
Harry Potter: Approaching the Magic World

When Jon receives his acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Magic, his life takes an exciting turn. With his mother's guidance, he embarks on a journey to Diagon Alley to prepare for his new life at Hogwarts. From choosing his wand to selecting his magical pet, Jon's magical journey is just beginning

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43 Chs

Ravenclaw Lounge

The weather on Sunday wasn't very good, and it unexpectedly started drizzling outside the castle. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the genius of daylight gradually illuminated the surroundings. Jon's mood also seemed a bit off; he woke up slightly irritable because of the recent series of events that had been quite overwhelming.

After tidying himself up and coming out of the bathroom, Jon, neatly dressed, made his way to the common lounge. There weren't many people awake at this time, and Jon's timing wasn't the best either. He happened to run into Cedric and Gabriel, the prefects, talking on the couch in the common lounge.

"Good morning, seniors," Jon greeted them and tried to walk past, but Cedric stopped him.

"It's Sunday today, why are you in such a hurry? Is there something urgent? Maybe we can help," Cedric said, holding Jon back.

Jon couldn't say he was particularly in a hurry since Cedric had caught him, so he forced a smile and shook his head. "Nothing urgent, just wanted to go to the library. There's a book I haven't finished reading yet."

Although the reason wasn't entirely reasonable, it was the persona Jon had initially set up for himself. However, it wasn't inappropriate to mention it to these two people he wasn't familiar with.

"I wanted to talk to you yesterday. Bella mentioned that you haven't visited her much lately. She asked me to tell you to come see her," Cedric said.

"Oh?" Jon thought there might be something important, but upon hearing Cedric's words, he simply nodded. "Alright, I'll go then, so she won't blame me later."

After saying that, Jon turned and walked away, not even leaving a moment for the two people behind him to speak.

"I told you, he's a bit strange," Cedric turned his head to the prefect next to him and smiled helplessly.

Gabriel was also surprised. After spending so many years in Hufflepuff, it was the first time he had encountered a student like Jon. "But it's normal," he shrugged. "Actually, he really seems like a Slytherin student, and a pure-blood wizard at that. I don't know why he ended up in our house."

"The Sorting Hat must have its reasons. Anyway, he's still a student of our house, and if he behaves well, it won't do any harm to our house."


Jon didn't mind at all whether Cedric and Gabriel were discussing him behind his back. Even if he did mind, could he stop people from talking?

People have the freedom to say whatever they want. Jon hadn't explored much of the castle, but he knew the location of the Ravenclaw common room. Taking a few turns here and there, he entered Ravenclaw Tower. On this gloomy Sunday when Hogwarts students generally didn't feel like getting out of bed, Jon didn't encounter many students along the way.

After climbing the stairs for a while, Jon arrived at the entrance of the Ravenclaw common lounge. The bronze eagle on the doorknob had its eyes closed, seemingly asleep. Jon waited for a while, but he didn't see any Ravenclaw students coming out, so he reached out and knocked on the doorknob.

The question for entering the Ravenclaw lounge shouldn't be too difficult, right?

With Jon's action, the eyes on the eagle's head slowly opened, and then a ethereal female voice came from behind the door.

"What can you swallow that can also swallow you?" Jon touched his nose, pondered for a moment, and answered, "Water."

"A good answer."

The eagle's head closed its eyes again, and the door behind it slowly opened. Jon walked slowly into the circular room. The Ravenclaw common lounge had several elegant arched windows on its walls. Blue and bronze silk hung in the room, surrounded by tall bookshelves. Students could see the beautiful scenery outside through the windows, if today's rain could be considered beautiful scenery.

Stars adorned the ceiling, and the deep blue carpet below also had stars on it. In the niche across from the door stood a half-body white marble statue of Rowena Ravenclaw.

Jon had no intention of intruding into the girls' dormitory by crossing the statue. He slightly bowed towards the statue of Rowena, then sat on the sofa nearby and pulled out a book to read.

Ravenclaw House had its fair share of hidden treasures, although Jon hadn't been to the "secret place" yet. However, the number of books there should be similar to here, although that place had more books that students were prohibited from reading.

The book Jon picked up was a collection of notes left by previous Ravenclaw students. The first page contained some problems encountered by the previous owner while practicing the "Armor Charm." Jon had recently focused on learning these protective spells, so it was quite relevant.

He eagerly read through the book until a girl came down from the dormitory.

"How did you get in?"

The girl clearly held a guarded attitude towards the sudden appearance of a Hufflepuff student in their common lounge. Her expression became even more displeased when she saw the notebook in Jon's hand.

"Oh, hello. I came to find someone, Bella Yang. She's a third-year student."

Jon put down the notebook, slightly bowed. After all, he had entered without permission. Seeing the girl's hesitant expression.

"How did you get in?"

"Oh, I came in by myself. The question at the entrance wasn't very difficult."

The girl had an expression of disbelief. She turned and approached the passage leading to the dormitory, as if she thought Jon had said something wrong.

Not long after, Bella, neatly dressed, came out of the dormitory with a joyful smile on her face.

"Oh, isn't this my dear cousin? Come here and let your sister take a look."

When Jon saw Bella's smiling face, he quickly took several steps back. Extraordinary situations always have extraordinary causes. If Bella was smiling so happily at him, she either had something sinister in mind or something sinister had happened.

"Enough with the pleasantries. If you have something to say, just say it. We're so familiar with each other, no need for formalities," Jon said, trying to dispel any ulterior motives Bella might have.

Bella didn't fall for it. "Bound hands and feet."

She held her wand behind her back, swiftly waving it as she reached out her hand. Before Jon could react, his hands and feet were immobilized.

"This simplified version of Petrificus Totalus is an exclusive Ravenclaw spell. Don't even think about breaking free."

Bella grabbed the back of Jon's collar with one hand, then waved her wand again to release Jon's feet, but the binding spell on his hands remained.

"After so long at school, you didn't even think to come find me. You didn't even wait for your sister to return before delivering the food. Boy, you've become quite bold!"

Jon, being dragged towards the Great Hall by Bella, rolled his eyes and remained silent. He didn't want to speak.

Clearly, some people were constantly fawning over handsome guys and completely forgot about the existence of their cousin. Did he say something wrong?

He had no complaints. He, Jon Smith, could adapt to any situation!