
Hentai:Thy Envies Journey

Hmm… Before I start the sypnosis I just wanted to let you guys know A HENTAI PROTAGONIST is diffrent from a HAREM PROTAGONISTS so dont mix things up. Again this is a hentai fic so dont expect logic to work like a 7 year old boy not being able to come since we all know full too well hentai protagonist certainly can… (A/N:Everything besides the OC isnt mine and belongs to their rightful owners) (A/N:The cover isn't mine it belongs to its drawer) ---------------------------------------------- Leviathan Cainan Azarias, a 28 year old edgy chuuni got depressed at the fact that his favorite hentai fanfic got dropped. He was so frustrated that night that he went out to drink in a definitely not mysterious bar… There he meets a kind old man who tolerated his edginess and chuuniness while he was venting all his frustrations. As the he was gonna pass out the not so shady kind old man decided to give a chance to live in a hentai xover there our MC Leviathan Cainan Azarias will live his life to the fullest. (A/N:I wanna meet that old man too) (Update is 3 times a week) (Join Discord im lonely:https://discord.gg/yjZpBwA5vE)

ArturiaSimp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


(A/N:A chapter since im very bored…)


"Hm, this should be the last of it if im not wrong." Im currently putting all my stuff in my inventory since Im moving out of this apartment. I already finished signing the contracts to buy the house yesterday and i also bought all the furniture needed which just got moved at the house last night.

'Well time to go there now.' Im just gonna run from here to there and its currently 2:00 AM in the morning so there aren't alot of people even if they are all they'll see is blurs since its dark and im gonna use my speed from EAS plus two times peak human.




It took me 3 mins huh. I was expecting it to be faster *Sigh* cant help it. Afterall, after the first step the ground had a huge crack in it so i had to limit my leg strength, im already accustomed to EAS since it gave me the muscle memory on how to use it without breaking everything near me the crack came from the added stat points since i didn't ran that fast when i putted it.

'Anyways im here I should go in.' I wanna sleep. I then started opening the door using the key. This house atleast looks decent compared to my apartment, I should go the master bedroom now.

I'm gonna resign tommorow at work, the thing i cant figure out is how im gonna confess to Kei i have a lot to pick from but almost all of them are cringeworthy, so much even myself will die from cringe now thats means something coming from a former chuuni like me.

The only time become chuuni is when im drunk or lightheaded so dont get it wrong.

Well no use thinking about it *Sigh* I've been sighing alot lately.





"I know, I know im awake goddammit stop ringing." this damn alarm clock is annoying who even told me buying one is a good idea?

After cursing the person who gave me the idea that buying an alarm clock is a good thing i started to take a bath after that i dressed up, went to the kitchen to cook and got ready for work.

I went out of the house and I of course didn't forget to lock the door up since i didnt want some robbers stealing from me, but as i was about to go to work i heard something every degenerate will want to be called.

"Onii-chan?" hmm? Onii chan? Do i perhaps know this girl? As i went to look who called me that i saw 2 beautiful ladies one with short black hair and another one who was a brunnete with waist length hair the girl who has black hair was covering her mouth with her hand and the brunnete girl was just standing there shocked. Well im shocked too since this two girls are someone i recognise yes, these two are kotone and ayane from overflow. Ah so thats it huh they're this bodies siblings more specifically younger siblings and thats why the feeling of familiarity was oozing off this house it turned out it was our neighbours house when they were still living here. The world is a small place afterall i mean what are the chances?

"Kotone, Ayane long time no see."

"What do you mean long time no see you leave us for 1 year and you just comeback all of a sudden? And whats up with your face when did you get that scar and had heterochromia?" leave us all of a sudden? I was kicked out for christ sake what bullshittery are you spouting.

"First of all i didnt leave you all of a sudden, second of all this isnt a scar its a birthmark and i was born with heterochromia did you hit your head and forget?"

"Umm, Oniichan i dont remember your face what happened? If i couldn't somehow tell thats it's you i wouldn't have recognise you." ask a bewildered kotone.

Hey you damn OAA help me here will ya' I'm getting tired of explaining every single damn time.

[Acquired Skill: Do not question my face - Self explenatory]

Oh nice, thanks for this the author was getting sick of explaining everytime.

(A/N: Flex tape is expensive dont do this again.)

"Are you two going to school?" They're wearing school uniforms and carrying their bags of course they're going to school what retarded question is that? You might think but im doing this to avert the topic then my skill will just kick in.

"Ehh… Yes, we're going to school what are you gonna do Oniichan?"

"I'm gonna go to work. Want me to accompany you to school? I think that its the same way as my work we can catch up while were at it."

"You better explain everything while were walking" Said the brunnete tsundere.


'This is going to be a long day. I still havent even confessed to kei.'


[Status Plate]

[Name: Leviathan Cainan Azaria

Race: Human,Servant

Titles: Hentai Protagonist

Strength: 3(+)

Endurance: 3(+)

Agility: 3(+)

Intelligence: 7(+)

Charm: 1(+)



ARCHER EMIYA SET - Magic Resistance (D Rank),Clairvoyance (C Rank),Mind's Eye (True) (B Rank),Magecraft (C- Rank),Projection Magecraft (C -> conditionally A+),Unlimited Blade Works, Experience and Memories, Servant Physique.

Do not question my face - Self explenatory.
