
Heroes Rising

The time has come that it should no longer be left to a single person to save lives using their magical power, new strength comes in a group of people who believe they must do what's best and sacrifice themselves for those weaker, who lack the confidence and courage to stand up for themselves. A time of change and revolution comes, as magic refuses to hide anymore, as those who were once weak realize how much strength lies within their souls. There will be no more spirits who were killed unjustly as a group of heroes rise to the occasion to take back what was rightfully their's in the first place. It's time for a Hero's Rising to begin.

Cannibal_Alien · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Turn Up The Heat (1.6)

Before Jaxon could reach the four werewolves, he first battle already started, because a red haired wolf bolted over and punched him in the face as hard as he could, knocking him on the ground.

"Let the first fight begin I guess.." Ion sighed. "Who ever gets knocked out of the clearing or knocked out or just is unable to battle first loses." Ion called over as the unknown red werewolf threw punches at him.

Jaxon did a good job at dodging for the first fifty seconds, but after that, he was punched in the stomach and knocked down. Jaxon rolled out of the way as the red head tried to kick him and jumped up onto his feet, in all honesty, he had no clue where he got this sudden speed from.

"Make sure to hit him harder next time Temper!" Siren called over. "It would be a shame if you could even be beat by a newbie!" Siren was obviously taunting Temper, but he bought right into it and started working harder.

"So Temper's your name, huh?" Jaxon said while ducking under another punch. "It really goes with your personality." Jaxon decided taunting this guy would bode well for this fight.

Temper grabbed Jaxon and flipped him onto his back, before unsheathing his claws and going for a powerful attack to the stomach. But Jaxon quickly rolled out of the way, jumped up behind Temper and kicked him forward, before yelling out another casual taunt and repeating the process.

The third time obviously wasn't gonna work though, so instead of repeating the process he did the first part, but then stayed in front of Temper, who had already too quickly judged the attack and turned around, making it easy for Jaxon to shove him as hard as he could.

Temper went stumbling until he tripped over a bush and fell outside of the clearing, Jaxon was looking at him, huffing and puffing while smiling at his own victory.

But before he got more time to catch his breath, Shackle came barreling towards him with incomprehensible speed. Jaxon just barely moved out of the way before Shackle kicked at him again and immediately knocked him onto the ground and unsheathed his claws.

Jaxon rolled away and stood up, before baring his teeth, not that he had very sharp teeth to begin with. But before he could do anything else, Shackle began slashing at Jaxon, who was just barely dodging the attack.

Jaxon finally put some distance between himself and Shackle and stood on one of the training machines in the clearing. But Shackle was quickly coming towards him.

Jaxon jumped over Shackle, spun around and punched him in the back, knocking him into the equipment and speeding off to the other end of the clearing. Once he got the he figured out that he had his own claws and unsheathed them.

Shackle dashed towards him and he ducked under Shackle's attack, only to be shoved downwards and have his shoulder torn into. He slashed at Shackle, but he was too quick and punched Jaxon in the face.

Jaxon struggled until he finally admitted he couldn't push Shackle away and gave up. He lost the second battle, but next he'd have to fight Siren and hopefully would win anyway.

He got up and his scratches and bruises started to heal pretty quickly. Then he pushed back his hair and sighed as Siren walked over.

"I'll give you time to cool down, since you seem pretty--" Jaxon slashed at him immediately, he decided he was gonna surprise someone else instead of the other way around this time.

Jaxon felt his claws scrape through Siren's flesh and he slashed at him again, but this time he got no new amount of blood on his claws.

Siren had dodged under his attack and punched him in the stomach, and then went for an uppercut, but Jaxon moved out of the way quickly and kicked at Siren's legs. Siren stayed sturdy though and sent a blast of light magic as Jaxon's feet, startling him.

"Show me what you've got amature." Siren hissed before blasting another ball of light at Jaxon, who quickly moved out of the way. He didn't know what to do now, he barely knew how to use his power, let alone fight in a full on magic battle.

Jaxon willed himself to use some sort of magic, and then, with almost miraculous timing, his hands let on fire and he panicked in pure terror that maybe he was hurting himself somehow.

Once he realized he wasn't being damaged by the fire, he dashed towards Siren and slashed at him again. He didn't need to hit him to burn him though, all he needed to do was get the fire close enough.

Finally he got close enough and slashed in his direction, sending a blast of fire at Siren, who let the flames hit himself. Siren fell back as fire burned his skin, but quickly rolled the fire out.

Not quick enough to avoid Jaxon's claws though.. Jaxon slashed flames down Siren's back and the picked him up to throw him into the bushes. But now before Siren let out a final light blast in Jaxon's face, blinding him for at least thirty seconds.

It was too bad Jaxon had already shoved Siren away though, because Siren fell into the bushes while Jaxon tried to blink the light from his eyes.

"You really had to blind him, huh?" Shackle snickered as Siren walked out from the bushes.

"It's not my fault he suddenly has amazing reflexes.." Siren muttered before walking over to Jaxon, who was still rubbing his eyes and blinking quickly. "Where'd you learn to fight like that anyway?"

"Hm..?" Jaxon looked at Siren. "Oh I'm.. uh.. I don't know..." Jaxon sighed and looked at his hands, they didn't feel right, like he wasn't in control of them for a second. He made a fist with his hand and sighed with relief, he felt himself again.

"Well you couldn't have just been able to fight like that without some sort of training.." Siren looked at him with a skeptical look on his face.

Jaxon just sighed and started walking home. "I'll see you at school tomorrow Ion." Jaxon said as he left for home.

Once he reached his house he immediately ran up to his room and crashed.