
Her Toxic Desire

He immediately entered and then he said “Goblin is this like a hobby of yours or something” I looked at him as he spoke, I observed his perfectly shaped jaw line, his body was well built with each ab standing upright like strands of hair. His lips was well shaped with his eyes placed in positions you could loose yourself in, he was still talking and I didn’t pay any attention as I admired this well built creature. “I am talking to you Goblin, are you deaf or something? This obsession you have with me is getting out of hand, that you now peep at the window everyday trying to know if I’m getting it with another girl?” he asked as he smirked At that point my ability to speak was restored “Who gave you right to enter my room?” “Who said it was okay for you to crawl into my window?” “And who told you you’re so important that I’d waste my time spying on you?” “Get out of my room!” “Get out now” I Shouted Although I did not want him to leave I had to send him out. Davis smiled and then he started coming close to me I tried moving back then he grabbed me and he said “You are not even my type Goblin” and then crawled out *************************************** Charity has lived her trying entire life being the perfect daughter, with the good girl attitude she tries to attain a benefiting future for herself. This however is until she gets into college,she then gets involved with Davis in a sexual relationship. although Davis has no feelings for charity, she keeps her hopes up and pushes through with her desires. Will Davis end up falling in love with Charity? or Will Charity destroy her perfectly planned

Gifty_94 · Fantasia
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3 Chs


My name's Charity Goodtown and honestly I'm not really the definition of a dream girl.

I'm more of a mummy's girl. My mom is a single mom she had to raise me all by herself when my dad left us when I was 3.

Since then she has been the one catering for me. She ensured she planned my entire life before I was 5 to ensure that I do not get to experience what she did, so I had to be that perfect girl for mummy.

I have been like that my entire life and never have I been bothered about it until I Davis Garraway said what he said to me

"You are not even my type Goblin"

I looked at myself in the mirror and I wondered why someone would say that to me .

"Charity are you not beautiful?" I asked myself as I carefully observed myself.

I looked at my face my body and everything else as I wondered what made me unattractive.

Then my mom walked into the room

"Hey peach you should really get some sleep we have a long trip to make tomorrow" she said as she smiled and left

I immediately remembered I was going to college the next day to start a brand new life.

I woke up very early the next day I took a peep at the window and I saw Davis getting ready too.

He was annoyingly going to the same college I got accepted into, turns out I won't be getting rid of Davis Garraway any time soon.

I got ready and we began the trip, it was a long drive but we eventually got to Starman college.

This college was know to be one of the best in America.

"This is the big one peach make sure you come out with honors" my mom said to me

Right there In that car I knew what I wanted to do with my life and that was come out with honors in law.

My mom went along with me to check out my hostel.

When we got there my mom freaked out as she saw my roommates

Two British girls whose attires had already given them out.

"peach you are not staying in that room" my mom said to me as she left the room

"Mom please I don't want to cause drama on my first day in college, let's just let it slide I'll apply for transfer into another room in my sophomore year I promise" I told her as I ensured I sounded reassuring

"okay peach, I trust you" she said as she hugged me

My mom left and I made my way back into the room

"Hey peach" one of the girls said as she was trying to make fun of my mom

"don't let these bad girls influence you" she said

I did not respond Then she said

"your mom should know we are humans too and she shouldn't judge us just by our appearance" the other girl said

"Look I'm very sorry for the way my mother acted, she's just insecure with me and all I know and I won't let first impression be the judge of our relationship here and I want to get to know you guys" I said as I gave a welcoming look

"my name's Charity" I said as I smiled and brought out my hand

"I'm Sam" the first girl added

"Tiffany" the second girl responded

"And I hope we all become good friends" Tiffany concluded

The first days at Starman was nice. I spent most of my time in the library, other times I will be in the room reading.

My room mates would always leave for parties, come home drunk and all but I was not into those things cause my mom made sure she made me believe all those would only lead to a life of despair.

Then my roommates started making out in the room

"Jesus" I Shouted as all the books in my fell from my hand. I had seen Sam making out with a girl in my department, Sophie.

I mean I knew they'd bring people and make out with them but I never knew I would get to see it

"Hey Charity you should really take your reading somewhere else" Sam said as she had gotten annoyed over my reaction towards what she happened.

I left and I came back in the night.

"hey Char babe why don't you join us today?" Tiffany asked as she was dressing up to go to a party

"no the mummy's girl would not go, her mom might scold her" Sam said as she laughed

"look Sam I know you're still upset over what happened and I'm sorry about it" I apologized

"it is fine, but it still does not change what I said earlier" Sam said

"If you want to prove you are not a mummy's girl then you would go with us to this party" she concluded

I looked at her for a while and then

"Fine I'll go" I responded

"then get into something sexy, don't go looking like that" Tiffany said as she looked at me like I was disgusting

"if I'm going then I'll wear whatever I want" I said as I looked away

I got ready and we left for the party.

We got there and I saw a lot of people, they were drinking, smoking, making out and other things that I had detested.

"hey guys meet our roommate Charity" Tiffany said as she introduced me to her friends

"she looks naïve" A girl said

"yes she looks um yucky" the guy sitting close to her said as they both laughed

"You know that someone does not wear the kind of clothes you guys do does not make the person yucky" a familiar voice said

Someone approached where we were with drinks in his hands as he got closer I noticed it was Davis Garraway.

"You have no right to comment on someone else's look" he continued

"Hey Goblin I have not seen you around since we got here have you stopped stalking me?" he asked as they all began to laugh

I left there immediately and went to the bar side.

"Would you like anything dear" the bartender asked

"yes just give me soda water" I responded

"Are you sure?" he asked

"yes" I concluded

I felt so embarrassed from the way they had treated me.

"you know if you want to come to a party you should know that soda water is not what you should be taking" an unfamiliar voice said

I turned back to see who it was and it was a stranger, he was 6'2 with an nicely built body and a great voice, he smiled at me and I was lost immediately.

"Hey are you still there" he asked as I starred at him

I quickly tapped myself back to reality as I replied him

"I don't think it's any of your business if I drink soda water or not" I replied with a fierce tone

"Oh she's tough" he said as he smiled

"Well since it's your choice I'll leave you to your soda then" he said as he walked away

I checked my phone and it was 12:45, and I had a quiz on international law the next day.

I quickly picked my purse and rushed home, I was walking out of the premises when someone grabbed my hand.

"Hey Goblin where are you off to in such a hurry" Davis asked

"Let go of my hand Davis" I replied as I gave him a fierce look

"hey calm down Goblin don't bite me" he said as he smiled

I let loose his grip and started walking fast he followed me

"look Davis if you're horny look for a girl your type and make out with stop following me" I said as I increased my pace.

He immediately drew me from behind and I was starring directly into his eyes .

My heart immediately skipped a beat.

Davis kept me in that position for about a minute then the started working his way

He touched my lips

"You are not that ugly goblin" he said as his hands went through my legs like there was no barrier.

He kissed my neck and allowed his hands passed through the walls of my breast as he unbuttoned one button on my shirt.

He kissed my neck again and I was already in the mood for more.

"hey Goblin open your eyes" he said as he laughed

"did you think I was going to do anything with you?" He asked as he continued laughing

"Goblin you are not my type, having anything to do with you is impossible now go home and know your place before coming for things like this again" he concluded as he left

At that point I felt many things, embarrassed, horny and angry with myself.

I went back to my room and thought about what happened

"Davis Garraway must really think highly of himself" I told myself

"I won't forget what he did to me today"

"Davis Garraway I'll make you want me".