
Harry Potter: The Real Wizard

HIATUS George Williams, a typical university student reincarnated in England at the end of the 70s, but not in a normal family, he is in a family of pure-blood wizards. Faced with this situation, he will begin to embark on a journey through the amazing world of Harry Potter delving into Charms, D.A.D.A, Potions, Dark Arts and Arithmancy. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes in grammar or similar. I hope your understanding in my first book. pa treon.com/BRIHUA to support

BRIHUA · Livros e literatura
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11 Chs

Building up my defenses.


I will try to upload every day a chapter of 1000 words, sometimes it won't be like that, but I hope to ensure 4 chapters a week, I think it's better to have a constant rhythm than to upload a chapter of more words, but only once a week, because I forget about the plot. Of course, if I don't see much interest in this fanfic I will decide to temporarily put aside this rhythm of writing, or even abandon the novel. But for the moment I don't see that being the case, already 300 people have this novel in their library, and we are fast approaching 100k views.

Please leave your review for this fanfic to reach other people :D.


During breakfast I was thinking about what was the best way to protect my mind, and resort to the most resistant materials since I had knowledge since I took first year materials engineering. So I decided on a semi sphere that would protect my Occlumens space, which would be made of graphene the strongest material ever measured, but since it is a great electrical and thermal conductor, I would make another layer of Carbyne which has twice the tensile strength of its predecessor graphene, and three times the tensile stiffness of diamond.

In addition, he would put a death trap, between the two layers of those materials he was going to put sarin gas. When a person is exposed to sarin gas, it is rapidly absorbed through the skin, respiratory tract or eyes, and distributed throughout the body. A colorless and odorless gas, so deadly that it is banned by all international bodies.

If this was not enough, I will make several more layers with different traps to put an end to any intrusion. I had several ideas that I could experiment with and if they were possible in Occlumens space, such as isolating the sense of sight, traps that teleport you to another place or even replicating an Occlumens space where there was no difference with the original and if all defenses were overcome upon reaching the 'information and memory core' it would bombard with so many emotions, images and feelings that the attacker's brain would fry.

I had a big Mediterranean breakfast, because English food is quite disgusting, which consisted of toast spread with oil, natural tomato and a pinch of salt, and slices of 'jamon' on top. All this accompanied with a fresh orange juice.

After this my father and I headed off, we did the usual ritual again, on second thought it must be really expensive this ritual, even if it is only with wampus blood, an animal of XXXXX classification the highest there is, besides being a very difficult animal to get, it only lived in the United States, in magical animal reserves. We may have farms, well I doubt it very much I don't see my family taking care of animals, although there may be some family members who have dedicated their studies to magical animal ingredients so it is possible that there are farms in our family or we have shares in some of them.

After concentrating, I entered Occlumens space, everything was exactly the same as I left it yesterday.

"Son, you have already thought about what you want as a defense haven't you?" asks my father.

"Yes dad, I have thought of a dome structure where the first layer is made of hexagons linked together, which is this one inspired by honeycombs (I couldn't tell what graphene was since it was discovered in 2004) and then another layer made in the same way, but this one be more capable against attacks by heat or electricity."

"Also between these layers I'm going to add a highly deadly gas that those Muggles who were under Gelled Grindelwald invented, something really deadly. You can't smell it or see it, plus it attacks the brain directly so I thought it would be a good defense." What do you think dad?"

"Very good son, in fact you have made the best choice you could choose, the honeycomb structures are highly resistant, plus you have prepared another layer which is the weakness of the previous one, not to mention that death trap that attacks the brain, which are of the best defenses since a wizard has no muggle knowledge like that. You could have chosen more magical elements, but in Occlumens space they are highly difficult to replicate so they are usually not applied and if you do it results in a mediocre result and far below what it is in reality."

"Well, now that you have thought about it, you start to realize them, you just have to put your intention into it and they will materialize little by little. Through your physical and mental endurance they will give rise to these defenses, be careful not to faint from the effort. I will cut the connection so as not to distract you, in 2 hours I will ask you about your progress.

I wondered, how would I know when it will be 2 hours, so I tried to make a wrist watch and it appeared, it was imperfect so I concentrated more and had to perfect it to tell the time well, until I was inspired by a watch I had worn during my college days, so I was more familiar with it, for a few minutes until it resulted in a really beautiful watch.

[image of the clock].

The first hexagon was a bit difficult to make as I had no practice at all, there were small holes in it and the structure was not firm at all, so I dedicated myself more carefully to make the first hexagon as perfect as possible, until I came up with a perfect result.

Then I got into a dilemma, it had taken me 20 minutes to make a simple hexagon of 1 meter side, and I had hundreds of hexagons left just for the outer layer. So I did the trick that always works control c and control v, and another hexagon appeared that shared side with the first one. Faced with this absurd situation I detailed the second copied hexagon and it was absolutely the same as the previous one.

An immense joy filled my heart and I continued doing the same until the first layer was completed. I had a theory, as I had already worked from my first place in making the first hexagon, instead of starting again from scratch, I put all my intention and focus on replicating the previous one. I put my 'magic' into the hexagon set, an analogy may be that I copy the byte instead of building the 8 bits that make up the byte. So I have skipped several steps and saved time, but it seems that the downside of this is that I feel much more tired than when I completed the first one.

(I have done this because it seems silly to do such a repetitive process if it were done in reality, when everyone copies from other places if it is already done, plus I don't like Chinese novels type cultivation novels. Also, to add a disadvantage I have made that: -time +energy. So it won't be too OP. In the future I guess it will make more layers as if it were megabytes, but of course you can only copy once a day, every time you are more familiar the energy consumption and stamina will go down). What to think).

'This could be very useful in the future' I think happily.

I continue copying and pasting until I complete the first outer layer of the dome, I was about to start the next layer until my father interrupts me.

"Are you winning son?" my father asks me. I look at the clock and it looks like 2 hours have passed, so also the clock I made is working fine.

"Well dad, I have already finished the dome."

[imagine dome]

"So fast?" my father asks me surprised. "Get out of the space occlumens" he tells me.

When I get out I feel a huge headache and my eyesight goes dark. I had fainted from exhaustion.


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pa treon.com/BRIHUA