
Hey, I Ruin Stories!

Stories are great when they have meaning. Stories are good when they teach you something, when the heroes stand for great morals and villains teach you the meaning of life with their last breaths. Stories are precious, they are entertaining when they have a good ending and when the story joins every piece together —the story becomes perfect. Do they? I don’t think so. I think stories are fun, entertaining when they are unpredictable. When people expect the story to have a great meaning but it ends up meaning nothing, when the hero loses, when villain wins and then ends up becoming a joke. When the world is broken down and the story turns into a chaotic mess. Chaos, that’s what makes the story fun for me, entertaining for me. Unpredictability makes stories great. Yet most would say that only ruins a story. So what else can I say but… Hey, I Ruin Stories! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Tags: Evil MC, Chaotic MC, Smart MC, R-18, Smut, Manipulation, Multiple POVs, Multiverse, Strong MC, Fast Paced.] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: The story has multiple POVs in each chapter, MC is emotionally detached, people that you end up enjoying might die and/or be used by MC, Very fast paced, each world will be no more than 30 chapters and MC is petty. If you do not like these things, then the story is probably not for you. Average chapter word count: 2500 words. Update Schedule: 1 Chapters a Week (for now) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ First World: Harry Potter (Potterverse) Second World: ?? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I do not own or claim any of the characters used in the story except for the OCs and all rights belong to their respective creators. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Some images of characters, places or items might not be possible to be added to the story directly throught comments. To access these pictures and to be part of a fun community, join the discord link below. Discord: https://discord.com/invite/wXt9jtqv2T ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The_Greedy_Frog · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

A New Professor (2/2)

[Dumbledore's Office, Hogwarts]

She was angry.

Oh she was pissed.

"And so Mr. Safar will be our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Dumbledore explained with most of the major Hogwarts professors around us.

"Will you be able to update yourself with the course curriculum within this little time, Mr. Safar? Given I have heard this is your first teaching job?" The one who asked me this was a professor of Gryffindor and a very popular one at that.

"Of course, Professor McGonagall." I gave her my best smile, "I believe in practicals more than theory, and if I display the defenses, I believe they will be able to cover more in a few months than what they would learn through theory in an entire year."

She gave a nod, somewhat satisfied. And well, another person chimed in either to help me or to mock me.

"He must know what he is doing, joining at this time with no prior experience."

"You can rest assured, Professor Snape."

Snape, in his entire raven haired glory —standing like an emo before being emo was considered cool— said and looked away, not bothering with the discussion further.

There were more professors as well: one short man with a funny mustache who they called the charms professor, another dark-skinned lady of a much more youthful appearance than McGonagall, who is the astronomy professor, Sinistra, from what Dumbledore said, and one final lady in a nun-ish attire—well, not a nun, but the proper old British nurse attire. She was Madam Pomfrey, the matron.

"If his skills have satisfied you and he also has an Auror vouching for his identity, I believe we have no reason not to appoint him as a DADA professor." Sinistra looked around with a smile and most, including Pomfrey, gave a nod while Snape showed no expression.

He didn't agree but he didn't vote against me either.

"Well, if everyone is fine with it, we can officially consider Mr. Safar to be a new addition to Hogwarts." Dumbledore's voice was soft, as if talking to children. 

And surprisingly there was not a single vote against me. That previous DADA professor sure screwed up majorly, didn't he?

He died, that is a big enough screw up to be absolutely fair.

Although I was happy about being accepted, I could also feel a sort of heat at my back —a stinging feeling, like someone was stabbing me with daggers from behind.

And I knew exactly who it was, but decided not to address the person till I was done with everyone in here.

"The final thing that is left is the house that you would be assigned to." Dumbledore rubbed his beard, something that he seemed to do a lot. "We can usethe sorting hat if you are willing to be looked inside your head and choose a house according to your qualities."

"Any other option?" I definitely did not want anything inside my head, even with the Mind Arts protecting my mind, I just did not want anyone even trying to pry inside my head. "Like, I would feel a little better if I could choose my own house."

This made Dumbledore think for a while.

"It is not impossible, headmaster." The short guy, Flitwick of the Charms, came to my aid. "Most of our professors have been students here so choosing houses for them has been easy. Most joined the houses that they were part of when they were a student, but even in the past there had been teachers who never studied at Hogwarts and I believe many just chose the house that they found better for them."

He may be small, but his help is definitely huge.

"I guess that was the case, wasn't it?"

Even Snape and Pomfrey surprisingly agreed. "There are more records than one of that happening."

This made Dumbledore look at me, "Do you know what each house stands for, Mr. Safar?"

"They stand for a lot of things," I said whatever I recalled, "But the main qualities of each house are — bravery and adventurousness for Gryffindor, cleverness and resourcefulness for Slytherin, wisdom and wit for Ravenclaw and Patience and Loyalty for Hufflepuff."

"Exactly," The man said with a satisfied smile. "So, which do you think suits you the best?"

"Each and every house seems lovely, but I had made up my mind about the house the moment I got to know which subject's professor I am to be."

Hearing this Sinistra smiled, "Slytherin perhaps."

Given her subject I would have expected Ravenclaw, but she was a Slytherin professor like Snape.

"Unfortunately not, professor Sinistra." My words sure as hell surprised her.

"Ravenclaw or Gryffindor maybe?" Flitwick asked, certain that it would be either of the two. 

"I believe Defense Against the Dark Arts, as a subject, is considered very uneasy and dark, despite its focus on protection against darkness and evil. Sadly, it is associated with the darker aspects of life."

My words made them nod.

"So, maybe to bring DADA in a positive light and not make people think of it as scary or evil, I would like to go with Hufflepuff." My words did surprise a lot. "I believe associating with the house known for being the most cheerful might help children feel a little more comfortable with the subject."

"That's just ridiculous." Snape was quick to judge, not that it was wrong.

"That… is an amusing take." McGonagall was not sure what to say, maybe she did want to say something and just decided against it.

But two people agreed almost instantly —surprising, I know.

"That might actually be a good choice." Sinistra surprisingly smiled at me, "Not even your first day and already making wise choices for the students, good job Professor Safar."

Felt a little weird being addressed as a professor —with no degree in magical studies and no doctorate degree even in my main line of studies.

But it wasn't bad.

"Wise choice, Mr. Safar." Dumbledore was the second one to approve, "Putting the students before your own choices is a sign of a good professor."

"I am only doing what I think is for the best, sir."

Winning brownie points and breaking norms. 

"You can start from next week, which is basically in two days." Dumbledore suggested.

It was Friday night, so Saturday and Sundays were off.

"I will update myself with the course curriculum within that time." I assured him. "And I am excited to see what the children are like."

"A bunch of troublesome devils, I tell you." Sinistra laughed, "And equally adorable."

Sinistra was the youngest of the bunch, well a little older than the one staring daggers in my back, but still in her early thirties from her appearance.

"Adorable, they are." Flitwick laughed, "And welcome to Hogwards, Professor Safar."

"Thank you professor, and I hope to receive guidance from you—" I paused, took a careful turn and continued. "From all of you."

"Don't be nervous, Mr. Safar." Dumbledore said, "Everyone is here to help you."

"By Merlin!" Hagrid, the half giant and the man who was to partially thank for the ongoing event gasped. "Blimey! Look at the hour! I've got to dash, I do! The poor mooncalf'll be starvin' by now!"

"There are mooncalves around here?" Sinistra sounded interested.

"Five o' 'em." Hagrid said, before trying to dash but not before taking permission from Dumbledore.

"May I scoot off, professor?" He nearly begged, "Th' poor little critters need some grub."

Dumbledore gave out a warm smile, something he was good at. "It is very late, we all should rest and especially Mr. Safar."

He looked at me with a soft expression, "You have had a rough time, you should rest. You can go with professor Sinistra, she will show you to the guest room."

Guest room? I wonder why the guest room.

"The room that was supposed to be for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is under renovation and would be completed only after two days, so I would have to ask you to somehow adjust in the guest room, as there are sadly no other rooms available."

Got it.

"It's fine, professor." I assured him, "Even a wooden plank works."

But I knew there was something, or well someone that I needed to deal with before resting 

"But I would like to help Miss. Tonks to her carriage first before resting." I then looked at Sinistra, "It is fine if you simply tell me the location, Professor Sinistra. You don't have to trouble yourself by showing me around."

This made her laugh. "The night is young, I don't fall asleep till late so take your time. You can call for me even late and I will not be asleep." She said with a charming smile, "I cannot fall asleep before the stars fall asleep."

An Astronomy professor through and through, huh?

I gave her a thankful nod before slowly turning around, already aware of the person's expression.

"Then I will see you all, professors." Tonks said, "And it was nice seeing you again, Professor Dumbledore."

For once, I forgot that she studied here. Well most of the main cast studied here so it is not a shock.

And saying this, while also greeting the other professors, she turned around to leave.

As for me, I followed behind.

It was always fun trying to argue with an angry woman. 

{Nymphadora Tonks}

I had to waste my whole day for what? 

A single 'yes he is telling the truth?'

It was nice coming back and looking at the campus after so long, but not at the expense of losing my rest and time.

"You sure don't seem to like your job, Tonks."

"Sounds like that, doesn't it?" I asked, not bothering turning around. "But trust me, I love my job but not the extra chores that you have been bringing in for me."

They wasted too much time in their chit-chats, and so there was no carriage. Aurors were assigned carriages for official tasks, but those carriages also had timings and the timing passed by way back.

"They say tough jobs give great satisfaction."

"I beg to differ." I sighed, quite tired of his talks.

"So, do I."


I unintentionally stopped my feet at his statement. 

"Life should be enjoyed, not spent just on working." He said, walking closer. "So, let me make it up to you."

"How?" I asked, curious.

"A break." He suggested, stopping just inches away from me, still keeping that punchable smile on his handsome face. "Tomorrow, evening. Dinner on me."

"No thanks." Smells like trouble. "I don't do dinners."

"Everyone does dinner." He said, "Some alone, some with others."

"I do it alone."

More like I didn't get the time for dinner and either got some pre-made food or crashed the bed without food.

"Consider it to be a break." He leaned back, arm crossed and over his head. "I choose the place, the time and pay the bills. And you… just come and look pretty."

"You are broke." He was living in a place provided by the ministry and now living in the guest room of Hogwarts. Where would a guy who lost everything find money to pay for his food much less for others?

"Got an advanced payment, a joining bonus of sorts." Something told me that he was lying. "It's more than enough to cover my monthly expenses and still have enough for a dinner or two."

"Then save it for yourself. You lost everything, you need the money."

He must have expenses, like clothes and other necessities.

"Please." Somehow his expressions changed, somewhat genuine. "Let me do this. I would feel better."


"You have helped me a lot, and this is the least I can do."

"You d—" I thought of rejecting. Haven't been out for dinner in ages and almost never been out with others, especially never with a guy. 

But seeing his expression that seemed to be hopeful, it felt bad to say no.

Maybe it was his way of saying 'we are even' for my help?

Well, it was just my job that I was doing but I can see how he might feel he needed to pay me back.

Or am I thinking too much?

I am thinking too much, aren't I?

Yeah definitely.

But that face…

"You decide on the location then, but let me pay half." I could not deny in the end, "I will only agree if that is the case."

"I expected you to say that." He showed a smile, this time not the cocky punchable one —a better genuine one.


"The Witchery at seven?" He asked. "If that is fine by you."

The Witchery was an expensive place, probably a bit too expensive but I think he knows that.

"Alright." Let's just go along, "Seven it is. Just don't drag me into more work."

"Of course not." He assured, "And well you are better off taking the floo network, the carriage is long gone."

I know, I was just too embarrassed to ask.

"It's fine."

"It really isn't." He said, "Let's go. You want to rest early, don't you? It will take forever if you don't take the floo."

This guy…

He surely had a way to convince others, that's for sure.

"Fine, you win." I could only yield. "Again."

That sure does hurt.

Smiling the whole day.

"What is the time?"

I looked up, the moon was quite far away.

It was that late, and I was tired but not sleepy at all. I could not rest even if I wanted to in this state.

My body was weird like that, it didn't feel good sleeping when I was tired.

So, what to do?


It's a full moon's night, isn't it?

Let's go out to the forest a little. A little bit of exploration and a little bit of fun.


[[A/N: Read 150+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (including all stories).

Read 25+ Chapters Ahead of Webnovel for this story on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

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P.S. Second world decided: A Song of Ice and Fire Verse (Game of Thrones)]