
Chapter 3

When the next day came around, Lora hadn't slept a wink. And no one came all morning for her.

However, around midday Malcoy walked into the dungeon but this time he wasn't with anyone. Yet he was bleeding again from his birth father Lora assumed.

Malcoy was wearing a black hood, having his hood up and a black facemask too. Along with long back pants and black gloves. The typical villain look, he really did look like a monster walking around the castle walls.

When he saw Lora through her cell bars, her clamps on her wrists and ankles were burnt to a crisp on the floor but the ones on her wings stayed intact. She was casually laying on her bed, tossing a ball of some sort of golden light from hand to hand.

Malcoy leans against the dungeon wall, facing her cell. His arms were crossed, just ignoring his bleeding wounds.

Lora looks over at him and the ball of light disappears. She sits up and smiles warmly, "hello."

Malcoy gives her a cold glare in return.

Lora sighs, thinking it was pointless to continue trying to start a conversation with him.

Malcoy however was constantly thinking on what could possibly be her intentions. Why did she want to help him, is he part of some massive plan of hers? He continued to just stare at her, attempting to figure her out.

As he did he started to notice how perfect looking she is. Her hair was neat, she looked naturally and slightly inhumanly beautiful. As well as her white sundress still perfectly fine.

Malcoy thinks 'They were right about angel beauty.' He was strangely admired by her.

Lora was still looking away from him, not noticing all his staring. Her golden eyes seemed to shimmer even though it was such a dark dungeon. She glances over at him curiously.

Malcoy just looked back with his bright yellow snake eyes.

Lora thinks 'i didn't realize demons weren't so scary.' She says to him "Malcoy isn't it?"

Malcoy growls in anger, sounding like an animal, but nods a little.

Lora nods back "A pleasure to meet you." She looks away after she says that. Lora thinks to herself 'I'm just glad he isn't questioning me.'

Malcoy notices a glowing light around her wing clamps. It almost seemed like it was eating at them. He didn't start to run or try to stop it, he stayed and watched it happen.

A few minutes later and they were free, she stood up and stretched them out. Her wings were still their beautiful snow white color, matching her sundress. She sits back down on her bed and her wings disappear leaving her looking more human.

Malcoy just watched emotionless, his own clamps tightened around his wrists. A small stream of blood trickled down his hand.

Lora notices "Hey, are you ok?"

At first Malcoy was confused and then he thought 'oh yeah. Angels care about everything. Yuck.'

Lora says softly "I do care."

Malcoy says nothing in return and thinks 'the hell?'

Lora "I'm not allowed to lie."

Malcoy rolls his eyes.

Lora looks surprised with his response "what? It's true."

Malcoy thinks to himself without saying anything to her directly 'some stuck up rule follower.'

Lora glares at him a little and then gasps in surprise. Looking away she thinks 'did I just... glare?!? God, I've got to get out of here.'

Malcoy starts to walk away, Lora looks at him "wait." Malcoy stopped and looks back at her.

Lora "thank you."

Malcoy just walks out and thinks 'what the hell does that mean? Thank you?'

Lora sighs and lays back down on her bed and closes her eyes. She tries to calm herself, she thinks 'he's the only being I've seen all day...it's nice for the company. Too bad he doesn't enjoy mine.' She dozed off to sleep.

The next morning, Lora was still sleeping in her cell. Malcoy watched her from the same place from yesterday, outside her cell.

Lora looked adorable when she's asleep, curled up a little like a cat.

Malcoy thinks 'cute.'

Lora's eyes start to flutter open, her little eyes a misty gold. Clearly still tired, she sits up a little. Lora notices she had clamps on her again. She looked up at Malcoy "why does he even bother?" She says.

As talkative as Malcoy is, he didn't respond.

Lora looks back at the clamps and starts to focus on them. Murmuring something in a foreign language and the light starts eating at the clamps again. Soon enough they had fallen to the floor.

She rubbed her wrists gently, they are kinda bruised from the tight clamps. The angel looked more curious at the feeling then annoyed.

Malcoy who had just been watching her work at this. He growls a little and thinks 'what an idiot, make it look like a cool little science experiment then the actual torture it is to have!' His clamps tighten around his wrists again.

Lora not noticing Malcoy's reaction and just thinking as she examines her wrists 'I haven't felt pain in decades...I forgot how bad it feels'

Malcoy's wrists start to trickle with blood again as the clamps squeeze him. Malcoy's clamps work based on how strong he shows emotion. Because his father wishes for him to be kept under control he wants him to stay as an emotionless monster. Not happy, angry, or upset.

Lora glances over at him and he crosses his arms. Hiding his hands from her. Lora stands up and goes towards the bars.

Malcoy takes a step back from her, unsure of what she wants from him or what golden shit she is going to use on him. But instead Lora holds her hands out, reaching outside the bars. Her palms were facing up.

Malcoy gave a confused look.

Lora sighs "you're in pain aren't you?"

Malcoy thinks to himself 'the hell? She wants me to actually trust her.'

"I told you I can't lie, and I promise I'm just going to help you. It won't hurt at all."

Malcoy snarls and walks out the dungeon, thinking 'I'm not getting help from some angel...probably hold it against me that little idiot.'

Lora takes her hands away and sighs "I only wanted to help…"

Suddenly a trumpet sounded off and an announcer proclaimed upstairs at the entrance of the great castle. "Princess Celestia and Princess Evelyn have arrived!!"

Malcoy thinks as he steps out of the dungeon. 'shit.'