
Here be Dragons

This is a story on fanfiction, am just copying it. This story happened to be the very first story I read and I thought about sharing it to y'all. Here be Dragons by fadedaura. .................... They were given a chance... an opportunity to escape the clutches of the Fates. A single gambit by he Old Gods forever changes the game as the newest members of the wolfpack tear through the Seven Kingdoms to create the home they always wanted. The Game of Thrones would never be the same. Eventual crossovers with other franchises. (AU, Stark Centric, powerful North)

PrimalVoidDragon · Filmes
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18 Chs


Chapter 1: Prologue

Throne Room, Red Keep

"… and why should we bow down to you Barratheon? You are nothing but a petty murderer of innocents. You are no different than the mad king that sat on that very seat before you," Percy said in a steely calm voice looking at the mutilate bodies of Princess Elia Martell and her two children.


"Our house has taken insult after insult from you southerners. We too fought in this war. And here we are as usual. You didn't even ask our opinion on the new king. And you Jon Arryn… you want us to submit to this… oaf? That will happen when hell freezes over," Charles said gripping his sword tight and looking all around the stunned throne room.


"We were fine on our own before that blasted Aegon Targaryen included us into this cesspit you call a kingdom. We were free. We were happy. We didn't have to watch over our backs for liars and cheats. We never wanted to be included in your schemes. Yet again and again our people were dragged down from the Neck to participate in your conflicts… conflicts we had no desire for. And we were rewarded with nothing for our endeavors. What do you offer us for our compliance, huh? Nothing… you offer us nothing. All you want is to make the North bleed for all its resources now that we have finally prospered. You want to take everything we have for your own. You know what Barratheon? We aren't going to stand by these actions anymore and let another dictate our life from far away," Zoe called from her brothers' side staring straight at the so called newly crowned king.


"We are done with you all. Let it be known that you Robert Barratheon, king of Andals and the Rhoynar should they follow you, hereby known as the king who lost the North. You can rot in this cesspit all we want. We are done with all of you. The North rescinds its 'membership' from the Seven Kingdoms. The First Men will no longer be associated with the oppressive government. We wash our hands off of the Iron Throne," Charles declared stunning the crowd further.


"You know what? I'm glad you removed the Targaryens from the throne. We now don't have to abide by the bloodoath that witch Visenya forced on us."


"And you Lannister… beware of the night for that's when the direwolves hunt. No matter how powerful and majestic lions may be, they are no match for the hounds of night and death. Take care Lannister. May we never meet again," Percy whispered to the frozen Lord of the Casterly Rock.


The newly crowned king and his courtiers watched in silence as the Three Wolves jumped up onto the drgonesque creatures and commanded them to rise. All arguments had been silence with the show of absolute power. The Northerners who had been quietly stewing under the unfair treatment from the Iron Throne had finally snapped. They had risen in a way that nobody knew how to counter. They could have demanded the Iron Throne for themselves. But instead they had declared independence reinstating their old traditions. The First Men now answered to the King of the North. And there was nothing the rest of them could do about it.

In their wake the Three Wolves had left chaos and disruption. The smallfolk were now fully aware of the existence of magic. The Stark family which was long rumored to have these ethereal powers finally showcased them showing the rest of the nobles that should they take action, there was little they could do against them. The Order of Maesters took a large hit when the one thing that they had been desperately trying to suppress came at full force towards them.

Westeros would never be the same from that day. The remaining kingdoms had to spend a lot of time and effort to quell the rumors and small uprisings. The fact that Robert Barratheon was a piss poor king didn't help them at all.

As the saying went the North never forgot about the unfair treatment and they never forgave.

The North had finally risen.

This is a story on fanfiction, am just copying it.

This story happened to be the very first story I read and I thought about sharing it to y'all.

Here be Dragons by fadedaura

PrimalVoidDragoncreators' thoughts