
meeting Dudley

it was the next day and we were trying to adjust to the new home in privet drive.

Today i was determined to meet harry as i was a big fan of his *green* eyes.

after sometime i asked mom if i could go to mrs Dursley's house as i would like to meet their kid.

Ok sunshine be safe dont go on roads and call me if you need any help.

i knocked on their door.after some time a big fat whale like man opened the door, he looked at me and smiled.

You must be Hermione.

Yes uncle i am here to meet dudely. Surely come inside little girl.

when i think about it he doesn't give the bad person vibes and is actually pretty polite.

Dudely is in his room come i will introduce him to you.

as he led me upstairs we passed from the cupboard and then suddenly i heard a noise from the cupboard.it must be harry.

What's in there uncle, i ask trying to gauge their reaction.

"It must be mice dear, the cupboard was not cleaned in a long time" he said without even realising how impolite it sounded saying how unclean your house is infront of a guest.

When we reached upstairs i heard a commotion it sounded like ms petunia was trying to calm someone.

when mr Vernon opened we were greeted with a scene which could only be described as chaotic.

Dudley was rolling on the ground petunia was trying to stop him while a tv( old version) was showing the bzzzt- screen

(AN: i always called bzzzt screen i dont know the phenomenon's name.)

When dudely saw me he stopped what he was doing and started to stand.

What is the problem little Dudley said mr dursley.

Dad the freak broke the tv.

when he said that both petunia and vernons faces were a sight to behold, their eyes held anger and fear.

Who is freak? i asked.

Oh i-its nothing dear its just dudely's imagination.

But da- before dudely could say anything petunia stopped him with a "we will talk about it later " glare.

Oh its just about the tv no, then its simple. i said walking towards tv.

when i reached it i karake chopped it and voilà it started working.

Both the Dudley's were astonished and dudely was happy.

Thank you dear that was- fabulous. they both said.

its no problem i just did what the electric man did when he came home once.

after that dudely happily watched tv and we introduced ourselves.

i must say he was not much of a git, a bit bit pompus but not a git. They are nice, i wonder if i ended up in an alternate universe.

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