
Grinding To a Halt

My husband and I worked together. We were agents for a government agency. We were the ones that took one the strange unexplainable cases. Our coworkers constantly called us Mulder and Scully, after the show The X-Files. We were diligent. And every time we dealt with things and we would get closer to the truths that were hidden from the world another agency would swoop in and afterward the investigation would stall.

G.O.D.S. The Global Order of Defence Service. We would scowl. Their top guy would glare and tell us to hand everything over. He was a pompous ass and it took everything in me to bite my tounge.  One day I had had enough of it though.

"Who died and made you a god?" I spit with fury.

He smirked and replied, "Cronos."

I had taken it as sass and didn't appreciate the humour.   But still.   We would get cases and they would swoop in and take specific cases.  Cases that would prove that there was more to the world we lived in. 

Today though, Alex and I went to a crime scene.  It was gruesome.  What made it worse...  the victim was a child.  I stiffened at the sight.  Alex rubbing my back knowing I'm thinking about the children I wasn't able to bare for him.  Wondering how this could ever happen.  The parents are howling through grief and away from the scene.  The window broken allowing for the cold air to blow through the space. 

"Ma'am, we found fur, wound around her fingers.  It's like the fur from the other cases.  Not canine and not feline." The tech tells me. 

I nod and move carefully around the scene. The claw marks on the floor and the fur suggest animal, yet an animal wouldn't pose bodies.   All these victims have one thing in common.  The position.  They are posed.  And there's something familiar about it. 

"Mira?" Alex calls to me quietly.

I look over and snarl.  One of the GODS Agents are on the other side of the tape watching.  What is going on.   Sending me over and interrogating them. 

"Why are you here?"  I demand, "I won't have you stalling yet another investigation."

He looks down at me, his purple eyes shifting, looking like galaxies.   He sighs and looks back at the girl.  I snap my fingers in front of his face to snap him out of it. He looks back to me and opens his mouth. 

"I don't live far from here, I was going to offer to help." He murmurs raising his eyes toward the parents, "But I can see that there isn't anything that I can do.  I'm sorry to have bothered your investigation."

He turned to leave and I call after him, "Don't be telling your boss.   He is going to allow yet another criminal to walk free."

I'm disgruntled.   Walking back the parents have been removed from the scene and placed under protection in case this was a targeted attack.   There hasn't really been a connection as of yet.   There's something that strikes me as odd about the whole thing and I start to wonder what we are dealing with.

The long day passes without further incident but I sit in our living room on the floor with all the notes and all the cases that seem connected. The positioning has been bothering me a great deal and I start to sketch out the position. Something stirs memories of myths and lore and it's a nagging feeling.

"What are you drawing now?" Alex comes up behind me kissing my neck.

I sigh, "The positions of all these victims is bugging me. Its all the same and it holds some significance. I just need to crack why, then we may be able to take a step forward in this investigation."

He sighs and sets down food beside me knowing that as far as I am concerned that this takes priority. When I get like this Alex just lets me be with little interruptions for food or sleep. Tonight is no different. He leaves me alone and lets me think on the commonalities of these deaths. He even brought me a blanket when I fell asleep on the couch after pacing. But that didn't help with any great detail. It was just how much he loved me.

The next morning we go back out and do some canvasing. Many of the people that we talk to didn't even realize that anything was wrong and the Medical Examiner wasn't that helpful either. The analysis on the fur is something else. The tech is bouncing over the discovery of some new animal because there is nothing that it matches to. But at the dame time that makes our job harder. I growl in frustration when we get back to our desks. The placement of the bodies still nagging at me for some unknown reason.

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