11 You belong to...


"So, how are you going to tell me how firstbyears are sorted?" I asked tonks. Me and her are the only ones in this compartment, she seems to not have many friends.

"It's tradition to not tell first years how they're sorted. But I guess I will give you a hint.

It will knock your top off. Nah actually not."

She said, I still want to know, ok?

The train seems to be stopping.

"I'll see you around don't'cha think 'Kay?"

I hate that nickname. Really not imaginative.

Anyway she goes over to the rest of her year-mates. She's a fourth year. I go off and see hagrid the harmless half-giant.

"Only four to a boat!" He yelled, more like roared.

So I make myself comfortable with these twin red-heads. And this other guy, lee Jared? I think his name is.

"Hello fello-"

"Ickle firstiss-"

"I'm Fred-"

I'm george-"

"Or am I Fred-"

"And I'm George-"

""What a pleasure. May we ask your names?""

They said in unison.

"Kain" I said.

"Lee" the other guy said.

"Watch your heads" hagrid said, only he had to duck four to his size.

We went into this cave and followed hagrid till we came upon a set of stairs.

We met ms. Mcgonagall there.

"Welcome to your first year at hogwarts."

She said in her Scottish accent.

"You will be sorted into one of four houses. Hufepuff, for the hardworking and loyal. Slytherin for the cunning and resourceful. Ravenclaw for their intelligence and wisdom. And gryffindor, for the brave and determined."

We make it to this hall where we can see the sky and hundreds of candles are light and floating around, bumping into each other.

We got in front of this stage where all the teachers were located. I saw tonks in the yellow house.

Ms. Mcgonagall put a stool on the stage and grabbed this dirty old wizarding hat. The hat came to life and starts to sing.

Welcome oh first years. For the start of your journey. Just put me upon you! There's nothing that will hurry you. Let's me see your behaviour. If your smart and wise, welcome to ravenclaw! Where the ravens dwell don't worry you will always find your equal. Or maybe at hufflepuff where the loyal and hard work stay. You will find a good batch of friends, don't dwell on feuds and finds a few just to belong! Or maybe in the old stubborn lions. Where the brave and brash will always find you, life will be in wonders in that house I'm telling you. Or maybe in the strategic slytherin where politics can help you no friends there only ally's will help you. So sit on here and let me sort you. Don't worry your in safe hands. Well ones that you have on you." The sorting hat said. Weird.


Bored!~ I'm so bored I want my name to be called, and I'm so hungry!!!

"Enabel Kain" mcgonagall said.

"Finally!" I shouted, and run to the sorting hat. Oof! I fell on my own foot. That's embarrassing. Anyway...

'Ah a good head here. Not very patient right now... lots of bravery I see... lots of cunning also... loyalty can't be questioned... intelligence...- "can you just sort me already!"

-now, now mr black. You don't have to yell. For the courage of interrupting me, "you belong to gryffindor!" The house clapped.

"Food!" I said... ignoring all mortals around me...

"I'm tired I'm going to bed..."

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