
Heretical Devil Monarch

Engres Jun, a boy with lacking talent but a strong body. Loved by his parents and siblings. Lou Yang, a man who died at the peak of humanity with talent that surpassed the heavens. Born an orphan he only ever loved his younger brother. What is the thing that brings these two together? Revenge

SirSyko · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Beginning of The End

As I wake my entire room comes into my vision, my parents are sitting in chairs next to my bed looking at me sadly. I am now wearing a black blindfold, despite it, I can still see my room from a third-person perspective but I struggle to see out the window.

Sitting up my mother gasps and pulls me into a hug. I accept it as my father gives a sad smile.

"What's going on?" I ask confused. In my ears, I can hear my father's heart beating quickly.

With hard eyes, my father looks down.

"An army of demons marches upon Trillis. They destroyed the entire eastern wall, the barbarians are following in their wake destroying all they can."

I pull away from mother as I 'look' at her, "What happened while I was asleep."

Mother shakes her head, "You were only asleep a few hours, they took the wall in only a few minutes. It's one of the Demon Lords… my grandfather."

"My Great-Grandpa is coming here to destroy this city?" I put my hand on my head as I think.

'I always knew mother was a high-ranking demon due to her form control but a Noble?'

"Your mother is the young Princess of the Broken Moon Clan," Father says with a small smile looking at mother lovingly.

My mother sighs, "If only I wasn't… you will be going with uncle Tristain; Thea, Alia, and Aylin have already left. We wanted to be with you when you woke up so we could give you one last gift."

My brows furrow at their words, "Don't speak as if this will be our last meeting."

Mother smiles despite the seriousness in my voice, "Here, tell no one you have this, not even your uncle Tristain."

Swiping her ring she pulls out a thick bluish-black book with beautiful silver stitching. The cover reads "Circle of The Broken Moon".

"Mother, this-"

"Don't start thanking us yet, I also have something for you. If my family ever reaches out to you only trust your great-grandfather."

Holding out a hand my father's hand bursts into a bright blue flame and a book appears in his hand. It is smaller than mothers and thin like it only has forty or so pages. It is also quite a bit more plain as it is bound in normal leather with golden letters that read, "Heaven Quaking Steps".

My father smiles at my awe, "These two books will be your future."

I quickly snap out of my awe remembering that an army is marching upon our city. I ignore the books as I scoot out of bed and quickly walk to my window. My father sighs as I try to stretch my vision to see as far out the window as I can.

With my 'vision' I can see the barren streets with empty fruit stalls and abandoned stores. I try to stretch my eyes past the walls but I cannot. Preparing myself for a headache I let out a deep breath and grab my blindfold.


Ignoring my mother's protest I pull down my blindfold and open my eyes.

The world around me seems to breathe in a vast array of colors, and I see them all. Upon the city, walls stand hundreds of men with varying faces from solemn to pure fear, I see them all. I see the sweat dropping down their foreheads from the high sin above, I see the tears in the eyes of those who know their death is near.

Peering past to walls I see a black wall on the horizon so I push my vision further. I see nearly a thousand drake riders carrying demons, hundreds of bat demons, and tens of dragons. At the forefront is an old man with grey hair and a single horn wearing old tattered robes carrying a wooden cane. He stands confidently upon a large armored blue dragon.

As my vision falls upon his silver eyes he seems to look at me. Surprise strikes me as I take a step back and look towards my mother.

"We need to escape, there are at least three thousand and they have dragons." I hold my head as I feel a sharp pain and I am forced to close my eyes.

My father and mother look at me with surprise as my mother stands up, "You can see them?"

I nod as I wrap the blindfold back around my eyes, "The one leading them, he is my grandfather?"

Mother sighs as she exchanges a glance with my father and he nods, "He is."

Father slowly stands grabbing the books, "I love you, Engres, never forget that."

My brows furrow as my mother agrees, "We love you and your siblings more than anything in this world."

"I love you too. Wha-" time seems to stop as I see my mother ignite in a dark blackish-blue flame. She slowly begins to walk towards me, time isn't stopped she is just moving so quickly it seems as if it has. I try to keep up moving my head towards her but it only shifts an inch or two. Surprise passes through my mother's face but she just moves faster until she is next to me.

She raises a hand and I watch as she strikes my neck hard. The world instantly turns black.

*Lilith Jun's POV*

With a quick hand, I catch my son's unconscious body, "Take care of your siblings," I whisper to him.

"Did you have to be so rough?" I turn giving my husband an amused smile.

"He would not go alone willingly, I thought your nod was the go-ahead."

Evald rubs the back of his head, "It was, but that was a bit much."

The doors to Engres's room open as Baron Tristain walks in, "Am I interrupting?" He pauses as he sees me holding my unconscious son, "Oh."

Evald shakes his head as he puts the manuals in a spacial ring and hands it to Tristain, "Take good care of our son."

Tristain gives a serious nod, "I will."

Bringing my son close I hand him over to Tristain who holds him in a princess carry.

"I am sorry," Tristain says with a sad tone.

I wave off his words, "You are my husband's sworn brother and my savior, we should be sorry that we won't be able to pay you back."

"Don't talk like you both will die," Tristain snaps with anger in his voice.

Evald puts a hand on his shoulder with a small smile, "We will take them off of you the second we can."

Tristain nods, "I expect to see you both within a week."

"It's a promise."

I give Evald an odd look at his words but he gives me a 'no' look so I let it pass.

"Then I will take my leave… be safe."

With those parting words, he turns around and walks towards the escape rune.

"Why did you lie to him? My Grandfather was a peak ninth circle Sorcerer nearly thirty years ago, he is probably an immortal by now."

Evald gives me a small smile, "Better to ask forgiveness if we manage to survive."

I give him a loving smile, "We will survive just like in-"


My words are interrupted by a large explosion destroying a section of the city wall. Looking out the window now I can see at least thirty dragons not far from the city with enough bat demons to black out the sun.

Bright blue flames bath Evald and his common clothes change into bright gold plated armor. He slowly uses a hand to pull a large greatsword from thin air bathed in his flames of law.

With a small smile I begin to shift into my demon form: my hands slowly shift to sharp claws, my hair fades to black, two large horns grow from my head but the left is broken, my skin fades to a pale white, my gown grows black as it changes into robes, and a large black scythe appears on my back.

"As beautiful as ever," I hear Evald say causing me to smile.

"Look who's talking pretty boy."

He laughs as he holds up a hand towards the window, the world begins to quake for a second before the entire side of our castle is blown apart. His eyes flick back to me as he gives me a handsome smile with a curious bow.

"After you, my lady."

I roll my eyes as two large bat-like wings extend from my back. With a strong flap, I take off into the air heading towards the eastern wall.

"In a rush to reunite with grandfather-in-law?" I turn to see my husband flying by my side with his large white feathery wings.

"Not in particular, last time I saw him he said he had no need for female heir's."

Evald smiles, "How wrong he was," I shake my head at his grin.

"YOUNG LADY YUE!" The voice of a man standing on a large black dragon reaches our ears causing us to halt in the air.

My eyes narrow as he confidently flies over the walls avoiding spells and arrows seemingly easily. I peer past him trying to find my grandfather but it appears he isn't here yet. Odd considering Engres said he was leading the army.

My blood freezes as I feel a presence behind me, "Ah, look how much my precious little princess has grown…"

I shiver at the breath down my neck, "It is nice to see you again, Yuè Xiǎo."

This book will get probably 3 chapters a week so look forward to it :)

SirSykocreators' thoughts