

A high-pitched screaming of a baby enveloped the silent peace of an old hospital, the source of the cry could be traced to a room down the hallway of the hospital. A young man of an average height stood beside the bed of a woman who held the baby between her arms. The young man had blonde hair with clear blue eyes, he stared at the woman with a smile that showed his happiness and smile. the woman looked at her crying child with the longing and affection of a mother. At a glance, it was clear they were family.

"What shall we call him?" the woman asked softly

" We shall call him Jason, Jason Scott" the man answered decisively.

"Would you like to carry him?" she asked quietly almost in a whisper.

"yes," he answered as tears welled up in his eyes. He gently grabbed the baby with a look of tenderness. "welcome to the world kid" he said happily.


A young teenager jumped out of bed with a jolt. " who is that?" he asked anxiously.

"I'm death" a voice replied coldly.

"death?" he asked again even more frightened.

"your time on earth is up kid" the voice replied again coldly.

"no, I don't want to die now, I'm still a virgin, I don't want to die now," he said as he broke down in tears.

"hahaha, you are such a baby am just joking"

"you are just joking?" he asked suspiciously

"yes, I am"

"Who are you and why can't I see you..."

"slowdown with the questions kid I would like to introduce myself. hi Jason, I am the system assistant nice to meet you."

"what system?" Jason asked curiously

"the hero system"

"hero system?" Jason asked confused.

"the system is a kind of..."

"I don't understand anything you are saying"

"Okay let me explain it in simpler terms, it's like a video game where you have your system and you get points by completing missions"

"what are the points for?"

"hold on, the points can be used to get more skills, you can also exchange them for real money."

"oh I'm getting excited, how can I activate the system

"hold up, you just have to activate it mentally"


"you just have to say system activate mentally and also before you say it get ready to handle the pain"

"Okay, am ready system activate!!!"

Before long, large words appeared in his view and his expression changed into one of pain as the words formed more;


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