
Insidious Suggestion

"You really wanted to chain me to the bed like what Apollyon had done?" Luna glared at him and recoiled, her determination to escape the Archdemon of Gluttony intensified.

"Oh, this was far from what I had been willing to do for you, Amare." Ravin had dug his fingers into her wavy silver tresses and made it fan around the Archdemon like curtains closing them together. "I hate to see anyone suffer, you most of all. Stay here with me and be my queen, and I will fulfil your greatest desires. " 

Ravin was an Archdemon with no saving grace and expecting him to be different from Apollyon will lead to massive disappointment. 

"I can't wait to sample your soft secrets with my tongue."

Luna held her breath as she wandered nervously about what will come after from the Archdemon's words.

"I usually like it hard, fast and savage. But for you, I'll make an exception." 

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