
Harry Potter: and the Secret Treasures

_______This is a translation__________ A teenager named Ivan Mason was reincarnated into the magical world of Harry Potter and goes to school at Hogwarts! With only his knowledge of the future and great talent for magic, he takes the path towards the top of the magic world, only to realize that every step he took, changed everything!

The_OsoGrizzly · Livros e literatura
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Life of The Burrow

Considered that carries the convenient issue, Ivan has not bought too many things, but he has made many orders, till to the pocket all gold Galleon(s) all spend completely, when these things begin school, will be delivered to Hogwarts by the owl in turn.

When they return to by the Leaky Cauldron fireplace, approached the evening.

After the parents said goodbye, Ivan and Harry and book Slye home floo powder returns to The Burrow, Mr. and Mrs. Mason and Granger must return to the city the street that side muggle(s) lived. Can look, what Mr. Weasley wants to have a look at the motor station with them is, but sees the Mrs. Weasley expression, has to cancel this thought.

Because is first time uses floo powder, Ivan had been choked by the ashes, after is dizzy, arrived at The Burrow, Harry in front of oneself, Ivan sees his complexion, knows that he is the same with himself, the feeling is not very good.

Crawls the fireplace, Ivan is sizing up all around curiously.

He first time arrives wizard(s) home, the kitchen is very small, is quite crowded, the middle is one scratches the clean wood/blockhead tables and several chairs, the wall clock on opposite wall only then a needle, has not marked the digit, on the clock face writes „is making tea" and „to feed chicken" and „you must be late" and so on words.

By the mantel, is a big mirror.

Ivan just passed from it, the mirror yelled suddenly that „filled in the shirt the waist, in la sloppy!"

Above the mirror is a bookshelf, the code three books, including "Charm Your Own Cheese", "Enchantment in Baking", "One Minute Feasts - It's Magic" wait/etc., are being magic book that the housework uses, by not far away basin, is putting an old-style radio.

„Was good, the children, return to your rooms to put away the thing that buys newly." Mrs. Weasley walked from the fireplace, looks that Fred and George continues saying that „particularly your two, when I prepare the supper, do not come to disturb."

„Knew, Mom!" Fred said that „we can treating of quiet in our room."

„Does not make a sound, looks like house elf is the same." George said.

The twin is laughing and playing to run the kitchen, in them behind, Percy and Ginny also brought own thing to follow.

„Come, I lead you to have a look at my bedroom." Saw that Harry and Ivan still silly stood in same place, Ron has pushed their.

Three people across narrow, before having arrived at an uneven hugging ladder.

The staircase circles windingly, two stairways have door to be ajar, Percy is sitting at own desk, writes a letter with quill that buys newly, in his side not far away, is a very attractive brown owl.

„After that is Percy becomes Prefect, the father and mother for the new owl that he buys." Ron said that „, but he is not willing to lend me, in fact, he this summer break very strange, always a person closes in the room, has sent many letters."

„This does not have anything to be quite strange, your elder brother has made a new girlfriend."

„, good heavens!" Hears the Ivan's words, the Ron expression is surprised, somewhat speaks incoherently saying that „may that be Percy, who will have a liking for him, I meant... Naturally, he has the ambition, he planned, he wanted, when the Ministry of Magic was long, but... I must tell Fred and George this matter, how having a look at them to say."

„Do not be excited, this is only my guess." Ivan responded slowly to Ron's somewhat speechless.

When three people climb up three buildings, Ivan just just glimpsed a bright brown eye to stare at them, the gate ka closed.

„Is Ginny!" Ron said that „is really inconceivable, you do not know that she usually never closes!"

„Is very obvious, your younger sister sees Harry, is somewhat shy."

Ivan is sizing up the door, is thinking again how from Ginny there, to make the Tom Riddle's diary.

„Yes, her summer vacation was talking over you." Ron indefinite looks at Harry, „Fred said that she wants your signature, perhaps you should give her one."

„Do not be silly, Ron." Ivan walks while said that „that was not the simple worship, your younger sister liked Harry, she wants to be his girlfriend."


Ron seemed is scared, nearby Harry also very much non- nature, blushed like thoroughly ripe apple, disguised not to hear Ivan and Ron's dialog.

„Volume, these are I talk nonsense." Ivan is covering the forehead with the hand, these two fellow same slowness, but also is really the monogamous young male student, no wonder on fourth-grade Yule Ball, almost will unable to find the dance partner.

They upward crawled, stands outside the twin room, the door shuts tightly, inside is really quiet, a sound does not have, does not know that they are doing.

When three people climb up the attic, before arriving at a leaf of paint chip the door, in the gate has a small sign to write „the Ron's room".

Ivan and Harry walked, the inclined ceiling has almost bumped into their heads.

Probably entered a big stove, in the Ron room all things seem are one dazzling orange yellow: Bedspread and wall, even ceiling.

Then Ivan discovered that originally Ron worn-out wallpaper on almost every inch place has stuck to with the playbill, in all playbill is the same seven witch(es) and wizard, puts on color bright orange yellow robe, carries broomstick, waves jubilantly.

„Your Quiddich team?" Harry asked.

„Chudley Cannons, in the club ranks ninth!"

Ron finger of orange and yellow bedspread, that above is printing two huge letter C brightly, a rapid flight shell.

They two topics continue to stay on Quiddich, Ivan curiously sizes up is lying down grey wool fat mouse Scabbers that sleeps in the room corner.

Has not paid attention to the Ivan's vision, Scabbers continues to have the snoring.

Ivan carefully observed a meeting, had not discovered that has any difference. Knows that this is Animagus, he also really thinks that Scabbers is a whole body depilate, lacks the mousie that a toe, has slept all day low-spirited.

„And!" A pipe struck sound, handed down from generation to generation from above suddenly, frightens Ivan to jump.

„Do not be worried that is in the garret food corpse ghost, always knocks the pipe, groans chirp chirp." Ron said that „I want to expel it, but the father did not let, he thought that it was very interesting."

Just like Ron said that life of The Burrow very interesting.

Following one month, Ivan and Harry also had Ron to go to the backyard to clean up the gnome with Fred and George, several people also often went to the back side of the mountain to ride broomstick, practiced Quiddich.

To the evening, Harry and Ron are busy doing their summer vacation homework, Ivan are familiar with consult some knowledge to Percy there, Percy almost every schoolwork is outstanding, particularly on the history of magic and Charms, has the original opinion.

As for Fred and George, Ivan found the opportunity to chat with them, discovered that twin these inventions were also at the beginning stage, in he has made several suggestions after the memory, they to the evening, pass/test themselves in the room study, often exuded various sounds.

One month later, Harry and Ivan and the entire Weasley family become extremely familiar.

Mrs. Weasley repairs the sock for them, each food compels them to add four times, Mr. Weasley inquires the life of muggle(s) to them.

Besides Ginny, other people quickly adapt to Harry and Ivan is a part of the life of their family/home. The accurate point said that so long as has probably Harry on the scene, Ginny must anxious bumping but actually anything, when she is together with Ivan alone, normalcy that very then displays.

Because of the age same reason, unusual is good, but to the summer vacation last day that Ivan and Ginny are together, Ivan had still not attained the Tom Riddle's diary from Ginny there.

Ivan suggested several times, Ginny had not responded.

Cannot explicitly explain, cannot go into the Ginny room to look, Ivan did not even determine that the opposite party does have to discover that diary, has discovered that but has not told itself.

However he does not worry, the time, the worst result also develops according to the plot, when the time comes, pitiful Ginny will possibly be selected the crime.

However can have the opportunity to be rescued beautiful by the Harry hero, unrequited loves the Harry's small girl to this, probably is not the misdemeanor.