
Her name is Alice

Alice Ruby was a Princess who resides in Wonderland peacefully, a wonderland is a place for in-born magicians and witches. Her everyday life is normal until her mother decided to make her marry a Prince that lives in east-faction in their kingdom because of the Power and Rank, although Alice doesn't want to get married off. She can't do anything but one of her Faerie friends suggested that if she doesn't want to get married, then the only solution for it is to go where the Wicked-Magician is. Alice went to the wicked witch of the west to make a selfish wish. By then, A cat-human named Chesire Cat faced her and eligibly ministering to Alice's decision who wants to leave the wonderland but to do that, Chesire needs to devour Alice's magical power. In their kingdom, magic is the most important thing in their life. If they lost their magic, they will get exiled in the Human-realm. Alice agreed just to escape from her future husband, and because of that. Chesire and Alice formed a contract that shouldn't able to be broken for eternity. (This story was inspired by the story of Lewis Carroll's Alice in wonderland.)

Lykoris · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter IX

IX- Against the Black Circus.

(Alice's POV)

After I met the young boy in the street, he brought me to his house. Since I owed him food against my will, I had to go with him. He doesn't seem to be a bad person though and you know, his house is really big. I wonder if he is like royalty in this place.

We were in his garden, discussing something about his friend. His servant served some tea and some fancy foods beforehand.

"What is it? What do you need for me? If I knew that you are scheming something like this I wouldn't have accepted that food." I shrieked in annoyance while he was calmly sipping a tea in the cup.

He then turned to me as I heard a little giggle from him, "Calm down, you don't need to fret. It's not like I'll make you do something dangerous." I can't help but sneer upon hearing those words.

I closed my eyes while nodding with absolute annoyance, "Let me tell you this. I'm not familiar with this world. I barely know everything, You seem to be in high rank but I don't know who you are." Once again, the guy laughed at me.

I see, he's definitely enjoying this. I breathed heavily as I turned my stares away from him.

"I'm not an official in this society, you must be talking about my older sister indeed. I have no name in the society, let's just say-I am an unknown child of my father." but what caught my attention is when he said that he is unknown. As if I felt the same feeling at the same time, I had to turn to him and feel sorry.

"Then…" I don't know if this is the trick or what but I really feel guilt, "Who could be you?" I added with a gloomy voice.

"You can call me Kai, my family name is Xinyi. I would like to know yours too and make acquaintance with you my fellow demi--" I immediately stopped him when he was about to call me a demi-human again.

"Stop! Call me Alice. I'm not a demi-human!" I just complained but he was gazing into my ears, my cat's ears. "Ah, this? This is not my ears really! Someone just cast a spell on me, that's why I have them!"

Kai suddenly leaned his hand to his chin like he can understand what I'm trying to say. "I see, that's why. You've been cursed."

Huh? Cursed? Why would Cheshire put a curse on me?

When I recall back what happened before I felt flustered because I think he was right. It's because I laughed at him before and he was so mad, ending up putting these annoying ears to me.

"So… Let's go back to the main point of why I had to do rude things to you, Ms. Alice."

Yes, I nearly forgot about that. What is it, bring it on!

"My demi-human best friend was caught on the illegal and notorious magi called The Black Circus." he started to explain things bit by bit although I don't have any idea what he was talking about, I quietly listened to him. "Do you know the organization called Black Circus, I presume you do-"

But I was dully looking at him, "I told you that I don't know things how to work in here."

"Is that so? Ehem." he cleared his throat while looking at me with suspicion, continuing from our discussion.

"So, this black circus illegally uses demi-humans to become their puppets. Since demi-humans are half-breed, they are easily getting targeted. They are also known as the Kingdom's notorious enemy, see here, they kill innocent people and also use them to rebel against this kingdom. We have to stop them from doing that. They mainly use black-magic, which causes irregularities for the light magicians."

Black-magic? So, even this place has magic? I didn't know about that, but what does he mean about the irregularities?

"Oh if you don't have any idea what irregularities are, I will explain it to you." Oh? This guy is quick-witted, he already knew that I don't know what was that.

"When someone uses black magic, light magic becomes unstable inside the human's body and they become corrupted. Or the worse part is when you die because the light magic inside you gets tainted since magic naturally supports your life." Oh I see, "but I have a question. If the people who used black-magic to other people then how come the person who has black magic is not dead yet and it is still spreading cruel things to others?"

He abruptly sighed for some reason.

"Aren't you listening to me? As I said before, the man who becomes tainted is either going to die or become immune to it. Ah- I forgot to say that if the man who was immune to the black magic, that only means he accepted it and he became a knight for the darkness."

"My brain is suddenly leaving me. You said that magic is the only one who supports the human's life, right? Then how come I'm still living even though I don't have magic." He laughed again, and it really pissed me off. He really loves to do that huh?

"What are you talking about, if you don't have mana then you are already a dead person. I doubt that you don't have magic, it's just that it was sealed somewhere inside you."

"Sealed…? D-did Cheshire really do that to me? On what purpose then? But I definitely saw that he ate my magic, that is certain." I whispered to myself, puzzled about what I should be believing.

As I stare back at the man, I think he knows what he was saying anyway but I also think I need to know various things in this world and to myself. Then knowing this black circus might be an interesting thing to do.

"Alright, you've explained enough. If we are going to raid this black circus you were talking about. Do you know where we are going to find it?" I asked him eagerly, "So you've already decided? That's good to hear however you are slightly wrong with what you've thought of what are we going to do, alright?" he suddenly snickered as he took another sip of tea.

"Wrong? What do you mean?" I confusedly asked once more. "We are not going to raid them my dear, we are only going there to get my friend." I blinked twice, scratched my head for some reason.

"What? You mean, you are just going to abandon the other people after you get your friend?" I was looking for a definite answer in his face but as I thought it was inscrutable.

"They are black magus, what could light magi be capable of doing? You said that you don't have magic, then that leaves only to me who only uses caenum (Water Magic)." I don't understand what he was trying to say. But the only precise thing I get is, "Are you saying that black magic is stronger than the light? Are you underestimating the light, Kai?"

"...Calling me in my name without horrific already-..?"

I angrily punched the table, "If you aren't going to save the others besides your friend then I don't think I will be able to help you." he then got flustered when he heard those words to me, "W-what? Why-" he panicky asked me, getting hyped up all of the sudden.

"I have a strong sense of justice. There's no reason that we need to abandon those weak people. Someone must do something to save them! You already said to me that those black circuses are using people for their own gain then I'm pretty sure that they will turn this kingdom upside-down in the future! We have to stop them, not tomorrow but today and right now!" as I asserted those words to him, his mouth wide opened frantically saying that he was pretty amazed at what I had stated.

"I didn't know that you were such a kind of person! I like that, however. I still can't allow it." he said without any hesitance.

"Eh?!" After all those words I uttered it still didn't work-

"I don't want you to get harm, and we're only the three of us. I don't have a knights that will protect us." he sounded worried when he said those words, "You don't have to worry. I am a skilled swordsman, I can take down anyone-" I persisted but he suddenly yelled at me.

"Don't you understand?! Even though you are a skilled swordsman, what could you possibly do to the magus? If you get tainted then it's game over for us! It is very dangerous for us to engage in any fight! I only brought you here because perhaps you can pretend to be one of their slaves but I do not wish you to get harmed for any circumstances. Please, understand what I am trying to say. I might not know you well but, I know you aren't a bad person so I can't just sacrifice you for them." my eyes were widened, his words are rather emotionally piercing my heart.

I never heard those words from anyone even my mother but this young boy here is so delicate just like that boy.

"E-ehh!? Are you crying?! Please don't cry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings!" I didn't notice my tears are already shedding, but I'm still grateful to meet such a kind person in this world. I smiled warmly.

"I will absolutely save your friend."

To be continued. . .