
Chapter 1: Before It All Began

“Maybe I should wear this on our first day back for senior year,” Lacey chuckled as she showed me a shirt that had a clown face emoji. When I tossed her a strange look, she only laughed again. “What? It would show my love and determination for Northwest High.”

“Oh my god Lace,” I said as I shook my head before eyeing the clothes rack once more. “I understand that high school sucks in general but think about it, it’s our senior year. We’re all almost done!”

“True that and then we’re off to Northwest Community College… should be easy enough,” Lacey replied and I shook my head, knowing my sister was being sarcastic again.

“If you ever need my help studying, I got you,” I said to her.

“I know, you’re the best sister ever!” She replied before putting out a cute navy-blue crop from the rack. “How does this look?”

“Awesome but would you get dress-coded for that?”

“I think it’s sexist if I do but don’t worry, to be safe I’ll just wear high-waisted jeans!” And with that being said, my sister walked over to the jeans rack.

My sister and I were so different. I studied hard while my sister focused all of her time and energy on makeup trends, outfit of the day blogs, and senior year pranks. Even though she always wondered why I studied so hard especially since our town is tight-knit and usually everyone goes to the same elementary, high school, and the same community college, I always wondered why she studied so little.

Thankfully, here at Cloves, everything in this town seems to be safe and easy. Yes, our town seems to be predictable but I usually find pleasure and gratification with the idea of standing outside the box. However, I don’t judge my sister for her ways and vice versa; it’s nice to have someone you're close with but who is so different. For example, she’s a Virgo and I’m a Leo. Our birthdays are only a couple of weeks apart but we were still thick as thieves.

Anyway, after scanning the rack for the hundredth time, I finally settled with a cute yellow button-down top and met up with my sister who was already in line and talking on the phone.

“...Mom?! Are you serious, that’s so sweet you didn’t have to. What, you and dad agreed?! Okay, you guys are the best parents in the universe! What? Okay, love you! Bye!”

Once she hung up, I tossed her a curious smile and she only chuckled in response. “Lace, what was that about?”

“Mace! Guess what, our parents finally gave me a car, it’s the blue Honda Civic, the one I always wanted! I’m so excited for senior year, my best friends S and T are going to be so happy for me, you know we all drive Honda Civics? Now we are matching—

“Okay, I’m happy for you,” I said as I gave a playful nudge, “but you’re doing that thing where you get excited and then you say too much at once. Second, you know I don’t like it when you call me Mace…it sounds like I’m someone made to ward people off from danger.”

“Well maybe you are with that top you picked out,” She said with a laugh. “I love you sis but your style says I play it safe and I don’t want danger or fun to follow me!”


“I’m just saying,” she continued, “Love you, sissy!”

I laughed as she ran up to the cashier before I could even have a further say in the matter. I couldn’t help but smile, I love her and she keeps things interesting despite our differences, so I guess that’s all that matters.

After we both bought our tops, we walked out of the store and into the corridors of Cloves’ mall. I looked around and smiled. The mall was small,l yet beautiful, with a few stores all in a circle, the names highlighted in neon-colored letters. The scenery was plain, yet roomy. Every time you walked by someone, there was an eighty percent chance you knew them.

However, just as I was thinking about this, I saw a guy I’d never seen before eyeing us with a flirtatious smile on his face.

“When are you going to learn how to start driving Mace especially since you’re older than me by a couple of weeks? You’re not lazy when it comes to school and stuff but you gotta get on top of those things in life if you want more freedom–

“Lacey,” I cut her off and at first she was annoyed but I signaled her a gesture towards the guy that was looking at us. “I think someone thinks you’re cute.”

She followed my gesture and looked at the guy. Her brown eyes locked with his green ones, and in response, she blushed and put one of her dark brown curls behind her ear. “Oh my god, you’re right! He’s cute too don’t you think?”

I looked at him. He was wearing a black hoodie with a skull engraved into it, some jeans, and converse sneakers. When he took off his hoodie, I noticed he had black tousled hair, a scar near his eye, and sun-kissed skin. I had to admit, he was attractive but he had that bad boy persona type of thing going on. “I guess he is!”

“Should I get his number?” Lacey asked me. “He’s my type!”

I rolled my eyes. “Bad boy meets girly-girl… how on earth will this go down?”

“Shut up, you’re just jealous!” She replied with a playful chuckle. “Anyway, I’m going for it.”

“Okay,” I said but for some reason, I had a sense that she needed to be a bit wary. “Just be careful, okay?”

“Come with me then,” she replied and grabbed my hand before I could even refuse. And before I could register what was happening, we finally approached just when he was just about to put some earphones in. Up close, I noticed that he had a tattoo on his finger. Huh.

“Hey,” Lacey said in her flirty voice and I tried to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing. “I notice you were looking at me earlier. Did you find anything interesting?”

He suddenly chuckled in response; his chuckle was quite deep and husky. He looked pretty young like our age but it made me question how old he was. “I guess I did,” he replied. Next, he suddenly grabbed her hand which shocked us but then he pointed at the phone she was carrying. “You have a cell phone.”

“Um, doesn’t everyone?” She responded with a confused but intrigued look on her face.

“Yeah, I guess but everyone doesn’t have your number,” he said, “so I was wondering if I could get yours.”

I wanted to laugh. That was sort of cheesy but my sister seemed to like it anyway. “Sure, what’s your name? I’m Lacey.”

“Ash,” he replied to her. “It’s nice to meet you!”

“You as well,” Lacey responded before handing him her phone. “Here you go.”

After he was done, he grabbed her hand again, putting his hand on top of hers. “It was nice to meet you, I hope to hear from you soon.” And with that, he walked off, his face seemingly satisfied and happy, leaving us with a smirk on his face. Hmm.

Lacey then turned to me. “Oh my god, Mace! Wasn’t he adorable?”

“Um, I don’t think I would say it was adorable but–She rolled her eyes, “I thought you would be happy for me, I may look like this but dating doesn’t come easy for me, you know!”

Goodness, my sister was such a character, “I doubt that but I am happy for you okay? But how old do you think he is?”

“He looks like he’s nineteen or twenty, I don’t know…but don’t be so worried. Hello, we’re already eighteen and besides, I just met the guy okay!”

She did have a point, I guess I was looking too much into it, “I guess you’re right. You should text him if you think there’s something there!”

“You know what I will,” Lacey exclaimed, “and to celebrate, let’s go for a ride in my new car!” She suddenly grabbed my hand and skipped excitedly. “This day is going perfectly Mace. Maybe our car ride will give you some luck with boys yourself!”

I suddenly released and playfully pushed her. “Shut up, you idiot!”

“Oh, I’m going to get you for that!” She said laughing as she chased me around the mall and out of the corridors.

When we made it outside, I looked right at her and couldn’t help but smile. It’s hard to admit this but I love how Lacey is still a bit childish and naive. I like to be more serious but there’s nothing wrong with taking a break once in and while.

Suddenly, I heard a car horn and I was shocked to see a blue Honda Civic pull right in front of us as my sister looked right up and squealed excitedly. Our parents came out of the vehicle and greeted us with an animated smile. “My beautiful daughters!” My mom chimed ecstatically as she walked over to us and embraced us.

Lacey pushed her away. “Oh come on Mom, we are too old for that!”

“I guess you’re too old for this car then,” My dad also chimed in with a laugh on his face.

“Group hug it is!” Lacey said and we all laughed. My dad marched over to my sister, mom, and me as we all embraced each other!

As I hugged them all, I smiled happily thinking I’m so thankful to have my family. My parents usually aren’t so lighthearted, but Lacey is always bringing that energy and they can’t help but match it whenever she’s around.

I know it might seem that I am stuck in her shadow but it’s refreshing to me if I’m being honest. We are all living different lives on the same timeline; Lacey reminds us that we’re all connected through love and happiness.

That’s what makes us a family.

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