
Harry Potter: too young to die

Harry Potter knew quite a deal about fairness and unfairness, or so he had thought after living locked up all his life in the Potter household, ignored by his parents to the benefit of his brother - the boy who lived. But unfairness took a whole different dimension when his sister Natasha Potter died. That simply wouldn't do. FYI the original story is on fanfic by thebombhasbeenplanted and I have permission to post it on here Almost 200k words

Wizened · Anime e quadrinhos
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21 Chs

Chapter 15.

"Yes, do it... ooh my god... do it." I aimed my wand at the sweaty witch under me and silently cast an underpowered dark strangulation curse. The pleasure from the spell was faint, even fainter than usual, but still somewhat soothed my body. I'm getting used to this one.

It wasn't enough, but it calmed me a bit, it fed my hungry flesh the pleasure it sought. I cancelled the curse and listened to the soon to be sixth year Slytherin witch gasp and breath heavily as air was allowed through her throat again.

She grasped the sheets and her whole body tensed, she let out a breathless moan and slumped on the bed, panting.

She didn't know I had used a dark curse on her, but she didn't need to. The strangulation curse at this level was similar to widely used kinky strangulation charms, and she wasn't in a position to tell by the color or anything.

I exited her wet and warm entrance and slumped on her.

"You're good at that, Potter." she giggled. "Christopher would be so mad if he knew I sleep with a Hufflepuff, oh my god."

"He still didn't make a move?"

"Oh I think he wants to, but he's too scared to try. I would probably have forced him if I hadn't found you." she sighed, running her hand in my hair. "I can't believe I'm going to marry this guy. At least I can cheat him as much as I want, my mum actually told me that."


She nodded and kissed me just as the door of my room suddenly blew open in a loud bang. Zach, Ron and Hermione erupted in the room with long strides, only to stop abruptly at the sight of Tiffany and me naked on the bed.

"What the fuck!" she shrieked as she tried to find sheets to cover herself. There weren't any, unfortunately.

"What the flying fuck are you doing here!" I barked to the trio.

"I... we thought... I ..." sputtered Hermione, her gaze not leaving the scene, an insane blushing creeping on her face.

"Get out!"

"B-But it w-was... Slytherin..." tried Zach, his face red as he watched Tiffany try to cover herself with her arms.

"Get out or I'll trigger the Trace on your ass!" I bellowed, one hand on my privates and another pointing my wand to them. That seemed to snap them out of their trance and they hurried out of the room, closing the door carefully. Since Zach had no memory of our duel, I was still meant to have the Trace on.

I turned to my Slytherin friend and sighed.

"What was that about?" she almost yelled.

I fell back in the bed.

"They think I'm some kind of dark wizard and monitor everything I do. You know how Gryffindors are... when they saw a Slytherin enter the room, they probably thought I was plotting something."

"Damn." she answered and let silence follow that statement. "It must suck to be around these guys."

I nodded sadly and summoned clean clothes from the drawer.

"They don't know you broke the Trace?"

"No, they don't. And I want to keep it like that, so please do shut up about it."

A few freshening charms later, I led the gorgeous black haired witch down the stairs and into the living room.

"Auror Shacklebot."

"Hello, Harry, and hello young lady." answered the Auror with a smile.

She kissed me goodbye and disappeared in the green flames under the cautious gaze of the dark skinned Auror.

"Who was this, Harry? You know you can't get anybody inside the house without consulting us first."

"She was a friend of mine, that's all you need to know." I almost spat, before turning around and leaving the room. Few weeks had passed since the start of summer, but I was already having a hard time not snapping at everybody and cursing them into another realm. The worst were the Weasley, I couldn't stand the mother and the disfigured son. Thankfully, they weren't here that often.

I knocked on Zachary's door and waited for him to open. He opened the door slowly, glaring at me as if I was about to hex him. I pushed the panel forcefully and entered the room.

"Let me get this straight, if any of you ever do something like that again, I won't bother warning you. I'll curse the shit out of you." I threatened, looking alternatively at Ron, Zach and Hermione, who was unable to meet my eyes.

"Look, Harry, I'm sorry for what happened, but we won't stop watching you because of that."

"You can watch me as much as you want but next time you force my door, I'll fuck you up, Zach. What did you even expect to find? Granger!" I shouted, causing said girl to jump. "You have a capable brain, right? Don't you see how stupid all of that is?"

"Well... she was a Slytherin... how could we know that you'd be..." she muttered lamely, still not looking at me. "I mean, why would you bring a Slytherin in the house if it wasn't to plot something?" she continued, this time with more conviction.

"Well now you saw why exactly, so will you please stop being a bunch of annoying fucks and leave me alone?" I hissed, looking right into her eyes. She returned the gaze and for a second I saw in her mind. She was still thinking about the scene she witnessed earlier. She's... horny? I sighed mentally.

"No. I don't trust you, Harry, and the fact that you apparently weren't plotting anything with that witch doesn't change anything." replied Zach strongly.

"Well fuck you all, I won't take anymore of this shit. Tell James and Lily I'm gone, I'll come back whenever." I spat, turning around. I needed an excuse to leave anyway.

Zach didn't waste his breath asking me where I was going, he knew I wouldn't answer. I walked to my room, took my black cloak, jumped off the window and disapparated as soon as I was out of sight.

I apparated in Diagon Alley and immediately reached the nearest transportation shop, concealed in my cloak.

I bought a portkey to Venezuela and apparated in the Forbidden Forest, where my armor waited for me. I had prepared a few over-potent and dangerously enhanced Pepper-Up potions and stored them in the minotaur's belt for the occasion, I knew it was going to be one hell of a mess.

Weird, now that I'm about to go, I realize how dangerous it is... I glanced at the blue sky and smiled widely behind the helm. Nice day to die.

Fully equipped and ready, I grasped the rusty bolt that was the portkey.

It vibrated increasingly and finally flashed me out of Britain. I landed in the central magical marketplace of the country, my heavy armor making the ground tremble at the impact, but didn't lose a second watching around. I knew where I was going. I apparated immediately, into the dense Amazonian Forest.

I stood up on the moist ground, crushing twigs under my feet and took a look around me. The forest was a jungle, a swamp and a rainforest at the same time. Magic was clearly present, many trees weren't seen in muggle forests, some with big black trunks and red leaves, some white white-grey thin trunks and black leaves, all covered in moss and small animals peering at my strange suit. I couldn't feel the ambient heat in my armor, but I could imagine it. The air was probable thick with humidity and awfully hot.

I made my way through the dense vegetation, pushing small trees aside with my free hand and casting the Point-Me charm with the other. I had seen the location of the warehouse in the mind of Pablo and unless they had placed a Fidelius around it recently, I could find it easily. I doubt anyone could cast a Fidelius around such a big place anyway.

The journey to the warehouse was eventless, I scared a tiger off and got attacked by a small pixie herd, who quickly retreated when I spread fire in their ranks.

I was finally in front of the camp, watching dozens of people walk around and patrol between the tents and structures. Many of them looked muggle, they had those rifles I heard about and I spotted a few trucks driving in and out from the main dirt road. I took a few minutes to set up a golem creation ritual of my own and created two rock wolves to assist me, barely bigger than normal wolves, but packing as much power as me.

Rocky and Stony. I named them as I tried to determinate which looked more rocky or stony.

My target was in the middle of the small town, a huge warehouse, closed and without windows, with apparently only one entrance. I doubted I could blast my way through the walls with magic, they were probably reinforced with Adamantine.

However, I possess another kind of power. I grinned. Screw magic, I'll hack myself a hole into it with this baby. I thought, caressing the war axe in my back softly.

I started to approach the left side of the village, lurking in the shadows of the jungle, followed by my two loyal sidekicks who answered my thoughts and quickly reached the closest point to the warehouse. I had felt the anti apparition wards a few yards before and knew there weren't any other wards around the camp. With all the people working and living here, it would be a mess.

A truck passed in front of me, loaded with crates I had seen men filling with white powder packages. Probably some kind of muggle drug.

I saw an opening and sprang on my feet. I ran between two buildings and jumped over the last part of the road, landing behind the corner of the warehouse about as gracefully as a brick. Nobody had seen me yet, but I had no doubt I would become known the second I'd enter the warehouse. I could practically feel the magic of the wards steaming from it. The rock creatures had followed me flawlessly, having no trouble imitating my physical prowess.

Well, here goes. I grabbed my war axe, raised it above me and pushed magic into it. The blade lit up instantly, fizzling madly and glowing with electricity and I brought it down with all my strength. The insane voltage melted the metal instantly as the axe cleaved a clear gash in the wall, crushing the layer of rock on the other side without any problems.

I repeated the action two times and finally kicked my way through the hole, pushing large boulders and stones inside the place.

The warehouse was in a word, gigantic. From my position, I could see endless racks and stacks of crates, jugs, pots, barrels and various storage items. It wasn't one large rectangular depot like I expected, It was a mess of stairways and sublevels, separated by walls and enormous shelves.

I jumped down, ignoring the thunderous bang of my feet cracking the stone floor, and walked around. I have no idea of where I am. I spotted a sign a few feet away.

XXXX Reliquias.

I shook my head, I didn't need to read Spanish to tell it wasn't what I was looking for. I ordered my two wolves to take respectively left and right, and I took the path in front of me. Most of the crates were closed and didn't show their content, but as I swiftly ran between the shelves, I spotted a few unboxed items here and here; a massive pendulum clock made of what looked like gold, a finely engraved buckler chipped with rubies and other more or less grand looking objects caught my eyes.

"Yo lo veo! Alto!"

I heard the voice on my right and stopped brutally, my heavy feet ripping the stone viciously. A bit ahead of me, on my right, were three wizards, wand in hand and aiming at me. Looks like I've got company.

They stared shockingly at me for a few seconds before backpedaling and yelling things I didn't understand.

"Scared of the Mighty Metal Minotaur? You should be!" I laughed madly before whipping my wand out.

The first one tried a stunning spell that I didn't even try to avoid, letting it crash harmlessly against my solid torso. He understood quickly that I wasn't going to be that easy to take down and attempted to transfigure an empty wooden crate next to me. He however failed, dropping the half-transfigured wooden bear before turning around to run. I snorted and fired a few stunners. Those guys could really use a few years in Hogwarts. I knew most of the workers around the place weren't magically educated nearly as much as a Hogwarts bachelor. The fun begins when the mercenaries arrive.

My stunners caught one of them and met shields in front of the two others. Having no time to play with the weak opponents they were, I transfigured the same wooden crate as before into a long and pointy steel spear and banished it to them. Too fast for them to think of a way out, the spear impaled the first one against a wooden crate with a small thump, killing him on the spot. The last one tried a desperate killing curse but failed it, his wand only glowing green for a second. He fell to his knees and started to beg for his life when I stunned him, not losing a second.

I started to run again, focusing on my mission and ignoring my urges to curse their still alive bodies with dark magic. The ingredients, that's all that matter.

Suddenly, I heard a loud ringing in the whole warehouse. Alarm is set off. Let the fun begin. The air around me took a shade of red as an ominous mist formed itself in the building. The thick, moist red smog started to coat my armor and the shelves with a slimy semi transparent red substance. Probably some sort of defense system, I don't want to know what it does. I mused, confident with the resistance of my armor.

I suddenly felt a jolt of joy in the back of my skull. Good job, Stony. Or was it Rocky?

One of the wolves had found the XXXX Creature Parts section from what I understood from the flashes it sent me. I mentally ordered the other wolf to meet me on the way and changed course. The thick red smoke was beginning to impede my vision, but I thought it smarter to not try and burn it. While I doubt they'd endanger the whole warehouse with an inflammable substance, I can't take the risk.

A growl interrupted my thought, I looked to my left, squinting to see through the ambient redness and took a heavy blow in the stomach. I almost coughed, but the armor had taken the blow easily, I had been pushed only a feet back. The beast in front of me was a stone golem, I knew them well enough to tell. There's a Necromancer in this place. I answered the attack with a brutal punch in the forearm of the bear-squid shaped rock beast, blasting it to pieces.

"You're not very solid, are you?" I quipped, jumping back to avoid two blows. I took my wand out and sent a heavy banisher in the center of the creation, blasting a few boulders and a hundred pebbles all around.

"Avada Kedavra!" shouted a man from behind me, his voice diminished by the bubble-head charm he had set on his face. I quickly conjured a block of granite in the path of the emerald green curse, swearing at the unexpected attack as the granite block exploded in a thousand pieces, the shockwave from the powerful curse blasting the red fog away. My armor could probably take a killing curse or two, but it would damage me badly.

The wizard now in front of me had three associates behind him and they quickly launched in a shower of dangerous spells.

I jumped high in the air, dodging two other killing curse and a few faster ones I couldn't recognize, and quickly sent half a dozen Voraxignium to the group before plummeting back. I landed on the stone golem, pulverizing two of his numerous appendages with my feet while the dark fire curses hit home. Only one wizard got hit, but his inhuman screams diverted the others for a few seconds. Just what I needed.

I kicked the stone construction in the head and landed on the floor again, already muttering the incantation under my breath.

"Glutiam demergat. Neptunum Posidon liberavit. Veni ad me..." I pointed my wand at them and finished the incantation; "Demonum Torrent!"

The angry water exploded out of my shoulder, drowning my arm in a raging torrent quickly becoming a huge snake of rapid water, a Leviathan of crushing power that hissed madly, its translucent body banging against the ceiling and floor, sending waves of water left and right , quickly turning the alley in a maelstrom around my unmovable self.

"Destroy the wizards! Find the Necromancer! Crush them all!" I bellowed, slashing my wand to the intervention squad now running away. The Demonic Torrent was easier to control than Fiendfyre, as it had no real personality. Only the will to destroy. The beast hissed and lunged forward, bringing crates and barrels with it in the flow and draining the pool around me to finally leave me alone in the silence.

The direct area around me was clear of fog, a few boulders and damp wooden boxes were laying around; the golem had been dismantled by the strength of the water and most of it seemed to have been taken away by the torrent.

I turned around and started to run, entering the red smoke again after a few steps. I met Rocky on my way down the level underneath, were Stony had found one of the sections that interested me. I quickly downed one of the hyper-concentrated Pepper-Up potion to make up for the exhaustion of summoning the Demonic Torrent and entered the XXXX Creature Parts section.

Harpy eye globes, Legendary Salamander beating heart and... Chimera Teeth, that's all I need in this section.

Retrieving what I needed was surprisingly easy, the shelves were sorted by alphabetical order and each crate, barrel or glass pot were labeled in several languages. It took me a few minutes to find what I wanted; the Harpy eye globes and Chimera teeth were needed only in small proportion so they easily fit in the bottomless pouch on my belt, but the Salamander beating heart was contained inside a enchanted crystal pot to keep it beating. I didn't know what enchantments and what potion were within the pot, but I knew that I couldn't just shrink it, and it was way too big to fit in my pouch.

I had prepared myself for this, and as planned, I conjured a leather belt and tied the thing around Rocky's body.

After ordering Rocky to stay with me and Stony to go find the next section, I continued my journey through the hostile warehouse.

I didn't wonder why it was so empty despite the alarm ringing for long. They probably decided I was too dangerous to confront the usual way. I thought darkly, facing the angry beast in front of me.

It was a feet taller than me, snarling and hissing angrily. Its snake-headed tail wiggled to focus on me as its three heads growled dangerously, their red eyes set on their prey. The hot breath was distorting the air in front of me, menacing to overwhelm me with fire at any moment. The hideous chimera was at least five centuries old, to be this big and meaty. A lion head with sharp teeth and a golden royal mane looked hauntingly at me, like if was considering if it should eat me or not; a dragon head produced incandescent ashes as it was breathing through its nose, drooling slightly at the sight of a meal, and the last head was easily the most disturbing; a goat head, with darker than black fur, murderous looking horns and eyes a lot redder than the others, almost glowing with malice.

The second my eyes connected with the goat's eyes, I felt a inhuman mental shock and reeled back, retching and coughing mentally. My brain hurt for a few seconds, recovering from the incredibly violent and fast assault. That's the strongest mental attack I ever experienced.

For a moment, I stared at the central head, the lion one and waited. Then, in a split second, it roared madly and the dragon head sent a column of fire to me. I jumped back and only got sprayed in dragon fire for a few seconds before being out of range. It had been enough for me to feel the heat inside the armor. I whipped my wand to it as it leaped forward, deploying its dragon wings and knocking numerous barrels down.

"Secaferox! Secaferox! Zahladit!" I shouted, not bothering with silent casting in this precarious situation. The goat opened its mouth and shrieked suddenly, a shriek that sounded nothing like a goat and produced an almost visible sound wave that somehow destroyed my first Secaferox, making it explode like a deep blue firework rocket.

"What the fuck!" I blurted out, already moving my wand for the next spell as the second dark cutter was dodged by the beast, surprisingly habile in mid-air. The Explosion curse missed all the same and the chimera was now rapidly closing in.

"Frigidi Mortem! Duonexufulmen!" I tried, sending two of my most powerful curses to the unbelievable monster.

It spat a huge ball of fire before dropping on the ground, avoiding the ice wave. The white lightning curse almost hit, but it dodged it neatly with a swift sidestep, amazing me once more with its speed and agility despite its weight and size.

I jumped on the side to avoid the fireball and grabbed my axe. In a few steps, the beast would be on me. The fireball crashed behind me and produced a huge wave of heat and fire when my eyes spotted the white dot.

My lighting curse from before had traveled down the whole alley and was about to hit the wall on the other side. It all happened in a second, I grinned and jumped to my left; the chimera sprang on its legs and leaped to me as I raised my wand, focusing on the lightning curse.

It hit the wall and linked my wand to it with a massive white lightning bolt, producing a deafening thunder that the whole Amazonian forest probably heard and channeling a colossal voltage through the chimera in front of me. It was over as quickly as it came, the chimera ended its jump onto me, dragged me on a few feet and crashed against the shelf behind me, getting buried under dozens of burning crates and barrels.

I breathed heavily and turned to the beast.

"You're not dead." I spoke aloud. If it was dead, I'd be drowning in dark magic feedback. I thought, not satisfied with the small amount of pleasure I was receiving.

I aimed and the rumbling heap of burning wood and watched the badly wounded chimera stand up. The damage wasn't clearly visible, but blood dripped from the eyes and ears of the heads, and it sported an impressive burn scar on its side that expanded like a thousand spider webs.

"Avada Kedavra!" I tried, only to see the goat open its horrible mouth wide, and swallow it easily.

Not confident for a second round of heavy magic, I grabbed my axe and jumped toward the beast, not forgetting the necessary war cry.

It dodged my first swing and hit my torso with its left paw, tearing deep gashes in the goblin steel with its claws. I took the blow and punched the goat right in the face with my left fist. The goat shrieked just before the fist connected, almost blasting me away, but I was too heavy and strong. I pushed more strength in my fist and positively crushed its skull in a nasty explosion of blood and flesh that painted my suit. The chimera reeled back and roared with its two remaining heads, dousing me in dragon fire again.

I swung my axe, crushing the stone floor where it had been a second ago. I raised my head and saw the chimera through the remains of dragon fire, grinning widely. Think you escaped this one? Elemental magic exploded from the tip of my axe, producing a hissing lightning bolt that ran and caught the chimera's legs in a split second.

The beast got electrocuted for the second time and wailed its pain while taking off difficultly with its wounded dragon wings. I took the opportunity to douse fresh conjured water on my over-heated armor, ignoring the steam it produced.

I was panting heavily, exhausted and hurt, a few of my bones were probably cracked, much of my skin burned and the cuts on my torso bleeding rather heavily. Nothing my regenerating capacities can't take care of. I hope.

I conjured three steel tridents and banished them at the chimera, along with three Secaferox and a killing curse in the middle. The beast was badly hurt, its wings had been almost reduced to ash by the lightning and it was bleeding a lot from the ex-goat head, I knew it couldn't escape the grid of spell I had sent.

It decided to take a trident in the thorax instead of the curses and dove on me again, spitting two gigantic fireballs. I summoned a crate from the side and blocked the fireball that was threatening to hit me.

The crate exploded more violently than it should have, throwing me and the chimera back several feet and knocking down the wall-shelves. Fire rained everywhere, incandescent metal pieces and smoking wood chunks clattered around me and on my armor as I stood up slowly, wondering just what could have generated such a huge explosion. Probably Erumpent Horns.

The chimera didn't give up, it stood up again and charged to me. I raised my wand.

"Ventignis Caede!" I shouted, sending a small fireball. I escorted it with two Secaferox, knowing that the beast couldn't fly anymore. You'll eat the fireball, I know you will. You're not scared of fire. The monster followed my thought and let the apparently harmless fireball crash against its massive body, not stopping its charge.

"Well you should be!" I laughed madly, opening my arms to the sides. The fireball exploded suddenly, creating a huge hurricane of fire and strong wind expanding itself like a terrifying death wave. The chimera was thrown in the air and crashed against the ceiling before falling again, its fur burning and its muscles torn by the clashing winds. It tried to use its dead wings but failed miserably. The fire shockwave washed over me, almost tripping me before dying naturally.

I panted again. My whole body hurt, my left arm was itching viciously, burning from the use of powerful magic, my mind was sweating, plunged in a cold pool of dark magic bliss. It felt wonderful and unbearable at the same time. I grabbed a phial from my belt and opened my helm a bit to drink the unhealthy Pepper-Up without breathing the suspicious red smog, if there was any left in this messed up area.

I looked around, the place was a battlefield. The fire was slowly dying due to a lack of wood, the crates were charmed against fire and only those directly hit by chimerian dragon fire had burned. Somehow, in my battle against the chimera, I had destroyed a good portion of the ground; deep streaks and cracks were visible in the stone.

Rocky, my loyal wolf, trotted to me, the pot tied on his back still secure. I walked to the crawling chimera, my wand pointed to it. The dragon head was either dead or unconscious from the fall, blood poured from its open mouth, mixed with inflammable saliva. It was trying to escape. Oh no you don't.

"Execution by axe, or magic?" I asked, walking around it. Two of its legs were broken and the conjured trident of mine was still deeply embedded in its thick flesh. Only survivor, the majestic lion head whined pitifully, gurgling blood and breathing with difficulty.

"Magic has the advantage of making me feel wonderful, but at the same time it's tiring..." I commented and pointed my wand at it. It stared at me and closed its eyes quietly, knowing it was the end.

It deserves at least that. I thought as I flicked my wand.


I watched the severed lion head roll and the gallons of blood spill on the stone floor.

I sat down on a metal locker. By the time I had finished tasting the delicious death of the beast and recovered a bit, the fires were dead and the destroyed alley silent.

I noticed only now the numerous tremors above me. I could hear loud thumps and rumbling on the superior level, voices shouting and hundreds of steps, some way louder than the others. I narrowed my eyes at the ceiling. Whatever is going on up there, it can't be good.

I made my way to the XXXXX Creatures Products section and retrieved a copious amount of Dementor saliva and Phoenix tears without any problem. I doubted they had another Chimera to release, it had probably been their trump card. The noise at the superior level only increased as I was shopping, it was sounding more and more like an all-out war. They might be too busy to take care of me.

With the help of my wolves and the lack of resistance, it took me a few minutes to find the XXX Creature Parts and steal a bunch of Banshee Cloth, the least rare item I was taking.

"One more thing, Moondust." I said as I looked up. According to how they store all the Creature related goods in the underground level, I can safely assume everything else is up there. I remembered the various items I had seen before going underneath.

I sighed and climbed the staircase. The entrance to the upper level was crudely barricaded, a bunch of stones had been hastily dumped to block the access.I sent a pair of heavy banishers and destroyed the barricade easily.

Behind it was the single most breathtaking view I had ever witnessed. It was, like I had thought sooner, an all-out war. There was two distinct sides, but it was so mixed and chaotic that I couldn't really say who was against who. There were clear cases, though, like the huge leopard fighting a bear-squid like stone golem in the middle of a devastated area, or the Mage Knight defending his position against a dozen wizards, and losing. I couldn't see all of it, as some high shelves were still standing and unscathed, but the ground shook every so often, and the echoes didn't let any doubt that all the warehouse was under assault.

There was a voice, over the constant ringing of the alarm and the roars of the battle, an enhanced voice that kept repeating the same words over and over in an authoritative tone. I didn't understand those words, but their meaning didn't escape me: it was a call for surrender.

I spotted a contingent of the local workers behind a low wall on my right, they were loading muggle weapons and talking in quick Spanish, obviously panicked. There were a few wizards with them, shouting frantically in communication pocket mirrors.

An idea spawning in my head, I swiftly made my way to them.

"Lamina Confluunt."

Stony jumped forward and surprised the party, landing on one of the wizard and starting to maul his face with its claw. They yelled and backpedaled from the angry beast, my silver blades hissed and killed three wizards in an instant. Only one was left.

"Imperio." The muggle around only noticed me at this moment and stared at me in horror. I must look quite terrifying, with that armor and the various damages from my battle against the Chimera... I mused as I commanded the imperiused thug to lead me to the XXXXX Hazardous Material wing.

The muggles tried to take me down and fired their weapons, surprising me with the loudness and speed of the projectiles. Those could be quite dangerous for a standard wizard. The dozen projectiles from their rifle produced a unbearable cacophony on my metal suit, scratching it slightly at each impact. Stony jumped on one and killed him with a voracious bite in the neck, I grabbed my axe and slammed it on the ground. The remaining muggles ran away. I chuckled happily and cursed one in the back with a quick skin shredding curse, only to enjoy a bit of his pain on my way to moondust.

The imperiused guide was leading me along the north wall of the warehouse, apparently conserving his survival instincts through the Imperius. The wall offered us a small protection against the constant stream of spells that flew over the alleys.

A big fire wave suddenly assaulted us, I whipped my wand an quickly cast a battle level shield in front of my guide, letting the heat wash over me. I turned my head and saw a Mage Knight wiggling his wand toward me. I hadn't the time to appreciate his finely decorated golden armor, by the time he had finished the spell, the ground in front of him ripped itself and formed dangerous spikes of stone that would surely tear one of my limb according to how fast they sprouted out of the gash. I jumped to the side and saw the line of approaching spikes become a curve and follow me in my jump. Fuck!

"Confringo!" The spell made its way to the soon to be rock spike and exploded at the impact. Boulders and square stones were vaporized in a billion pebbles and bounced off the shield that protected my guide as I landed on my back, unable to control my fall after the shockwave. I jumped on my feet and saw the Mage Knight closing in, a big great sword in his hand. My eyes widened as I realized he would behead me before I could cast something and I dived on him, avoiding the swinging sword and tackling him by the stomach. The shock of the two metallic armors rang in my ears and we fell on the ground a few feet further. I jumped back and pointed my wand at him.

"Frigidi Mortem!" I bellowed, pushing all my might in the shout. The cold blast spawned suddenly and raced to him, freezing everything in its path, even the remaining red fog. His sword still in his hand, he roared a furious roar behind his helm and his blade sprouted a blazing fire, dispelling the cold wave as it reached him. Only half of his armor was covered in frost and it was already melting, his sword producing a gradually increasing fire.

I sent a quick perforation curse to test his suit and was pleased to see he wasn't protected with Adamantine. Few Mage Knights actually used Adamantine, the defense offered by goblin steel was more than enough for most of their tasks.

"Secaferox!" the wide range cutting spell raced to him and he jumped above it. I smirked. "Duonexufulmen!" I shouted at him, managing the wand movement faster than I thought possible and sending the white curse at his mid-air position. He tried to limit the damage by taking it in the arm, obviously not knowing what spell it was. The lightning bolt that followed illuminated the whole place for a second, the thunder killed any other sound as the enormous current traveled in the metallic armor and flesh inside it.

He dropped to the ground on his knees, his whole being generating a black smoke. The metal itself was still a bit orange and molten from the insane voltage it had taken, and a cascade of blood poured from the neck opening of the helm.

I laughed madly. My magic laughed, my flesh laughed, my blood laughed at the death of the powerful knight. Each lungful of air that I inhaled was like a thousand Zenox shots, each tear that dripped from my joyful eyes was like climaxing a thousand times. I was in my own Valhalla, my own Nirvana. Finally bathing in the endless bliss of Dark Magic. I had killed a lot today, and finally I was rewarded. I laughed insanely again, not able to stop. Not able to think.

"The moondust!" I roared to my guide between two intake of fresh ecstasy. "Lead me, fool!"

The guide nodded and started to trot again, me following him. My mind was clouded, I wanted to rip my guide apart with the nastiest spell I knew, just because. I could feel my wand wiggling with excitement, eager to discharge more of its endless supplies of chaos and death.

I was suddenly stopped, by metal bars. A cage, to be precise. I was trapped in a metal cage. More bars were appearing, I jerked my eyes to my left and spotted them. A squad of wizards, all in the same uniform, were working together on the trap from a distance. That isn't a standard conjured trap. I thought, trying to bend one of the bar with my strength and failing. A trap ritual, without a doubt.

Another Mage Knight was making his way to me, pointing at me with his wand.

"You are trapped. Surrender." he spoke strongly with a heavy accent.

I laughed again, a pleasant belly laugh reverberated by my helm like the strangest sound that could emanate from a human being.

This is for you. I giggled to my wand.

"Exsiliunt et metet. Adolebit et devorabit. Ego mutuum Fiendfyre!" I barked dramatically, opening my arms to the side, not bothering to aim anywhere.

The gargantuan fiery beast exploded out of me, melting the metal bar with its demonic heat, and roared like it always did. The insane roar echoed throughout the warehouse and came back in my ears as it smashed its legs on the ground and growled, finally whole. The terrible fire was dancing joyfully, echoing my own state, the state of my magic, and the wolf-like demon peered at me.

'I am your master, and I give you chaos. Kill at will, devour everything.' I ordered the beast before it could try anything, not moving my gaze away from its two cosmic eyes. It opened its mouth in a cruel and maddening smile, its face constantly changing as the enormous flames danced.

'I am Loerderth, I will bring death upon your opponents, Master.' Its voice was a growl, deeper and rasher than anything from the mortal realm and echoed in my brain, shaking me in my pool of ecstasy, replacing the fog of bliss with fiery flames of fury and viciousness.

The Mage Knight had tried a few spell but the fiendfyre around me had burned them without efforts.

"Aqua Purarietem!" he spat, producing a fairly huge blast of water that looked like a battering ram. The thing exploded in a massive cloud of steam when it hit the demonic fire, earning nothing but an angry roar.

I left the area and ordered my guide to go on. The fiendfyre leaped on the Mage Knight and doused him solid fire, destroying the ground at the same time, reducing the stone to ash and leaving him no chance to escape. Many of the fighters were now retreating at the sight of the giant infernal wolf, almost big enough to touch the ceiling.

The XXXXX Hazardous Products section was at the far end of the warehouse, behind a thick magic-proof metal gate. My guide couldn't help me to open it so I simply destroyed its hinges with my axe. It took me a few minutes of hard work, but finally the massive door slammed on the floor. The fight in the warehouse had almost stopped now, both sides were thinking their next move. Loederth had been vanished at some point, but I didn't know how. Some of these wizards are truly powerful if they can handle such a powerful fiendfyre apparition. I thought darkly.

I had pondered on the situation for a moment while destroying the gate and came to the conclusion that the government was leading an attack on the warehouse either by pure coincidence or because they spotted an opening when I triggered the alarm. They're probably thinking about sending more powerful people now, seeing how bad the attack is going.

I spotted the "M" shelves and found the moondust. Barrels and barrels of it. I lifted one and poured its content in my second endless pouch.

Moondust was nothing more than glittery white sand. I laughed a humorless laugh. To think the mess that is my life turned out to be so chaotic because of that. Fucking sand.

Two barrels later, I closed the pouch and secured it on my belt. Anything hits that, its gonna be one hell of a ride.

The Auror forces had apparently retreated out of the warehouse, all sounds of battle had vanished. I easily tore myself an exit in the wall and emerged outside. My shopping was done, I now had to get away as fast as possible. Easier said than done.

The government assault squads had established a defensive perimeter and were now facing a group of mercenaries most likely employed by Aleksandro. Mercenaries were serious business, a squad of 12 Mage Knights were fighting against the Aurors Mage Knights, in smaller number. The battle was impressive, both sides had deployed their best troops from what I could see.

The Knights were above me and any of the ones I had fought until now, easily. They sent spells after spells, endless chains and transfigured beasts all around. One of them seemed to have control on Elemental Magic, he single-handedly destroyed three mercenaries with restless attacks of ice and earth, encasing them and tearing them apart. The mercenaries weren't helpless though, they used their agility and strength to dodge the elements and send powerful magic all around.

I would get killed instantly against one of these guys. I thought, but another part of me didn't want to hear that. A part of me was still bathing in dark magic feedback, still swallowing lumps of raw pleasure. I could take them all, kill them all. I grinned.

Too bad my shopping is over. I must go home. I rationalized, forcing myself to walk away.

I left the incredible scene and entered the jungle. I ran for a few moments, feeling the exhaustion and pain beginning to hit as I got out of my battle trance. I was almost out of the anti apparition ward when they arrived.

Four cracks announced them and I spun around, ordering Stony to hide and Rocky to go ahead and find the end of the ward, one of the ingredient was still tied to its back.

In front of me were four law enforcers, two of them were Mage Knights. The anti apparition ward must be theirs if they're keyed in. Not that it matters.

"You are under arrest! Surrender!" yelled one, making me wonder how he knew I didn't speak Spanish. They probably assumed I was a stranger, since I stole a few items and am currently escaping...

"You have no business arresting me, I don't work for Aleksandro." I replied hopefully.

"You will be judged fairly. Drop your wand."

"Just let me go, if you wish to avoid anymore bloodshed." I hissed dangerously, grabbing my axe slowly.

It happened very quickly, the red-armored knight sent a very strong wind gust my way, tossing me back in some bushes that were being transfigured into a solid rock hand. The hand grasped me, its strength too much for me to force it open. I ordered Stony to attack one of the Aurors to give me a few seconds. The wolf sprang on the older wizard and bite his face angrily, showering the scene in blood as it tore the head apart with its strong neck.

The knights spun around and destroyed Stony with what I recognized as a fissure spell. The few seconds I had earned were enough for me to transfigure the rock hand into water and drop on the ground.

"Ventignis caede! Mocnahladit! Mocnahladit!" I spat, chaining the spells for the first time in a quick motion, aiming at the ground. One of the knights jumped, grabbing the remaining Auror on the way, and the other conjured an impressive chunk of metal to protect himself.

The explosion curses hit hard, I couldn't exactly say how much of the jungle it had blew up since I had been sent flying by the shockwave, but I knew it would put a good distance between us. I smashed through a tree and landed on the ground, wincing and coughing some blood. I stood up and saw the fire a few dozen feet away, shaken by the violent hurricane created by the Ventignis curse. They hadn't been hurt, I would have felt something from the dark magic. Tough bastards.

I started to run again, wondering where was north and south. It had quite dazed me to be thrown away, especially the shock of landing so hard. Being eight hundred pounds has its drawbacks too.

Rocky called me, barking in my mind to tell me he had found the end of the yard and I instinctively changed my course, knowing where it was.

The Mage Knights apparated again on my path and almost beheaded me with a swing of war hammer. I jumped above the second one and took a white spell in the cuirass. The Adamantine negated the magic and the spell exploded, only scratching my armor. I know that spell, that fucker tried to electrocute me.

Anger suddenly rose into me and I sent a Duonexufulmen to the one that had cast it. He dove to the side and shot an ice spear to me. The spear broke against me, but the shock pushed me back. The other one closed in me and punched me in the face. I reeled back, the strength of the punch had destroyed one of my thorns and almost knocked me out. I felt a lot of blood dripping down my neck. I crouched under the second punch and pushed him back, I took my axe from my back and dove to my right, avoiding a conjured metallic net.

"Frigidi Mortem!" The frost wave caught the nearest knight and froze him on the spot. The other dispelled it with a fireball in my direction. I let the fireball crash against me and leaped to him, my axe ready to strike. He conjured a large blade and banished it to me just before I could hack him in two pieces.

Fuck! I tried to fall on the side to avoid it but it was too fast, the banisher he had used was beyond anything I ever saw. In a flash, the blade went through my arm and continued in the sky. My left hand had been cut at the forearm, blood sprayed from the cut as I crashed on the ground, wailing in pain.

I kicked him in the ankle, making him fall before he could think of a way to apprehend me and sprung on my feet. I sheathed my axe in my back and stuffed my severed hand in my belt before disappearing in the jungle, followed closely by two spells. One passed by me and the other hit, overpowering the thin Adamantine layer and breaking my right tibia.

I spun around and pushed all the remaining power I could in a last attempt at hindering them.

"Exsiliunt et metet..." I breathed heavily, feeling warm blood leave my mouth as I summoned the devil for a second time, "Adolebit et devorabit..." I stopped and slumped against a tree, making it creak painfully under my weight, offhandedly noticing that I was about to bleed out, "Ego mutuum..." I took a sharp intake of air, "Fiendfyre!" I shouted, feeling my strength leave me as the hellish hound spurted out of my body and consumed the vegetation around me, its dominating roar resounding in the whole forest.

I downed my last boosted Pepper-Up potion, admitting that I couldn't go on without it and hoping it wouldn't kill me. With all the shit I crammed in a single phial, it's a miracle I didn't pass out at the first... I winced and cauterized my bleeding forearm with a crude Incendio , not knowing any other way to stop the bleeding. I downed a phial of blood replenishing potion and started to run again, ignoring my broken leg; the armor helped me to not fall and maintained my leg straight on my journey to Rocky.

I heard the ferocious roars of Loederth behind me and could smell the odor of death and ashes through my helm. Hell, it's probably not hermetic anymore, not with that punch I took. I chuckled, noticing only now that my right eye was covered in blood and mostly useless.

I reached the edge of the ward and Rocky after a few minutes of almost passing out and panting heavily, my body burning with exhaustion. I had pushed my magical muscle further than it should have taken, and once the Pepper-Up would run out, I knew I'd be in for a few weeks of continuous rest.

"Come here, Rocky. Good wolf." I muttered, grabbing the pot from its back. I had planned to apparate back in the marketplace and take a portkey to England, but now the plan seemed stupid as hell. I can't just pop in the street in that state, I must look like I've been through half a dozen wars.

"Pendejo! Te voy a matar!" bellowed a crispy voice from behind me. I turned around and saw one of the Mage Knights from before, he had lost an arm and was badly burned. His armor was scorched and smoking, presumably thanks to Loedreth; he ran toward me with a war hammer in his right hand, shouting his lungs out. I dodged the first blow and stabilized myself with difficulty as the hammer triggered a mini earthquake.

'Attack, Rocky!'

The wolf jumped to him, but he backhanded it, letting the hammer go. The sheer strength of the hit obliterated Rocky's head, and consequently its body. My only available hand was holding the pot, and my only available leg was busy holding me upright, I had to think of an exit quickly.

My half burned opponent was too fast, he pinned me to the ground and raised his fist above me. I closed my eyes and screamed mentally. I need to get out! NOW!

My body was suddenly thrown around, my flesh got squished in a familiar yet unknown feeling, I opened my eyes and all of a sudden was thrown on the ground again. I yelped as my broken leg absorbed the shock and I rolled around.

I knew what had happened. Apparition. But it was different. Stronger and ... more painful. I stood up and watched around me. I knew this place.

"The Dean Forest... I apparated right into England..." I muttered. This wasn't good. I had to smash through the country's redirection wards to do that. International Apparition was controlled by the Ministry, one shouldn't be able to apparate where he wants but instead be redirected into the Ministry's travel wing.

A rustle stopped my thoughts, I jerked my head to it and spotted the burnt Mage Knight slowly standing up. What? I apparated him along?

I carefully placed the pot on the floor and grabbed my axe.

"That's for Rocky!" I roared, swinging the axe vertically. He saw me too late to dodge and took the blow right on the collarbone. I hadn't used any magic but the sheer weight of the axe plus my strength easily chopped the knight in two. Blood sprayed once again on my armor, painting it red if it wasn't already and the defeated wizard fell to the ground in a mess of organs and bodily fluids.

Four cracks resounded around me and I found myself surrounded by Aurors coming to investigate the illegal international apparition. I quickly grabbed my axe and the Legendary Salamander heart pot with my right hand.

"Shit! Stop hi-" I didn't hear the rest of the sentence, I apparated right into the forbidden forest, leaving the Aurors to wonder who I was and where I was gone.

I fell on my knees right as I popped in my usual apparition spot of the forbidden forest, unable to move an inch more. I dropped my axe on the ground and placed the pot beside it. I need to see a healer if I want to fix my hand... it will be too late if I wait too much.

I took half an hour to take my armor off, in the middle of the forbidden forest. I knew most beasts in the area feared me and wouldn't dare attacking. The helm was the hardest part to take off, the metal had been caved in my skull and tearing it off ripped flesh and skin off me, opening the dry wound again for a second round of bleeding.

I was in an awful state. My body was covered in scratches and bruises, more than I thought; my broken leg was ugly, very ugly, purple and swollen and my skin was unusually pink at several places, having only recently healed from the indirect burns. My ribs were obviously cracked at several places and maybe broken, and my upper body was covered in dried and fresh dripping blood - not to mention my missing hand.

I transfigured a leaf into a cloak, wincing at the excruciating pain of magic exhaustion and felt tears come on their own. The Pepper-Up is still working, I have my chances.

I took a deep breath and apparated to London, focusing immensely on it to avoid splinching myself.

I found myself puking blood and crying profusely in front of St Mungo's main entrance and stood up. Almost there.

Covered with the cloak, I entered the hospital and avoided the main desk. I longed the wall and directly entered the corridor leading to the rooms. I ignored the calls of a nurse and accelerated, feeling my tibia creak at each step but experiencing only a tenth of the pain thanks to the home-made Pepper-Up. I spotted a senior healer in a room with a patient and entered.

I slammed the door behind me and closed the window blind with a sharp pull on the string.

"Who are you?"

"Stupefy." I answered, stunning the man in the bed. "Imperio." I continued as the healer made to grab his wand from his back pocket. I dropped to the ground when the spell connected and vomited some blood. I rolled on my back, unable to do anything more and muttered to the blank eyed healer.

"Heal my hand and my leg." I asked, knowing that as a Healer, he wouldn't resist the command.

The man quickly did as I asked, he levitated me on a bed and left the room without a word. He came back a few minutes later with a bunch of potions and started to work on my hand. He made me drink a painkiller potion along with two I couldn't identify and healed the burn on my forearm with his wand, skillfully casting spells over both parts of my arm. He knew what he was doing, and he did it well.

A few minutes later, my leg was fixed and he was applying salve on my re-attached forearm. He handed me a blood replenishing potion. I drank the thing and flexed my hand. It was numb, I couldn't feel it, but it was responding.

"What do I need to do to make sure it heals properly?"

"Apply ointment everyday during a week. Cut was clean and non magical, no after effects." he answered helpfully. I nodded and jumped off the bed.

"Bring me two bottles of ointment and the best regeneration potion you can get."

An obliviation charm later, I left the Hospital with an S-class Regeneration potion and enough ointment for a month. I apparated back in the Forest and crawled to the nearest tree. I placed myself on a fat twig to avoid being eaten in my sleep and closed my eyes.

I passed out instantly.

An: Here it is. I'm sorry I'm not able to update faster, I have a lot of things happening around me for some reason. I'm thinking of going back to being a neet. It was neat, no pun intended.