
It Ends as it Begins

The compartment stilled as four of the people stared at his scar, Theodore Nott looked down, his face covered in shame. "In all the books I read about you, they never once said you curse. My name is Hermione Granger." The fizzy haired girl introduced herself. "Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Granger" Harry said as he grabbed her hand and his lips brushed against her knuckle. "Well, sorry about the locking spell, but I promised to find a toad." Hermione said, with red on her cheeks from embarrassment as she patting down her clothes and left the compartment.

"Many people have wondered where you have been" Daphne asked. Harry shrugged as he looked over to Theodore, "What is wrong with Theo?" Harry questioned, as he could see Theodores face had many conflicted emotions flittering about. "I am sorry about your parents" Theo said as he slowly spoke gathering his thoughts. "My father is a death eater and has followed 'you know who' for more than a decade." The room once again stilled, as pressure started to build around them. The trunk on the racks in the compartment started to shake. Daphne and Tracey scooted back into the corner of their seats trying to escape, Blaise raised his eye brows in surprise of the magic weighing down on him. Theodore sat there, his head still bowed, unmoving and accepting his fate. "Are you going to follow in your father's footsteps, are you also going to try to kill me?" Harry boldly asked, looking at Theodore as he began summoning more magic around him.

"N-no" Theo mumbled as loud as he could, as magic pressed into his body making it hard to breathe. Theo grimaced as he tried to take a deep breath. "I remember one night, when I was young and first saw the mark on his arm. The one that showed the world he was a death eater." Theo finally able to speak normally as the magic weight lessened around him. "That night, my father said something to me. 'Theo I would take a thousand marks similar to this, if it meant I knew that you and your mother would be alive to see tomorrow.' He said to me, I can still remember his eyes, it was the only time I have ever seen my father cry." Theo quietly finished as the compartment door slammed open.

Tonks burst into the room, her wand in hand. She saw the two frightened girls pushed against the corner of the seats huddled together, she glanced at the two boys sitting in the middle of the compartment. One of them with a surprised look on his face, the other tears in his eyes. Then she saw him, the boy magic was pouring out of. "You" Tonks yelled as her wand pointed at his chest. She had never experienced anything like this, it was like a magical storm and he was the eye. She debated with herself if she needed to stun the boy that was causing this storm. "I need you to calm down, or I will have to stun you" She stated, as the boy continued to stare at the one with tears in his eyes. He hadn't moved a muscle even as she burst in the room.

"I don't know how I should feel about you" Harry said looking at Theo, "on one hand, nothing inspires forgiveness more than revenge." Harry continued as he stepped close to Theo as he looked down at him. "On the other hand, sometimes forgiveness is foolish, because some actions are unforgiveable." Harry stared into Theo's eyes. Theo could feel the waves of judgement from Harry as if he was in some sort of test. Then it ended, Harry grabbed his trunk off the rack and Hedwig from the floor and began to walk out of the room, Theo unsure if he passed or failed the test, but one thing he knew, Harry was powerful. Harry moved past the girl wielding the wand at his chest as she followed him out. She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "You are coming with me" she stated, dragging him down the train. "I don't know who you are, but I know you scared the people in that compartment. You need to cool off" she continued saying as she kept dragging him.

They arrived in the front part of the train, at a compartment Harry recognized, it was the prefect compartment. Like it was in the beginning it was empty, "go in" she pointed towards the door. "We are an hour away from our stop, stay in there, change into your school robes, and calm down." She stated as Harry entered the room and closed the door behind him. He set the trunk and Hedwig on the table as he gathered his robes out of the trunk. He put them on over his clothes and laid down on the seats. He finished the ride just like how he began it, still confused, still lonely and still wishing he never left his four friends and Merlin.

I would never suggest opening google and searching ‘I still haven’t found what I’m looking for’ an epic Harry story. A story that caused this chapter to take a much longer time than I anticipated to complete. How dare any of you even think of leaving this website to read that story while you wait for the next chapter.

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