
Heart Protection (Back From The Brink)

Banished from her cultivation sect, Yan Hui accepts a hunt to earn money. She encounters the snake demon she's hunting but is wounded in the fight. The snake demon flees, and she is forced to stay in remote mountain village until she regains her magic. During her time in the village, Yan Hui stumbles upon several mysteries. Who is the strange boy that seems to be hiding his true nature? And who is the woman dressed in white? Yan Hui finds herself in the middle of a conspiracy. With fingers pointing at her former shifu as the culprit, Yan Hui sets out to find the truth. ................................................................................................ Associated Names: Back from the Brink (Drama adaptation), Protective Heart, 护心 Author: Jiu Lu Fei Xiang 九鹭非香 Translation from: Sporadic Spores Novel Updates @All Rights Reserved 'Copyright Fair Use Notice: All Contents of this Novel is For The Purpose of Entertainment and Education under the terms of fair use. This Novel Belong to their respective owners' Source: https://www.novelupdates.com/series/heart-protection/

Hong_Fenghuang_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
115 Chs

Chapter 40

Feng Ming silently looked at Feng Qian Shuo for a period. Suddenly he gave a weird laugh: "Alright, alright. Since the elders and Clan Master are both worried, then in any case, I should not continue."

Feng Ming turned his head and ordered his men standing off to the side: "Go kill all the fox demons imprisoned in the courtyard."

Yan Hui was stunned by what she heard. Her mouth was even hanging open. Feng Qian Shuo calmly snatched the chance to speak first: "I'm afraid that wouldn't be proper."

"Oh?" Feng Ming narrowed his eyes. "In the great lands of Central Plains, it's not proper for me to kill a few demons? Group Master, I'm afraid you're over thinking things."

"Ordinarily, I naturally wouldn't hinder the deaths of a few demons, but Uncle..." Feng Qian Shuo advanced a few steps. His expression looked very awkward.

"The demons of Qing Qiu indeed shouldn't be provoked. You are occupied with Yong Zhou City matters and haven't gotten around to inquiring Qing Qiu's border matters. I've been keeping track of intelligence reports from our spies. There are many small xian sects at the border. Because of the disappearance of Qing Qiu's princess, they have all been met with disaster. If you kill that many fox demons right now, it would be fine if you can keep it from Qing Qiu's spies. But if it unfortunately gets found out...." Feng Qian Shuo shook his head. His expression was grave. He sighed, "Then I'm afraid it would be extremely improper."

Feng Ming listened to those words and laughed, shoulders shaking. However, his expression was extremely frosty: "Then I will listen to my nephew's words. What should I do?"

"It would be better if I escort them outside of the city and leave them there. These demons no longer have their neidans and can't fight back. The xian sects' disciples will naturally take care of them. Then, the ones who killed the fox demons will be the disciples, completely unrelated to Qi Jue Clan. Even if the demon race does find out, they can't place the blame on us even if they wanted to." Feng Qian Shuo tapped the fan in his palm. His words were careless like he was playing around.

Feng Ming muttered to himself for a bit: "Then I will have to trouble my nephew to help escort these demons out."

Feng Qing Shuo smiled: "Uncle and I are family and in the same sect. It is no trouble for me to help Uncle out with a few matters." He turned and automatically ordered the person standing behind Feng Ming, "Go check how many fox demons are in the courtyard. When I leave, I'll take them all away."

The servant glanced at Feng Ming. Only then did Feng Ming nod his head. He waved his hand and said: "Go." The servant then bowed and left.

"I have agreed to all of your requests. When you return, explain it well to the elders, so they won't worry about Qi Jue Clan's matters. I will whole-heartedly assist you."

A smile, so phony that the cheeks would become sore, was paired with even more phony words. Yan Hui felt goosebumps rising after hearing those words. Fortunately, Feng Qian Shuo was able to keep a surface politeness with Feng Ming: "I understand Uncle's kind regards. Then I will leave now."

Done speaking, Feng Qian Shuo saluted with clasped hands and turned to leave.

Yan Hui briefly thought over the situation. Both Tian Yao and her had been found out and even seen by Feng Ming. They wanted to retrieve the dragon horns today but it wouldn't be easy. They might as well first leave with Feng Qing Shuo. This young master seemed like he had a bag full of sinister tricks. If they talked to him, then maybe they could create a bulletproof scheme.

Yan Hui tugged on Tian Yao's sleeve, hinting at him to join her in retreat.

Who would've thought that Yan Hui had only taken one step when Feng Ming called out with a steady voice: "Halt."

Feng Qian Shuo good-naturedly turned his head: "Does uncle have something else?"

"This has nothing to do with you, nephew." Feng Ming pointed at Yan Hui. "This disciple somehow has a VIP guest token for Heavenly Fragrance. Those two must stay behind, so I can carefully question them to see if my management make a mistake or if some person stole them for criminal reasons."

Feng Qian Shuo turned and glanced at Yan Hui's waist. He exclaimed in mock surprise: "Such a pretty lady, how could she steal things?"

Yan Hui looked at Feng Qian Shuo and said: "You're correct. I didn't steal it. I picked this token up."

Feng Qian Shuo immediate turned around and spoke to Feng Ming: "Uncle, this beauty says she didn't steal it. She picked it up."

Feng Ming coldly snorted: "Nonsense!"

"But how could pretty ladies lie through their teeth?" Feng Qian Shuo pulled off Yan Hui's token and in passing also pulled off Tian Yao's token. He turned and looked at Feng Ming, who had turned slightly ashen. "Look, Uncle. It's just two tokens. I've taken theirs and now returning it to you. For your nephew's sake, let them off."

Feng Ming questioned Feng Qian Shuo with a peculiar tone: "Since when did my nephew like to meddle in affairs? Do you know these two from before?"

"How is this another person's affairs?" Feng Qian Shuo asked and provokingly touched Yan Hui's face. "Such a fair little fairy must be tenderly loved. How could I let her suffer hardship in front of me?"

Yan Hui stayed silent, but she cursed in her mind. Damn, no wonder why he was able to marry one hundred concubines.

If it wasn't for the drug's effect toward Tian Yao, that face and voice directed toward her and saying those words would've entranced her. She probably would have walked away with him, no questions asked...

No one noticed Tian Yao, who remained silent the entire time, shift his gaze. It fixated on Feng Qian Shuo's hand. Several long moments passed before he wordlessly turned his head away.

A thought involuntarily emerged in Tian Yao's mind. Didn't Yan Hui say she was under the influence of the Charm Fragrance Drug? Why did her expression look like she was under the influence of another person's drug...

Feng Qian Shuo's philandering reputation was long already known. With those words, Feng Ming found it too embarrassing to "fight over a woman" with Feng Qian Shuo. It would make Feng Ming, a powerful figure, seem vulgar and lascivious.

Therefore, no matter how discontented Feng Ming felt in this moment, he could only bear through it. He waved his hand and allowed Feng Qian Shuo and Yan Hui to leave.

 He waited until those three left. Then, he surveyed the courtyard with the demolished wall. He clenched his fists.

The servant sent to inventory the fox demons returned, but when he saw the people had already left, the servant couldn't help feeling a bit concerned: "Clan Master, we're just letting the people go like that? We're also just letting the fox demons go like that?"

"No need to worry over the fox demons." Feng Ming spun the jade ring on his thumb. "As long as we have the treasure, then they can take the demons. In any case, the xian sects will find a way to fill the vacancies. As for those people....."

Feng Ming pondered over it: "Feng Qian Shuo has grown up. He's grown bold. As for the other two, especially that glib girl, thoroughly investigate if she truly is a disciple of Zhenren Qi Yun. If so, then find out where Zhenren Qi Yun is. If not, then dig up the girl's true identify."

The servant accepted the orders: "Understood."

In another place, Yan Hui followed Feng Qian Shuo out of Heavenly Fragrance. They had just reached the market, so their surroundings weren't bustling with people yet. Yan Hui couldn't hold it in anymore: "Clan Master Feng."

Feng Qian Shuo turned and looked back at Yan Hui: "Hm? Do you see something you like? I'll buy it for you."

Damn...he really knew how to conduct himself! Those words were so pleasing to hear!

Yan Hui secretly clenched her teeth to resist the urge to praise him. She lightly coughed twice and seriously said: "Why did you help out Tian Yao and I today?" And secretly protect her.

Feng Qian Shuo thought about it: "You're a lady. I naturally must protect you." He raised his head and looked past Yan Hui at Tian Yao. "As for him, it was just in passing."

Tian Yao: "..."

Seeing Tian Yao's sinking face, Feng Qian Shuo gave a warm and neat smile: "Just joking. You're Xian Ge's friend. Naturally, I must help you two."

Turns out it was because of Xian Ge. Yan Hui nodded and reflected in her mind. Perhaps he was different than what she had thought. Actually, Qi Jue Clan's master wasn't that fickle and amorous. He actually like Xian Ge a little?

Otherwise, why else would he side with her friends?

Yan Hui had just realized this thought when Feng Qian Shuo opened his mouth.

"However, I would've helped you in the end no matter the reason why." Feng Qian Shuo looked at Yan Hui with a bright and beautiful smile. "Miss Yan, have you thought about how to repay me?"

"..." Yan Hui mulled over the meaning of those words. "Don't tell me....You want me to give myself to you?"

"Is Miss Yan willing?"

"Not willing." Yan Hui pointed at Tian Yao. "I like him right now."

Tian Yao was stunned. He still didn't quite know how to react to Yan Hui's blunt and direct manner.

Feng Qian Shuo signed at what he heard: "What a pity. That sir doesn't look like he cherishes you. How about you change your like?"

Some people really have taken dallying around with woman into every aspect of their life. To them, it was as simple and natural as eating and drinking.

Thus, as naturally as eating, Yan Hui bluntly refused Feng Qian Shuo: "No can do. Even though you look good, but in my eyes, he is the best. There is no contest."

"Aesthetics is really just a type of inertia. You think he looks good now is perhaps you've gotten used to seeing it. How about you look at me? There might be a chance that it'll change your taste."

Yan Hui seriously considered it and nodded her head: "That makes sense!"

Tian Yao finally couldn't bear it any more. He spoke with a heavy tone: "Weren't we going to bring the fox demons out of the city?" He stiffly broke into their conversation and pried it apart. "Why are we at the market?"

"In a little while, I'll have people bring the fox demons to Wang Yu Luo." Feng Qian Shuo slightly became more serious after Tian Yao's questions. "They can rest there. It's better that being captured by the xian sects and getting locked up right after being released."

Yan Hui was silent for a brief moment: "You knew they would be captured again, yet you still saved them?"

"Sometimes, all you need it the attitude, regardless of the result. Nevermind. Miss Yan doesn't need to know these kinds of considerations."

Yan Hui nodded. She didn't really want to know either: "I want to meet with one of the fox demons when they are sent to Wang Yu Luo. Her name is Bai Xiao Lu."

"Once the fox demons are at Wang Yu Luo, Miss Yan can do what ever she pleases."

After going through so many trials, Yan Hui could finally say she rescued Bai Xiao Lu. She couldn't pass up this opportunity to have a good talk with her.