

A mysterious girl named Ivy without a specific face. A girl to cause someone to doubt their own thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. Every time that girl appears, her spooky game begins. Accordingly, paradoxes and contradictions multiply, the truth is exposed, the lies will be unveiled.

ViDiTinhTu · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

End episode 1_Chapter 8

The whole gymnasium was engulfed in flames after all. Fierce flames deep the people into it. For a while, a child's hand grabbed my pants. She is about 7 years old, wearing pajamas, holding a teddy bear in her arms. I guess she lives nearby. 

She looks at me with her tearful eyes and sobs, 'Did you see... Where... my mom is? Tina misses mom... hu hu hu' 

I stare at her, seeing that she assemblies the beloved teacher who died in it. I keep looking at it for a moment and then smile. 

'Tina, I don't know where she is. Maybe your mother went to buy something for you. No more crying, ok? I appease her. 

'Do you see that light is big?' I point towards the burning compound, 'There is a legend that if someone stands in front of this great light, closes their eyes and prays, the wish will come true. Do you want to give it a try?'

'Of course!', her eyes are bling bling as the star. 

'Well, before we do that, we have to keep it a secret from each other about meeting today. Only I know you're here. Okay?', I say.

'Yes!' She happily hooks my pinky finger. 

'Then now close your eyes, fold your hands and pray. After praying, go home and have a nice dream.'

I stand behind her, guide her, and quietly leave there. By the time she opens her eyes, she looks around her room and can't see me. She is upset and think someone would take her home. I watch from afar, grin and go to school. 

Sneak in from the back door of the school. With the broken cameras and the unrepaired staircase locks for a long time, I walk towards the principal's office, turn on the computer, delete all the data about me, copy the data he embezzled with his superiors, and leave the room. Next is the document room. It sounds fancy to say but it's just a warehouse with a bunch of paper. Opening the door to that room, looking at my school application file. I swipe a match. When the fire pops up and burns the paper, I drop it into other documents, the fire spreads for a while and fast. I contentedly close the door and leave there.

The next morning, the front page of the newspapers is uploaded with interesting events. From the burning old building that killed 40 people, to the mysterious death of the principal and his suicide letter, denouncing the illegal things he did to collect a huge bargain from the parents of students. There are many people involved in this incident, but for those insatiable greedy people, death is also worth it. A few months after that incident, in a city park, I am wearing a black hat and sitting in a chair with a cup of milk tea in my hand. 

The cute voice nearby sounded,

"Dad, Tina dreamed of a very beautiful sister, and she showed me the huge light. She said I could wish anything I want in front of the light. You know what I wish?' 

'What's it, Tina?'

'Tina wishes you would always be by my side, never have any business trips anymore. If I see her again, I'll wish for one more thing. I wish you would come back to me and we would live happily as before.' 

Under the tree, I recognize that little girl, she is always innocent like that. She cannot realize her father is unable to smile as soon as she mentioned her mom. However, the result is too late to change anymore.

This is end episode 1. Next episode will be published next week. I change "I" to "Ivy" from the next chapters. Thank you!

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