
Chapter 2 [ - Dear God - ]



( Yahweh Speaking )


After spreading the fantastic news that Harry Potter's birth mother was alive somewhere out there - I went up the stairs happily. To think that I would get excited about something as silly as that.

I have absolutely no feelings for these people, I must inform you immediately - it's just fun.

If I were in the shoes of the person who thought up this 'Brilliant' plan to separate the twins.

It was better to take care of the twins together than to give attention to only one of them, who was supposedly the 'Chosen One'' - It made no sense to separate them in the first place:

'Or they think old Harry would welcome them with open arms... he probably would.' I meditated, considering all the psychological abuse and the physical abuse of the Dursleys. The old Harry would certainly welcome them with open arms.

I wonder what their expression will be when they realize that the little Arthur they worked so hard on is not the 'Chosen One' It will be beautiful to see....

Entering some bathroom in the house.... Oh Non!

Why is this world so outdated?

Everything inside the bathroom was old - was the water at least warm?

Removing the second-hand clothes that belonged to Dudley.

There was a great abyss of problems in front of me.

1° I am a bloody dwarf now - clearly I had several problems in all of this.

2° All my powers were gone: Not literally. The powers of a 'Being' are trapped in a container called a soul. A very powerful soul can keep all the powers from its past life.

I who was super powerful. I still retain all my powers, but since my new body is very weak, I can barely use them. I am having to strengthen my body using my weakened powers.

If I had my old body, these things would not be my main source of problems. Maybe I should just ask my Sugar Mama

First of all, I think you should know about our kind of relationship.

Keep in mind that I never had that much interest in the opposite sex or the same sex.

Sex was only for the act of reproduction of a race and I didn't want to pass on my superior genes to any other. And even if I wanted to, some woman would have to be "crazy" to want to give me a child.

It was not a matter of me not liking sex. There have been hundreds of women I have slept with in my life and not all of them were "human". Lethan Twi'leks a race of red skinned beings I slept with many of the women of this race.

There were other humanoid races, but they were irrelevant.

Now that you understand.

I met Yahweh - yes, Biblical God. It is not he.

It is her!

It was not an old, bearded man like everyone thought of her.

God - the Almighty and Supreme Lord Creator of All Things was actually a woman.

Now that everyone has a sense of who she is.

I can say with all the certainty of my life.

I fell in love at first sight!

Yes, very cliché.

But - for someone like me, who is 37,025 years old - it was something totally new and magical.

Even Yahweh was surprised by my request.

Like - very surprised.

She was so cute when she was taken by surprise.

( Hey! I'm listening to all your monologues. )

( I'm not being shy, motherfucker! ) She cursed. Even her cursing was cute.

( I haven't accepted your request yet. )

Yahweh immediately cut me off.

Yes, it was true. She didn't accept my feelings for her. But, I had her attention.

That was enough for now.

''Will you accept my request, love? I asked. As we exchanged our 'Love' I was not idle and removed a part of the shower and carved a 'Rune/Glyph' inside.

And I began to take a warm, relaxing bath.

( No. I'm not returning your body. What you have created is an aberration of nature, a Blasphemy to Reality itself. After the Light Show you ended up giving it away. An entire galaxy disappeared - erasing even people's souls. The only survivor being you because of your powerful soul. Not even the Gods of Death tried to claim your soul over their Domain. )

''What happened to my body?'' I asked sweetly, as I expected the worst.

( Some gods have tried to use it as a vessel, but have ultimately failed. As I said, your body is an aberration. Countless Gods have tried to use your body and ended up failing and severely injuring the souls of these fools. Currently... His body has been sealed by a set of Gods and they have thrown him back into space. ) Yahweh replied with a single breath.

My face turned sour and a cold look came over my face - 'These mere lower life forms dared to try to occupy my body.' After going to so much trouble to make it perfect... how dare they!

As soon as I leave this world, I will hunt them down and kill them one by one.

''Did he... Did my body fall into some world?'' I asked quietly as I blurted out my cold gaze.

( DxD. )

''AH?! DxD?! the world where a protagonist with one of the greatest armor plots wishes to create being a harem king? Even if he has nothing special except his plot armor?''

( Yes, that's the one. )

( Well... I'll pretty much sum up everything since his body fell there is too much to tell in one sitting. )

( The Bible God of that world found his sealed body floating through space and after many years of studying the primordial runes. He was able to remove the seals from the coffin. At the same time, the war with the demons was going on and the demons were beginning to gain the upper hand over the biblical God and the angels. Seeing your body as a source to win the war, he tried to take possession of it, and in retaliation, tour body unconsciously sent out a powerful wave of energy that killed not only the biblical God, but also the 4 demons that ruled the demons at the time. Currently, his body is in the Vatican being guarded by an Archangel named Michael. )

''I see.'' I replied calmly.

( That's it? You're not going to be angry or anything? ) She's apparently surprised that I'm not angry.

I shook my head in disagreement. I didn't become who I am today by letting my emotions get the best of me. I continued with my calm tone:

'Since my powers would return to my natural ones without me having to do anything, I didn't care much about it before. But, I will start training this body while I will only be satisfied after I can control Space and Reality again.'

Now... to calm myself down - I will check some of my memories that were blocked by Albus-Other-Names-Dumbledore. This would serve to lighten my current mood a bit and kill some time.


Harry Potter was 1 year old when it happened. When the Dark Lord attacked his family's hideout in Godric's Hollow. When Harry Potter defeated Lord Voldemort. However, he would never receive credit for the achievement. Instead, it went to his twin brother, Arthur Potter.


On a crib lay two boys, twins. One of the boys had light brown, curly, untamed hair with hazel-colored eyes to match, the other had deep black hair, also untamed, but in a way that fit the child. His most predominant feature would have to be his iridescent eyes that seemed to change color from time to time. Eyes that sparkled and pulsated with magic. Eyes that seemed to be able to see behind you.

In the dead of night, Harry's eyes suddenly opened. He was only a baby, but he could still feel the way his surroundings twitched and moved unnaturally, the magic feeling of dread that permeated and engulfed the house.

He looked around his room, innocent eyes examining - not knowing what could send that kind of pressure. His eyes focused on the corner of his room, this particular area made his eyes hurt and was where he felt his magic react strongly.

''Oh? ...'' Mumbled a hooded figure in the corner of the room.

''I didn't think you would be able to notice me... it seems the prophecy had some validity. A child under two years old being able to sense the presence of the strongest witch since Merlin himself!'' The intruder shouted.

His exclamation caught the attention of Harry's parents and woke Arthur, who began to cry. The figure quickly brandished his wand and cast a barrier spell that prevented entry through the door. James Potter and Lily Potter (nee Evans) frantically tried to open the door. When met with failure, Lily Potter quickly cast an explosive spell on the door blowing it to pieces.

James and Lily exploded with rage as they watched a hooded figure, who they knew to be Lord Voldemort, getting closer and closer to their children's cribs. No amount of explosive curses or exploding curses damaged the shield that kept them from moving forward.

In the midst of the confusion Harry Potter, remained still.

Suddenly a wave of magic began to build up inside harry, Voldemort sensed this and quickly pointed his wand at harry, the tip of his wand glowing in a light emerald green.

Harry unconsciously released the magic within him and forced his way towards the Dark Lord. It was at that very moment that Voldemort fired the death curse at Harry, but missed. Instead, it flew toward Arthur, who hadn't stopped crying since he woke up.

Even more magic exploded from Harry, narrowly protecting his brother from all evil, except for a deep, irregular cut on his forehead. Strangely, the curse was sent back to Voldemort, who let out a deafening scream as soon as the curse hit him directly and his body fell to the ground lifeless. James and Lily quickly ran towards the bed as the barrier dissipated. They were shocked to see a slightly bleeding scar on Arthur's forehead etched in the shape of a lightning bolt .

After weeping with joy over the death of the guy with daddy issues and the survival of his children, James grabbed Arthur leaving Harry in the crib.

He lifted Arthur up and exclaimed, ''Thank God!''

The young parents carefully examined the boy, worrying about him and spoiling him for fear that he might somehow disappear.

Unfortunately by 'ignoring' their other son, they did not notice that their other son, Harry. Had a small cut on his forehead almost undetectable to the eyes of a normal person (Throwback) something looking like a snake and full of mischief ended up seeping into his small cut.


The sound of an apparition could be heard outside the cabin a little while after Voldemort's body had slowly disappeared into nothingness. Three people entered the room in which the frantic ordeal took place, two were familiar to the boys, the other, however, was not.

The familiar faces were Hadrian and Arthur's parents James Potter and Lily Potter. The unfamiliar figure was the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Magic and Witchcraft, the Chief Wizard of the Supreme Court, among other titles, Target-Over-Names-Dumbledore.

He had worry spread across his face - The worry of seeing the offspring of his favorite students die, but to his relief, he came across two perfectly healthy children being kept by their parents. The only thing that puzzled him was the scar carved into the younger twin's forehead.

'Could that be what the prophecy was talking about?' he considered fervently, 'however, the prophecy can be interpreted in many ways.

He pushed his thoughts aside for later and hugged James and Lily. He would definitely have to talk to them about this at a different time. There was also the matter of the residue of dark magic leaking from the younger boy, an effect of an encounter with Tom and his ritual magic probably.

Target's eyes sparkled with pleasure. This boy is definitely the one the prophecy was talking about.

However, if Arthur is the boy-who-survived, all our efforts will have to be spent in training him. After all, he is the only one with the power to defeat the dark lord. I'll leave it at that for a while, James and Lily will be more likely to leave Harry after a while.

Lily softly kissed Arthur's scar and Harry's cheek. As everyone descended the steps to the living room, Harry was silent from the ordeal.

After he used magic to subconsciously reflect Voldemort's curse, his eyes lost their iridescence and slowly began to mold into emerald green eyes. No one noticed this, how could they when they had more important things to worry about like the death of the witch they had been fighting for so long.

Harry fell asleep soon after...


It had been five weeks since the attack on the Potter Family hideout and the fall of Voldemort. News of the young Potter's survival of the death curse and Voldemort's defeat had spread. The Wizarding World was in shock. Books and news articles about what happened quickly filled the shelves.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Africa.

An elderly lady who was in her last moments of life was making a last prophecy.

Other people were in the room around the Lady, they seemed to be her family.

''... Usurper Son... ''

The Lady began to whisper confused things...

This little lady had been a diviner all her life in one of the remote Magic Tribes of Africa.

She was doing what she learned from birth and learned from her mother, Divination.

''Oh Dear God... Calm your anger...''

The Lady took her last breath of life leaving one last prophecy behind ... or maybe she was asking someone for forgiveness?

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