
Harry Potter: Monarch of Magic

William Reginal was once an insignificant figure following the flow of a mundane society without leaving any noticeable mark of existence. During a sleep no different from any other, William came in contact with the unspeakable, and unimaginable for a mortal, demon or even a god. Something greater. Far greater. When he awoke from his slumber a changed being, it marked the beginning of a legendary time in which he would be at the core of events that would be etched into the annals of time. ---------------------- Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc, are the property of their respective owners, William Reginal, Vincent Helin, and others. The original characters and extended plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Cosmic_Writer · Filmes
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11 Chs


"Vincent! Vincent!". William called for his former thug-turned-butler, a tall middle-aged man with some salt and pepper appearing on his head. Vincent rushed into William's room anxiously, worried about what prompted his young boss's loud calling. Usually, William was quiet and reserved, acting in an extremely calm manner, not fitting a five-year-old character, so it was surprising for Vincent to hear William call him in such a manner.

As Vincent slammed open the door and rushed in, he was relieved to find William completely safe, reorganised himself and respectfully asked William what he required. "Little Boss, what can I do for you? Prepare another investment? Bring another gang over for 're-education'?". William in kind responded, "Nothing of the sort Vincent, although you are free to bring over troublesome groups that are a danger in the surrounding for uh, 're-education' when necessary. Right now I need you to close the villa completely. No one in, no one out, and install all the soundproofing equipment we acquired as well. Don't come back in, until I say so. Now go! Quickly!". "Yes boss! Right away!", Vincent shouted and rushed out, ready to faithfully carry out his orders.

William's arrangements may seem over the top, however, what William was about to experience was not a normal magical breakthrough/sublimation that normal wizards will go through. Within his magical training guide, when he trains himself to the peak of the dark green core, he has the opportunity to completely break down his magical core and rebuild it anew, many times larger and stronger than ever.

However the prerequisite for achieving such a breakthrough is extremely risky, not only does it require having a strong physique tempered by magical power, but your mind and soul must be able to withstand having its core destroyed and repaired over and over many times, if you lose focus at any point, you will lose everything, becoming a crippled muggle or worse.

Only lunatics would risk their lives and life's work at the same time for such a slim chance, however, William firmly believed he has the ability to achieve this feat, so he stubbornly practice day after day, barely sleeping properly for weeks at a time to achieve an extremely refined magic core and physique. Although the system allowed an easy breakthrough with points when it accumulated to a certain degree, William knew he could do more. So months after getting the required points, William continued his practice, compressing, exhausting, and expanding his magic core continuously to make it reach a near volatile state of power.

Taking off his ancient robe, safely putting Electra in his 'pocket' and ensuring his surroundings were soundproofed, William climbed onto his luxurious bed and firmly shut his eyes. After breathing in and out for a few seconds he fell into a comfortable rhythm, this sensation continued until William became oblivious to outside influence, sight, feeling, and smell, all senses receded and William fell into a peculiar sense of awareness. He could accurately perceive his mind, body, soul and core, moving forward, William continued to focus on his core. It was already spinning rapidly like a centrifuge, the core was dark dark green in colour, trembling from time to time, and even hints of black were appearing due to the extent to which his magical power was compressed and refined.

After ensuring he was ready, William firmed his will and called his system. "System! Begin Breakthrough!". He shouted in his mind with both excitement and nervousness.

"Ding! Order Received! - 10 000 Power Points! Breakthrough initiated! Detected requirements have been met, initiating special reformation breakthrough! Best of luck host!".

'Crack...crack...BANG!'. After a terrifying explosion reverberated within Williams, body and leaked to his surroundings, shattering chairs, knocking over his bed and causing havoc his body entered a state of constant excruciating pain. Every moment his core was shattered, the magic power would escape but then be immediately sucked back to a focal point and compressed and once again a core would form around it. Each time it occurred William would see his core increasing in size, and density and his magical power was also being refined at an unimaginable rate, turning from dark green to blue 'slowly' but surely.

William would definitely be overjoyed by his current development, if not for the fact that he was experiencing a soul-shattering pain every second, continuously and he could barely keep himself conscious through sheer willpower. "AHHHHHHHH! DAMN IT! STAY AWAKE WILLIAM! STAY AWAKE! UGHHH!". Such screams resounded within William's room in the next few hours, they were so terrifying to hear that Electra appeared out of William's robes pocket and huddled next to William, extremely worried about his master's wellbeing.

If someone were to peek into William's room at this moment they would witness an extremely peculiar scene. A young child, with golden eyes and black hair, shirtless with a physique not matching his age, rolling on the high-class wooden floor, drenched in sweat, his body emitting a strong shockwave every few seconds, knocking over vases, chairs and books. Right behind him was a three-meter-tall pitch black dragon with sparkling blue eyes, constantly letting out whimpers from its mouth not matching a dragon's ferocious image, more like a puppy scared of its owner being hurt.

This painful event continued for another few hours before finally as night came and the moon rose, William's core ended its final restructuring and he lost consciousness, falling into a deep sleep, resting his head on Electra's body, as it finally breathed a sigh of relief when he realised William was safe and also closed his eyes to rest.


Waking up the next morning, contrary to the expected exhaustion and pain, William felt an unprecedented level of comfort and strength, both physically and in magical power. He felt with his current strength he could destroy a hundred of his previous self easily with magical power alone. A blue colour core that can fight against a hundred dark green core wizards and witches. Not even dark blue core rank mages can achieve this unless they are of the most elite kind. William was extremely satisfied with his newfound strength, making him feel that yesterday's pain was definitely worth it.

After tidying up his room with a few variant 'Reparo' spells, feeding Electra with some high-class meat from a top butcher and dressing himself up again William set out of his villa. After reaching his current strength, many of William's goals became doable. His first set of actions was quite simple, unmasking his core and allowing his magical power to run amok slightly, letting the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts know that he 'just awakened' his magic. After all, despite William being able to sign in various spells and equipment and knowledge, Hogwarts contained a myriad of secrets and opportunities, that were shown in the films and books but also things that he wasn't aware of. These were all adventures William couldn't help but be excited to explore himself and experience. This was his second chance in life, and he would use it to the fullest!

Another one finished, and once again hit my 1200-word sweet spot rather naturally, think I might stick around this amount for a while. The more I write, the more ideas I get, so I'm formulating quite a large storyline, hope you all stay with the novel and enjoy it. Feedback is always welcome. Have a good day.

Cosmic_Writercreators' thoughts