

.She sashayed away from the bed post towards her wardrobes from which she a while ago pulled out her wedding gown. She wore a mini skirt that bared much of her alluring laps, and with her back turned to Richie her soon to be husband, she bent down on purpose when she got to the wardrobe as if she wanted to do something; but all she wanted to do is to increase the pressure of her teasing game on him, because this bent posture will force her mini skirt to rise higher and reveal more of her enticing laps.

To Richie, Folu is a wicked tease and an addiction he can't do without, but who has been mysteriously eluding to his itchy fingers! As he looked at her bent posture something exploded in his brain and he trembled outwardly from his soul until he was unconsciously shaking visibly.

He robbed his palms together and licked his lips in agony of long denials. Then a bemoaning thoughts rippled through his ensnared soul. He asked himself in his mind, "What is it about this babe that turned me to jelly every time I looked at her? Virtually every concealed part of her body stirs up unquenchable burning in me, I wonder what will happen to me if she strip before me as I desire, I hope I won't have cardiac arrest?

Come to think of it, everything I did to get her laid failed! In the past no girl could tortured me this way, no matter how smart a girl is at most two weeks of flaunted charms will bring her to my bed; I Richie, the destroyer of virgins!

Truly, he is every lady' s dream, yet their dread! They can't stay away from him, yet they can't stay with him for heartaches of rivalry from other females. He was their acute dilemma!

Richie is indeed a demon that all girls can't do without in his college days! He owned a journal in which he wrote his stunts with girls. There are over two hundred names in this journal, they were all girls he destroyed in the six years it took him to get his first and master degrees from the university. He often sat down in his leisure hours and read this past stunts while plotted for the next victim.

However, Folu is a mysterious specie who succeeded where all others failed, two years and counting now, he has been unable to nail her! She never let her guard down until she forced engagement out of him. She visited him often , but always in company of a friend who never allow him the space to play pranks.

Even after their engagement all she always tell him is that she will make it so good for him on their wedding night. To Richie, she is a cruel tease who fan his deepest lust to flame and never allow him any release! The weirdest thing is that he mysteriously lost his appetite for other girls that could give him reliefs

Now tomorrow is their wedding day, he ought to be in his own Bachelor's party but his wounded ego drew him out of the party, he wanted to try her out in this last night of their engagement, and Folu too knew his reason for been here now.

Looking at Folu's bent posture, he stood up like a cat, before Folu could straightened up he was on her. As she stood up she found herself in his strong arms and he wasted no time as he began to kiss her earlobes, trying to pass the burning lust in him unto her.

He never in the past forced himself on a girl like this, he always preferred to seduce them and make them beg for relief from him. But now he is beyond that pride, he just want Folu in any way possible and he believe she won't say no to his advance since their wedding is coming up the next day.

His fingers roamed all over her chest, Folu squirmed and tried to free herself, but Richie seemed too strong for her. To free herself Folu did something that shocked him. She raised her voice in a calm manner and called her friends who were in the sitting room at that moment.

Immediately, Richie heard their footsteps and he was forced to release Folu. He moved a step away from her with lust filled black eyes, he felt like strangling her.

Before the girls would step into the bedroom, Folu drew up her wedding gown to her chest. Just then her friends came in and asked her what she wanted from them? She pretended she was in argument with Richie and she said, "Girls please tell me the truth, is this gown not perfect on me? One of the friends answered with a question, " Who said the dress is not beautiful on you?" Folu pointed to Richie. Another friend added, " He is just pulling your legs, he can't tell me that this dress that looked like it was made in heaven by God just for you is not beautiful on you"

Richie at this point added his own pretention, he said, "Don't mind her, am just teasing her because her noise about the designer's perfection was too brassy" Then he turned to Folu and said, "By the way, must you always called your friends into our conversations? With smiles Folu replied, Don't be angry about that, now that am still with them it's not bad if they share our fun with us, once you whisk me out of this place tomorrow you will have me exclusively to yourself.

The friends all filed out when they noticed that Richie is not happy

with their presence. Richie looked at Folu with a bad eye and said, " You are such a wicked tease and joy killer! To that Folu laughed, turned seductively around and said, "Look but don't touch, your eyes can only see this body you cannot taste it"

Hearing this, Richie in annoyance said, "That is a foolish utterance and it won't stand, how can you say my eyes can only see you and I won't taste you when we are getting married in the morning tomorrow?" Folu looked at him calmly and said, "Don't I know tomorrow is our day? You know what I mean, you don't need to twist my word. Just one more night you will have your treat!

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