
Hel and the Emerald Sky City

[Mature Content] ||| This is a fantasy soulmates romance set in an Urban setting with lots of deeply traumatic backstories and many deaths on the way, in a magical ancient academy, and with one of the main plots being revenge. There are countless types of mythical creatures and all coexisting in our very world. ||| Torture is all I’ve known for two thousand years. Not because I’m the one causing it, which ain’t the case, but because since the old reptile, Dragon Queen Meredith Bloom and her daughter in law, Crowned Princess Philippa Bloom kidnapped me from my mother when I was 7 years old, and killed her in front of me, I’ve been treated like a material she absolutely despised but wanted to make a weapon with. All because I’m the bastard daughter of the Crowned Prince Russell Frederick Bloom, the “holy-golden-dragon” with my mom, a black dragon extremely powerful who worked directly with the Dragon Queen and King as the Royal blacksmith and stylist. Which baffles me even more is that mother and Russell were mates, but as dear grandma there didn’t want a black dragon to mate with her precious golden son, she terrorized my mom when she learned of their affair and made sure her son married a female golden dragon of high birth right away. That’s where Philippa Pepper Wreathers-Bloom comes into the picture. She got engaged to my birth father before mother could even have me, and as soon as she had me on the territory now known as New Zealand, she ran away to her family’s original territory on the Himalaya Mountain Range. Which is where she made her lair and raised me for 7 years, in physical age. That is, until dear grandma came and ended our short-lived happiness. Aye, key detail. Mom and dad were both dragons, of different founding clans but both dragons, nevertheless, I came out weird and I’m not a dragon at all, I’m something else entirely, though still in the reptile family. Which is another reason why Meredith tortured the shite out of me. If there was something she despises more than having a bastard in her perfect Royal bloodline, is having a bastard who’s an error in the system (not my choice of words, hers), something that’s only been heard in legends of the long gone old world. What are you then, Hel? I’m a serpent. But not just a serpent, I’m a gigantic black serpent with emerald scales here and there (which Meredith is to blame for), long and wide bat-like wings, with sapphire eyes, and silver sharp fangs full of a very lethal poison. ||| English is not my first language.

NastyRaven888 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
164 Chs

VIII ||| My Venom Ain’t P(ink)

" Oh? I'm sorry, I got you wrong."

"It's alright, Hel. You should be on guard with vampires, especially those who don't know what you are. Belladonna has some magic that kind of unable the students to kill each other. You get a bracelet when you arrive there, that can only be taken away when you graduate, and only works while in there, that makes you get instantly teleported to the med wing to be healed. Their healers are also one of the best in the world, so, you won't kill them. Nevertheless, if anyone drink from you, they will definitely be in a terrible state of near death given your poison," then she put Die For Me by Camila Cabello to play in the back, not loud enough to interrupt us. "Do you like this song? I can change it for you."

"Oh, no need. I like it. I even have it on my phone. Cosmos knew I liked it when he showed me, so he downloaded for me," besides I enjoy the singer a lot. Not my favorite, but definitely one of them.

"To think Cosmos, the frightening right arm of the Supreme Dragon Queen would be into pop songs of the new world," she mocked. "But yes, this no-killing-others thing is pretty damn annoying in Belladonna."

Then Meredith was just messing with me when she said I might kill someone in there? "But there always a way to break these rulers, no? There must be a way to cut the effect of the bracelet. I mean, a way to kill a student while in the Academy grounds."

Abellona grinned like a cheshire cat, "Hel, I'm starting to like you quite a lot," and I'm sure I'm blushing. "When I was there a long time ago, two students were murdered, but it was a mystery how they did it. I mean, they were bloody ripped apart. So, I believe the key to kill another student in BABS is to do it in the worst way you can think of. In a way that will be impossible to heal. Only three races wouldn't die if ripped apart," she clicked her tongue and looked at me from head to toe. "Four with you, snakes have a ridiculous regeneration kind of shite, don't they?"

"I prefer serpent. And yes, we do," I know because grandma dearest made sure to test it out. Hurts like the burning of hell. And the regeneration is slowed down if you are already in low energy, but it works wonderfully. "The other three would be dragons because they are a type of lizard and have good regeneration," just not as good as mine, "vampire, because of their insane healing, that also put their pieces together; and the seraphim, given their healing that is said to be as great as the vampire's, right?"

A nod, "Those three were created by the Triple Goddesses at the same time, Hel. They were their first creation. Maden created the dragons, Mother created the seraphim, and the Crone created my kind. When they did it, they mirrored many things in the three races, and the healing was one of them. So, I would say both the three first races have the same healing abilities!"

Similar to what mom told me back in the lair. "And the others?"

"The second horde of races came ten centuries later. Maden created the shifters, Mother made the demons, Crone created the witches," well, we can tell the Maden enjoys people who can shift into animal forms. "More ten centuries passed before they made the third horde. Maden came up with siren, Mother made humans, Crone made the fairy. On the fourth horde, ten centuries later, Maden made the kraken, Mother made the giants, and Crone made the elves."

"They got together to make my kind after the first horde, according to mom. That's why the reptile, with wings, and venomous fangs, a similarity with both the first three races," she seemed surprised by my words, but nodded. "Naël also told me once that the three Goddesses had come together to make the gargoyles at last."

"That's right. They are the youngest creation, though the new world barely remembers them, and treat them like museum decorations. Many even forgot they existed," she clicked her tongue. "No one knows why they exist though. And the Triple Goddesses made other minor races in the meantime, but none as powerful as the first four hordes of supernatural. That is, aside from humans, who are magic-less and weak, and pretty much food for vampires who enjoy their taste."

Sounds awful, "Vampires also use the humans to widen their population, do they not? Made vampires are a thing after all."

She got up, and made a sign for me to follow her and I did it, then she took me to her workshop, then she snapped her fingers and all the weapons came from the living room to the side of the office, plus the guns she mentioned before and my mom's drawings. "Strip, Hel."

For some reason, her words made me blush harder, but slowly, I did as she asked me, starting with my boots and staying only in my cotton black underwear. I'm not embarrassed of my scars, but Cosmos said people like pretty perfect things, and I'm more like a repaired broken vase full of cracks, full of scars. I bet it's not a pleasant view, but I'm fine, my scars tell my story and I'm not embarrassed of that at all.

"Maden be damned," she whispered in shock as she looked at my body. "Kid, you're ripped. Bloody ripped," then she touched my abdomen, "look at those muscles. Bloody hell, I think I've never seen someone this defined. You aren't a muscled head thick of muscles everywhere, but your curvy body is so defined that it looks like you were sculpted."

What? My muscles?

Why is she talking about this? "Do you care more about muscles than scars?" I asked genuinely curious, as no one but Meredith and Cosmos saw my body, and they clearly didn't care much about my build.

"Yeah, those scars are insane, but those muscles?" She passed her hand on my shoulder while staring as if I was a exotic animal, "Crone bless me, look at your shoulder. That bastard did a crazy job with you," she held my left arm, "the best possible. And to think you didn't lose your wide breasts when training, really spectacular."

She's weird. "I never thought my body was that crazy."

"That's because you've never had anyone to compare yourself to, Hel," she chuckled as if I had said something stupid. "You have almost no fat, kid. That's some rare thing to find. All your fat is in your breasts apparently, given the size. Crone's above, what are you, a D cup?"

I looked down at my breasts, not really seeing anything wrong with them, "Are they not fine?" I arched my eyebrows in curiosity. "To me they are normal."

Abellona gasped, "You're unbelievable. I wish I had some 'normal' breasts like yours. I bet many girls will be envious of you in Belladonna."

My eyes went to hers that look just fine as mine, "You're fine."

"I see he failed to teach you how to filter yourself," she chuckled. "Which is amusing. But Hel, your size is bigger than most, but not big enough to get flaccid. It's like the perfect size, something many females fight to have by putting fake ones."

What? "That sounds ridiculous. Everyone is different."

"Touché!" She winked. "Anyways, your body is incredible. And you will look hot as hell with my tattoos adorning your sculpted form, like a masterpiece. But how do you feel about the scars?"

The concern in her voice made me feel warm, "I'm fine with them. But Cosmos told me people might look at me with contempt and disgust, if they see my scars, because they tend to only prefer pretty things." I said while looking at my right forearm, as Ghostin by Arian Grande played in the back. "I like this song."

She petted my hair, "I like this song too, kid. So, you don't feel bad for having these scars right?" Bad?

"Not at all. I feel bad for having gone through what caused them, but not for having them, because they mean I survived every and each of my wounds. They make of me a survivor, and I couldn't feel more proud of them," besides, I prefer clothes that cover my body entirely either way. Not showing them won't be a problem.

"Good. You have to feel proud of yourself. But don't worry, you will feel even better with them after I tattoo you," she winked again, and took a needed from the box in the side, and a package to store blood. "Shall we get started?"

Nodding, I jumped over the med bed that's taller than me, and held out my arm for her, "I'll withhold my healing, so it won't close the wound while you take my blood."

Her eyebrows went up, almost meeting her hairline, and the song changed to Oh My God by (G)I-DLE in the back, one of my favorites too. We definitely have a similar musical taste. "Is your healing that strong?"

A nod, "It is. I mean, I'm energetic, so yes. When I'm exhausted it gets kind of slowed, but I'm able to stop it when I want."

"How did you get these scars if you heal like that, Hel?"

"I was constantly badly wounded. Grandma dearest did her worse while torturing me monthly. She would make sure to exhaust me and give me wounds over wounds over wounds, and internal wounds, plus breaking my bones. Added to my body going to sleep in stasis, my healing got extremely slowed, and after some centuries, it started to leave scars on my body," I bit my bottom lip as the needle pierced my vein. "You know, grandma dearest used to take a lot of my venomous blood, and of my pure venom too, to make tests."

She cringed at that, "She tested you?"

"Yes. She never saw a winged serpent after all. She's old as shite, but apparently, not old enough to have lived during the old world when my kind was still alive," shrug. "So, she took lots of things to test. Venom, blood, scales, fangs, claws, wings, nails, and also my hair when it changed colors!"

Abellona frowned as if in pain, "Fucking monster. I'm sorry you went through two thousand of years of torture like this, Hel. You are a lot tougher than you look while clothed. I mean, your toned body and scars tell a story of strength after all. But you easily pass as a fragile girl while clothed."

Her words got me smiling, "Sounds like the people in Belladonna will be underestimating me."

"You sound excited by that," she scoffed.

"Because I am. I can't wait to kick their arses," I grinned.

Rolling her eyes amusedly, Abellona looked at the bag with my blood, "Looks very normal to me," she said more to herself than to me. "I thought it would look different, given that it's definitely different. But it looks ordinary like everyone else's blood."

"I may not look like, but I'm a normal person, Abellona," I smirked.

She gave me a I-ain't-falling-for-that-shite look, "No, you ain't. That's the biggest bullshit you've told me so far. We both know it."