47 I will attend it!

The morning sun bathed the gloomy streets of Veleton in radiant rays, piercing through the somber atmosphere. As the city's inhabitants embarked on their daily routines, the reapers seamlessly blended in, assuming the guises of ordinary humans.

Lady Winter savored the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, expertly prepared by her devoted assistant, Lia. Her senses heightened as the rich flavor danced on her tastebuds, eliciting a smile that curved her lips. As her eyes scanned the tablet, she swelled with pride, admiring the records and achievements amassed by the Mortimer lineage over the past decades.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Yael, seated beside Lady Winter at the breakfast unit, glanced at Lia's back and silently reached out through their telepathic connection, "Where are they?" He fretted about his brothers' absence, sensing their delay might provoke their mother's wrath.


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