
he rescued me from the pits of hell

this is a book about a young average girl Anna Hawkins who will be telling us her story about her life and that of her family after the death of her father. stay tuned as she takes us on this incredible journey, let's see what will become of her at the end, will she miss her way? or will she find it?

Toluwani_Odeyemi · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

first day of school

I slept up soon after. By 6:30am, my alarm went off. it was the first day of school once again. I groaned and rolled out of bed and went straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and took my bath quickly and got ready for school. I came down and the smell of waffles wafted into my nostrils. it smelt so good. who was preparing breakfast?

Grandma!? good morning

hey sweetie, she replied

breakfast is ready

I can see that, but why? because mum stopped making breakfast for us a long time ago.

I just felt like doing it, she smiled

alright, suit yourself I said and started digging in. it was waffles, maple syrup and eggs with apple cider.

it was so delicious, thanks grandma. I muttered with full mouth.

you are welcome sweetheart. let me go and wake your siblings up.

I finished eating and took my plates to the kitchen and went back to the living room to wait

so after Jessica and Mike were ready and we all went out to the car. we got in and Jessica started the car. grandma stood at the entrance waving us goodbye.

staying with grandma seems to be the best decision, mum had made since Dad died, said Mike and we couldn't agree more.

Jessica put on the radio signifying that the conversation is over. she looked like a runway model and my brother like a Greek god while I looked like someone that is suffering.

mum was right, the building was hard to miss. Jessica drove in as I looked around, I suddenly felt underdressed. Jessica packed in a spot, and we all got out. we asked around and we taken to the admin office where we were registered and given a map to guide us. the officer Mr Rogers assigned a guide student from each grade to each of us to guide us. the guide student assigned to me was Gerald.

hello, I'm Gerald, he introduced himself.

Anna, I replied.

it's nice to meet you, he smiled. he had a beautiful smile and his braces shone in the sun.

I'm in 10th grade, same grade as you. luckily all our classes for this term as the same. so our first class is history. I barely said a word, just hummed and ahhed at the right places. Gerald was a chatterbox but he was also very nice. we finally got to the door and I already knew his life history. He had an elder brother in Jessica's class, the 12th grade. his dad was a cardiologist and his mum was a pediatrician. he was allergic to shellfish and he was in the football team. I asked him how I could sign up and he told me, he would take me after school.

He opened the door and I went in. students were already inside but they paid no attention to us. I have an empty seat close to me, Gerald offered. of course I agreed, I couldn't say no. I sat down and took out my history book. so how is the football team over here? I asked. it's pretty solid, Gerald replied. we represent the school in many interschool competitions.

we were interrupted by a girl that came to our table. she dyed her hair pink and had a lot of piercings plus her skirt was very short that she couldn't bend down, but i liked her already. mother would be terrified of her.

who is the newbie? she asked as she accessed me curiously.

Alexa, this is Anna and Anna, this is Alexa.

Hi, I smiled and extended my hand and she took it. her grip was firm.

she's pretty cute, Alexa smiled and Gerald scoffed. okay that's enough, Gerald said and pried our hands apart.

ouch, jealous much, Gerald, Alexa said.

And we all burst into laughter. it was like our little bubble.

the teacher came in, his name is Mr Davis. All the students rushed to their seats. I heard that we have a new student. where is she? he asked.

Shit!! when I thought everything was going well.

I stood up slowly.

come out to the front of the class and introduce yourself, he beckoned.

I would rather be anywhere but here, I thought. all eyes were on me and I felt so nervous that I had to remind myself to breathe and walk straight. it took all my strength not to bolt out of the classroom.

Tell everyone your name and what you love to do.

Hello everyone, my name is Anna Hawkins. I love to play football, basketball and I'm an athlete.

I looked around the class slowly. some were snickering and whispering.

Alright thank you Anna. I'm Mr Davis. I'll be taking you history. you can go back to your seat.

on my way back, I heard someone say the word basic.

I went back to my seat and the class started. the class was about history of machines.

after the class, the English teacher came in but luckily he didn't ask me to introduce myself. we started reading a literature and I felt myself start to relax once again.