
Chapter 2

The Reaper King grips his whip tight, which was now covered in disgusting, black, demon blood. He was furious, he wanted expression. Just a little fear in the angel's eyes. At least something!

Lora glanced at the whip as he gripped it tighter but didn't show a hint of fear. Or the slightest of emotion towards the Reaper.

The king snarls in defeat "fine." He didn't need to be the first one to land a scar on her. That was for his son, the heir to the throne. He will learn to be the next Angel Slayer!

The Reaper King walked out the cell as the remaining guard dragged the fallen one out after him.

Lora silently and calmly gets up from the ground. She sits herself on her given bed which I must say was not in the best shape at all. It felt like a 1 inch thick mattress, but then again this is hell so what did she expect.

An hour goes by before she heard anyone else, Lora was praying with her hands folded neatly.

It was the King but he didn't seem to pay any attention to her at all. Instead he shoved a demon into another cell.

This wasn't like the dark guards that stood beside the reaper king, no, this was another reaper. He was tall, maybe around 6'7" and looked a lot alike with the King. His eyes were a bright yellow and he had shoulder length hair, which was a deep black color that matched his few scales. He had a nice jawline as well, the young  reaper looked around Lora's age, being in his early twenties.

He got shoved against the stone wall, the Reaper King's pupils unnaturally narrow. The King snarled at him as he continued an earlier conversation "Can you believe that! Someone thought you were my son!"

Lora opened her gold eyes and lifted her head from her praying hands. She observed the new demon's appearance, 'that must be Malcoy then.' She thought.

Malcoy stood up straight, he was bleeding from his lip but had a very determined look written across his face.

Lora unfolds her hands and sets them calmly on her lap. Watching very quietly through her cell bars.

The Reaper King lashes out his whip and wacks him across the chest. Malcoy winces in pain as the blade cuts his shirt. But he still stood, clearly much stronger than the demon before as one hit killed him.

Malcoy glances at Lora out of the corner of his eye from her angelic glow. Lora looked so beautiful compared to everything he had seen in his life in hell. She sits up straight with her glowing golden halo and two smaller white angel wings on her back. She wasn't a very strong looking angel.

When she looked at Malcoy, he was much different than her. Having two chain clamps around his wrist having a broken chain attached to them. She looked curious at the sight of him.

The Reaper King shatters Malcoy's train of thought by slashing him again. But this time Malcoy grabs the blade with his hand.

"Oh you're going to pay for that you little bitch!!" The King yelled.

Lora flinched hard at the swearing, the King yanks the whip out of the young reapers hand, cutting his palm open. The King gripped Malcoy's neck tight, slamming him hard into the cold wall. The King held the beginning of the blade and looked in Malcoy's eyes as he dragged it deep across his chest. Malcoy cries out in pain.

Lora doesn't watch, instead she murmurs something in a different language quickly.

The King lets go of him "there." Malcoy falls onto his hands and knees, blood dripping onto the stone floor. The King glaring down at him "am I your father?"

"No Your Majesty." Malcoy said, looking at the ground.

Before anything else could happen a transparent golden wall forms around Malcoy. The Reaper King on the other side.

The King looked surprised at it and Malcoy tilted his head to see Lora. She was murmuring some kind of chant in another language from her cell softly. She was completely focused on what she was saying, her eyes shut tight.

The Reaper King backs away from it "I'm done anyway. Have fun getting killed by an Angel, Monster." He runs out so Lora couldn't stop him.

The wall disappears and Lora looks a little faint, breathing heavily. She opens her eyes.

Malcoy was still looking at her, silent.

Lora glances up at him, her voice very soft and kind "are you alright?"

He looked a little surprised by her question.

Lora looked worried for him and asked again "are you alright, Malcoy?"

Malcoy growled and got up, Lora frowned a little and looked away as he just walked out the dungeon still bleeding.

Lora, still sitting in her bed, crossed legs and starts praying like nothing happened.

All of the next day, no one came with food or anything. The little angel was all alone.

Lora thinks to herself 'probably punishment for helping Malcoy.'

Late at night though a demon much like the guards came in her cell.

Lora opened her eyes and looked up at it.

The demon said plainly "I'm here to lock you up under the Reaper King's orders, he claims to see you using sorcery."

Lora said back politely "it's not sorcery but I understand."

The demon ignores her and grabs her. It puts clamps around her wrists and ankles which got chained to the back cell wall. Lora's wings were then clamped shut so she couldn't open them.

Lora didn't fight back, instead she looked at the clamps in curiosity. And not the slightest look of pain showed on her face.

The demon left without saying anything, as it was told to do so.

Lora watched it leave, she continued praying but only with lowering her head. Because the clamps didn't allow her much else. This kept her occupied for rest of the night.
