
Her Tragicomic Situations

A slightly confused and angry voice resounded in the bright void, "What is happening?" "Isn't this what you wished for? One of your wishes are completed, second wish commencing in 3, 2, 1." Right at that moment everything became black and Min Akshi wished she could go and beat some sense in her younger self but she knew it really wasn't her fault so she a greater desire to eat Boa alive, the culprit, who made her fall into this predicament... _____________________________________________ After dying Min Akshi did not find herself in hell nor heaven but in a bright void where a voice tells her that she was chosen in a lucky draw and could have all the wishes she made throughout her life fulfilled. To Min Akshi who thought her life ended a bit early, this was a fantastic opportunity to have some fun so, she readily agreed without even putting any thoughts about the kind of wishes she made throughout her life! _____________________________________________ The cover is not mine, all credit goes to the artist. If the artist wants I will immediately remove it! This is my first novel and my native language is not English, hope you will bear with me!

HumaneDoll · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


My body felt as if it was disappearing, bit by bit, but after a while that feeling vanished and everything became numb...


After an unknown period of time Min Akshi's body finally felt something, as she opened her eyes and regained focus it was the big blue sky that greeted her.

She tried standing up but to her surprise and misery she wasn't able to move her body.

"Aahhh! Why can't I get up!??!!"

Even after multiple attempts she failed to get up so she she decided to call for help.


"Is there anyone here?"


"I need help please!"

"I am HERE!!"


Shouting, her voice only got louder and louder but there was still no one in sight.

She suddenly thought of Boa, thinking, it would help her like those systems did in the novels she read.


"Where are you? Can you hear me?"


Being unreliable as always Boa didn't reply.

Min Akshi started wondering what kind of wish she was going to fulfill here, but not even giving her the time to ponder about that, a large unkown shadow loomed over her.

Scared and anxious she tried getting up but she was still immobile, the shadow inched closer to her and.....stepped on her...


An odd and really low noise was heard but it was totally different from how it sounded when human bones break...

After a while the shadow was out of sight and Min Akshi noticed she didn't even feel any pain after getting cruelly walked on...she just felt some little irritation here and there.

Though it didn't hurt physically, it hurt mentally and emotionally, to Min Akshi it was a great insult, but no matter how angry she was she could do nothing about it because she felt her movements were even more restricted after getting 'walked' on.

If previously she was like a fat person lying on the ground unable to get up but able to move her hands and legs; then now, she felt as if her whole body was practically glued to the ground, the only body part she could move was her eyes which couldn't even see clearly...


She didn't know how long she lay there and how many 'shadows' stepped on her but whenever she was a bit healed and ready to get up, another shadow would pass by and...she would again be unable to move.

There was even a time when she walked a bit and then got walked on again...

She still didn't know what kind of wish was to be fulfilled but she was sure she wouldn't want to experience such a terrifying thing again...

Such a thing went on for an unknown amount of time...till...till a kind shadow came and completely crushed her, to put an end to her pitiful life...


As my soul got out of my body which lay there, crushed, I was finally able to see what had happened...

My body wasn't actually 'my' body, it was 'my' body in a way but still it wasn't my body...


As much as it didn't make sense, what Min Akshi saw after her soul got out of the body was pity worthy...

At a glance she wasn't able to see her body, which was...walked upon by 'shadows'...

But as she inspected the place she finally found a body...though at first she wasn't sure that it was 'that body' she was in, the condition of the body revealed everything and made her absolutely sure....

The body she found was the body of an....ant which wasn't even one centimeter and was even flatter than the flattest flake with all its legs askew...

Now, it didn't take long for Min Akshi to understand what had happened and what those 'shadows' were.

She remembered that she really admired ants as she thought they were hard working and had once wished that she was an ant too....

No wonder...no wonder she didn't feel any pain even after getting...trampled and walked upon, ants don't feel any pain afterall...

Among her chaotic and regretful thoughts of asking herself why she made such a wish Akshi's soul slowly disappeared...