
Welcome to hell god

A Devil name Ron is curs by god that he is to recarnet as a human with bad luck for eternity. He suffer every day and night for his life to become stronger enough to take revenge to God. One day he met a girl in park her name is Rel she is the devil God daughter she new about Ron and his curs she suggests to take your revenge you need to become devil God. What do you mean by become a devil God and how do you know about about my curs. I am sure about that accepts that God even devil God didn't know about my curse how you know about it and who said to you about my curs.

Do you know how to get of with this curse please tell me. I tell you how to get rid of this curs in one condition .

I will do any things to get rid of this curs please tell me how. You don't want to know about condition. It doesn't matter only thing I want to get rid of this curs .

OK you have to listen to me very carefully. you need to become devil God then I will tell you. Why do I need to become devil God because to lift this curs you need devil God power in 10 year.

if you not Abel and qualified to be a devil God you are going to suffer 1000th time more suffer just like your soal are going to erase from entire universe.

ok then I do any things please Guide me are you sure about this. yes then go to devil temple there you get some power devil power