
Revelations in front of a fire


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 91: Revelations in front of a fire

When Susan made her way into the common room, She did not expect to find anyone in there. The ball was still going strong. So she was very surprised when She spotted Hannah, sitting close to one of the fireplaces, hugging her legs and looking very sad.

She approached her.

"Hannah, what's wrong?"

"Susan?!" Hannah turned to look at her friend in surprise. "What are you doing here so soon? I thought you would be still with Krum. I saw you leave with him for the gardens." She said and lowered her head again.

"Yeah…about that…that guy is a pig." Susan sat down next to Hannah.

"What do you mean? Did He try anything?" Hannah was a bit alarmed.

"He tried to grab my ass all night while dancing. Then He asked me to go take a stroll through the gardens. I thought I would take the chance to speak with Him about manners. But the moment we were a bit far away from the Hall, He grabbed me and tried to kiss me." Susan said, looking a bit shaken still.

"He kissed you without permission?." Hannah said with a mix of worry and anger.

"Oh no no." Susan moved her hands for emphasis. "I said, He TRIED. But…you know…after an entire summer of training with Harry. Well… let just say that Krum is going to spend some time getting to know Miss Pomfrey." Susan smiled softly.

Hanna's eyebrows shoot up.

"What did you do?."

"Remember when Harry was trying to teach us how to do the Accio charm wandless?" Susan asked.

"Yes, we couldn't get it right. Wandless magic is too difficult." Hannah answered.

"No, but I did manage to get some result. Every time I tried to use the charm, the object would get twisted around instead of coming to me." Susan said.

Hannah gasped. "Don't tell me that you…"

"I twisted Krum balls," Susan said with a smile.

Hannah gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. "Susan!, that's not…actually, He may have deserved it."

"Yeah, He did. But enough about me. What about your date?" Susan asked.

"Not well…it was so boring, Anthony would not talk about anything and just look down all the time," Hanna explained.

"Look down?" Susan looked down at the fairly exposed chest of Hannah.

'Wow, that neckline is a bit too exposed. No wonder Goldstein could not take his eyes out of those...' Susan's thoughts were interrupted by Hannah

"Yes!, He made that look too, all of the time! How did you know?" Hannah asked innocently

"Maybe she should have gone with a different dress, that was a bit too much," Susan muttered softly.

"What? " said Hannah.

Susan shook her head. "Never mind that. So…it seems like both of our dates were a failure, uh?"

"Yeah…we should have gone together," Hannah looked down and muttered softly.

"The two of us?" Susan managed to barely hear what Hannah said.

Hannahs's face grew red. "Ah, no…I mean, is not what you think!". She panicked after realizing what she had just said.

Susan smiled. "Yes, maybe she should have…"

"What?...Really?." Hannah said, looking very shocked.

"You know what?. Let's have a dance here." Susan said.

"What?, here is the common room?" Hannah asked in surprise.

"Yes, here. We are alone, and I doubt anyone will come here for at least the next hour." She stood up and held out her hand for Hannah to grab.

"There is no music," Hannah pointed out, but still stood up and took Susan's hand.

"I can whistle." Susan smiled.

The two of them started dancing slowly. Susan's gaze kept going down.

"Susan, You can stop imitating Anthony already"


A few days before the start of classes, during dinner. Professor McGonagall approached the podium and asked for a moment of silence.

"I have one sad announcement to make. A little bit before the day of the Yule Ball, Professor Snape suffered an unfortunate accident and passed away."

She waited for the gasps and murmurs in the hall to die down a bit before continuing.

"We waited this long to inform you all because the Aurors investigation was still ongoing and also because we didn't want these terrible news to ruin your holidays. By next week, we will have a new professor for potions. None of you probably know about him, but He used to be a potion teacher a long time ago. His name is Horace Slughorn. That is all for now."

'An unfortunate accident? I guess they don't want to cause panic by saying that a teacher got murdered right outside of Hogwarts.' Harry thought.

They continued their dinner while discussing the death of Profesor Snape.

"Can you believe it? Snape is dead!." One student said.

"Yeah…I wonder what kind of accident was He on." Another one asked.

"Maybe He blew himself up while doing one of his potions." Someone commented.

"That's awful. Poor proffesor Snape." Hannah said.

They went all silent when they noticed professor McGonagall approaching their table.

"Mister Potter, if you are done with your dinner. The Headmaster wants to see you."

Harry nodded at her, stood up, and follow her. He knew that there was no point in arguing, if the Headmaster wanted to see him, he needs to go. Besides, He was also a bit curious about the sudden need to speak with him.

"You think He is in trouble?" Susan asked Luna.

"I don't know, I hope not," Luna said looking worried in the direction Harry left.

"Why would He be in trouble, He is one of the top students, I bet they make him prefect next year," Hannah said.

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