between you and him? You are a sweet woman and I'm sure that you are not the type to speak ill of anyone. Did my son provoke you in any way?" He asked.

They both walked as they discussed.

"Not really but why did you put your son in charge of the company? Do you really trust him that much to hand everything to him at his age?" She asked.

"Now I am really sure that there is something wrong, tell me what that son of mine has done," he said.

"He has done so many wrongs to me but I prefer you ask him yourself," Whitney said, walking behind Mr. Smith.

"So many wrongs?"Mr. Smith repeated.. As they walked in, the servants greeted them.

"Daniel," his nanny, miss Felicity called, as she entered into his study room. Without waiting for his response, she continued," your father is back and he is with someone that I am sure you least expect." She said to him, smiling with so much excitement.

Daniel looked at her for a while, then he spoke up, "stop wasting my time and just tell me who it is," he voiced out.

"Try to guess," the nanny persuaded.

Daniel felt irritated, "tell me who it is or just get out.."

"There will be no need for that," Whitney intruded, walking into his study room.

"You can now leave," Whitney said to the nanny. "And thanks for announcing my return in such manner," she added.

The nanny smiled. "You are welcome home Whitney, we all missed you," she said and left at once.

"What are you doing here?" Daniel asked, standing. "From what I can clearly recall, we have been divorced for a long period, so why are you back?"

"Save all your nonsense," she said, shutting him up. "I am not here to rekindle the flames of our relationship, neither am I here to banter words with a man like you. I am only here for business."

"You had better stop dreaming," he said, giving her a dismissive nod.

She was Whitney and no man could dismiss her whenever they wanted to. She did not say anything to him, instead she walked forward and took a seat.

After he watched her sit down, he moved away from her side. "I so much disagree with your presence, you perch like a mosquito. If you are not able to suck this blood, you find another skin to feed on, once the hands of the person you are feeding on claps, you speed off to another. Too bad for me but good for Clinton that he realized the kind of person you are, if not you would not be sitting right in front of me. I believe you must have had a fight with your boyfriend and that is probably why you are here."

"I wouldn't say you are right neither will I say that you are wrong but bear one thing in mind, I and Clinton did have a misunderstanding but I am glad that we did, cause it made me realize a lot of things. Things that might sound as bad news to you but good novel to me."

Daniel laughed. "Well I can handle that bad news. There is no greater bad news aw having you in my house."

"Really? In your house? Did you just call this your house?? Come on jerk, you have nothing to offer, you are stricken poor."

Daniel seemed like he didn't hear her. "You know that I disagree with that but I can't deny the fact that these words of yours, should be told to you. I was the man who offered you a better job and so many other things."

"Yeah, you forgot to mention that the best gift you ever gave to me was a divorce paper," she chimed in."

"What divorce paper are you talking about?" Mr Smith, Daniel's father asked, as he walked into the room.

There was a long and painful silence.

"Well dad," Daniel said in a hard tone, as he adjusted his sleeve. "I am afraid you didn't hear us well. By the way, welcome home dad," he added, as he moved much closer to his dad. "How was your trip?" He asked in a restless tone, trying to get his father forget about what he heard earlier.

Mr Smith was smarter than anyone could imagine, he ignored his son's welcome greeting and turned to his daughter in law or so he thought. "I know you will not lie to me Whitney, what divorce paper were you two talking about?"

"Did your husband give you divorce papers to sign?"

Daniel looked at Whitney with fear in his eyes. He did not know what to expect but deep down he hoped that she was not going to speak the truth. His eyes became more fearful and they spread widely, as he moved forward.

Whitney merely shook her head and said, "I would be happy if he had really given me one."

"Oh very well then. I am glad he did no such thing," Mr Smith said, feeling much relieved. He snitched a sick smile on his face.

Daniel felt a surge of pride in Whitney's words, deep down he didn't like her answer to his dad, not even a bit. He looked her and said, "I can take this up from here. Your presence is not needed anymore, you may leave my dear wife." The sarcasm in his tone could be heard by anyone.

Whitney did not say anything to him, instead she fixed her gaze on Mr Smith, her father in law. If anyone was to dismiss her, the person should be her father in law and not her husband, she thought to herself. Mr Smith also fixed his gaze on her, there was this kind and fatherly look he had on his face. "Do not be frightened by his word, it is very much alright if you want to stay here with us."

"Why would she be frightened by my words dad? She can't be frightened by me because I show her unconditional and incomparable love," he lied softly, as he placed his hand on Whitney's hands affectionately. That action was only to justify his word.

"Am I not right baby?" He asked but before Whitney could say anything, his father interrupted.

"What evidence do you have to back up your words?" This question brought about several minutes of silence but thankfully, the door swung open.

"Excuse me Mr Smith, I have come to serve you a cup of tea," a maid said, entering into the study room with a tray of coffee in her hands.

"Thanks, drop the tray on that table over there and leave," Mr Smith said with a gentle smile on his lips.

The maid nodded her head and dropped the tray, then she left the room.

"What type of discussion are we going to have, that will make you want to send your wife out?" Mr Smith asked.

"I just wanted to speak freely with you. Having her around would make me feel shy," he admitted, but we couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not.

"I want her to stay here with us as we discuss," his father made it clear to hi. "It does not matter if she is here or not. I am your dad and she is your wife, so there is absolutely nothing to be shy about," he said and sat down. Daniel nodded his head and sat down too.

"So dad you told me earlier on the phone that you and I had scores to settle. What kind of score did you mean," he asked gravely, as he inclined his head.

"Daniel!" Mr Smith called out his name. With the look on his face, it showed how serious this discussion was going to be. "Did you sell the smith's company?"

"Yes I did," Daniel said coldly.

A smile spread across Whitney's face as she watched both the father and the son.

"By whose permission?" Mr Smith asked furiously.

"You called me on the phone and told me to sell the company or have you suddenly lost your memory?" Daniel asked.

"This is not the time to joke. Tell me the truth, did you sell my company? And who did you sell it to?" His father asked again. This was the first time that he was looking this angry.

"Why would I be joking. The company is no more in our name. It now belongs to the C. T. I company. Just as the company shares belonged to them, so also does the company now belong to them."

"How much did you sell out the company for?"

On hearing that question from his dad, he became annoyed. "Come on dad, stop this nonsense act you are putting on. Are you not the one who had asked me to sell that company at a very cheap price of fifteen billion dollars, so why are you pretending not to know all of a sudden?"

"The moment I handed everything to you, I knew what I was dealing with," Mr Smith said, trying to be calm.

"Excellent," Daniel said in a hurry and indignant voice. "Excellent... After you have asked me to sell the company at a cheap price for that matter, you pretend not to know about it. Excellent, bravo."

"Stop trying to play the victim here. First you sell my company shares without my knowledge and then yiu sell the company. What next do you intend to sell?"

"Dad for crying out loud, you asked me to sell the company over the phone, in order to raise the estimated amount that we would need for the money making machine."

"Excuse me," Whitney chimed in. "I am not supposed to involve myself in this, knowing fully well that I know nothing about business. But I can't keep quiet about this. People need to be extra careful when it comes to handling businesses, sales and profits, including investments. I am quite disappointed in the fact that Daniel had sold a lot of things without having to get your permission. This only means one thing, and that is Daniel is not eligible to handle the business. As my dearest husband, I have to be sincere with you, with the way things are going, you might end up selling the smith's castle and roads or even all of your father's properties," she paused.

"There might be a probability that someone is trying to instigate all this, so you will end up losing everything that your father has worked very hard for but as his son, you are supposed to have realized it took your father a lot to gain all this. It took him his strength, time, sweat and money to be where he is today. You are living on his earnings, and yet you are still disappointing him..."

"Enough," Daniel said, gesturing to her with his hands. "I will not entertain you lecturing me."

"And why won't she lecture you? You know nothing. You are such a big.."

"Dad okay fine. I accept I made a second mistake but what about you? How could you sell the hangar's private road and restaurant out? And if all companies you chose the C. T. I company?"

"I only did that to get the estimated amount for the purchasing of the money making machine that our company needed. This shows that I never asked you to sell our biggest company. This company consisted half and quarter of the money that we have today. You are so dull when it comes to business. I should have known that handing everything over to you would bring more harm than good. My will must be altered before the month comes to an end. Your uncle is smarter when it comes to business. If I put you in charge of all my hard earned work and money, you might just turn out to be worst than the prodigal son."

"Come on dad, it has not gotten to this," Daniel said, looking very offended. "I am ready to get back all that you have lost because of me but I need a little more time to do that. Just give me till the end of this month."

"What are you going to do before the month end? So you will end up selling everything that your father has worked for?" Whitney asked scornfully.

"Keep your big mouth sh.." he cut short his sentence, when he saw the angry look on his father's face. "Hey wife, we are discussing business, you do not need to intrude, interrupt or involve yourself in any of this, cause it does not concern you in any way. This is a business problem between a father and son."

"She has every right to intrude, besides she is your wife and as your wife she can interrupt whenever she wants. Do you understand me?"

"Yes dad," Daniel said, concealing his sadness.

"I will give you only till the end of this month. This is the last chance that you have to prove that you are capable of handling the family business, if you fail to prove yourself, then get ready to watch your uncle inherit everything that I have ever worked for. If eventually you end up making things worse, then you will be prepared to have me disown you. In whatever you are doing, you have to make sure not to make any other mistake and be very careful. I have a meeting with some clients for the money making machine. I will be traveling to Japan tomorrow and once the meeting is completed, I will travel to Dubai. I have been invited to help launch a new company over there. The name of the company is Small Dubai Company and they want to partner with us, this means that we are going to be making a lot of profit from them. I hope you know what it means for a growing company to partner with a big company like ours. So I need my company back because that is the very company that they want to partner with, it will bring them fame and gain easily," Mr Smith briefed, as he sipped his drink.

He turned to Whitney. "Can we have a discussion?"

"Of course sir," Whitney answered.

Mr Smith turned back to Daniel. "Can you please leave, we need privacy."

"But dad this is my study room," Daniel complained.

Hi readers, I'll be dropping my contact here, so we all can catch up. 07048493327