
Chapter 1. Little Hangleton

July 30, 1991

Little Hangleton, England.

Little Hangleton was a small village in England, As a half-wizard village, it is quite famous in the magic world. Many famous wizards were born here.

On the outskirts of Little Hangleton, lived the Gaunts in a shack, the last direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin. Years of inbreeding made the family violent and unstable, and left them in poverty. There were frequently many snakes about the property, as the Gaunts were all Parselmouths, like their ancestor.

Of course, 'Voldemort' aka Tom Riddle, born in Riddle family, a prominent muggle family in Little Hangleton, is the most famous.

One of the Deathly Hallows, the owner of the Resurrection Stone, Cadmus Peverell, had also lived here. Later The Resurrection Stone would go on to be set into a ring, which would be passed down through the Gaunt Family and eventually be turned into a Horcrux by Tom Riddle, a last descendant of Cadmus.

Riddle Family and Gaunt family being almost extinct after Voldemort killed his father, paternal grandfather, and grandmother in the house in 1943, and framed his maternal uncle Morfin Gaunt for the crime. Once a fine-looking manor, and easily the largest and grandest building for miles around, the Riddle House was now damp, derelict, and unoccupied.

Thus, after the end of First Wizarding War, as Voldemort disappeared, the entire wizarding world got rid of darkness and terror. Harry Potter, as the "Boy Who Lived", was revered by many wizards.

Aside from the most prominent family of muggle was formerly the Riddle, and pure blood family of Gaunt's, there was 'another' pure blood family named Pyrites's.

Although the family is mostly hidden and out of public eye because not involved much in recent history. However it is believed than wealth of Pyrites family which has been passed down since ancient times and had legendary alchemist like Argo Pyrites who practiced alchemy with Nicolas Flames, made it comparable to Malfoy's, which in turn lead to their downfall…

In No. 82, Little Hangleton is a small wizarding manor. Muggles can't see this manor in normal times, only wizards can see it.

Because the Muggle Repelling Curse has been cast here, once a Muggle approaches, it will automatically stay away from here.

Entering this small manor, looking around, there are several flower gardens in the yard. It is midsummer, and the flower gardens are full of flowers of different colors.

The surroundings of the flower garden are full of green vegetation, giving people a natural flavor. These vegetation have been carefully pruned, and it can be seen that the owner of this manor has put a lot of thought into it.

Through the yard passing is a medieval style three-storey villa. The area of the villa is large. Judging from the appearance, it seems to be a few years old, giving of the same creepy vibe as the whole town of Hangleton.

In a study room of the villa, a teenager was sitting at a desk, looking at a book seriously.

The boy has exquisite facial features, fair skin, and soft black hair that covers his ears and hangs down to his neck, especially his eyes, black as black can be, looking into them as one could see abyss and falling in it.


On the desk, the boy closed the book. Judging from the cover of the book, it was a book with strange patterns and looked quite evil.

"Secrets of Cutting-Edge Black Magic", this is the name of this book, and you can tell from the name that this is a forbidden book about black magic.

It is all about extremely evil black magic, such as Fiercefire Curse, which is a kind of advanced black magic. Although it is not difficult to learn, it is extremely difficult to control.

Fiendfire can burn anything and destroy everything. The Dark Lord Grindelwald almost destroyed a city with Fiendfire.

In addition to some evil black magic, this book also introduces the source, principle, manufacturing method and so on of Horcruxes, making it the same book from which learned Tom Riddle learned to make Horcrux.

Horcruxes, this is why Voldemort is immortal after being hit by the Killing Curse. As long as the Horcruxes still exist, Voldemort is equivalent to being immortal forever.

"Sure enough, making a Horcrux is not just about killing people and becoming immortal."

The boy stood up, stretched his hands and feet, and then put the "Secrets of Cutting-Edge Dark Arts" back on the bookshelf beside him.

The bookshelf was full of books, but most of these books were books about black magic, and there were some ancient documents. Some of them are Pyrites family's heritage, some were stolen by him from 'nearby' family houses.

"Before I knew it, it has been 'ten' years since I came to this world. If there is no accident, the owl at Hogwarts should have delivered my acceptance letter today."

The boy came to a window, looked at the year long dark clouded scenery outside, and said to himself.

His name was Elijah Pyrites, the name was given to him by his dead parents, both wizards, who were also unfortunate victims when Voldemort came to kill them in the name becoming his subordinate, scheming to get hands of the family resources before torturing them to death.

Fortunately, there was a house-elf at home who could take care of him, otherwise he would have starved to death.

However, no one knows that there is still a secret hidden deep in his soul. This is not his first life, and he still has the memory of his previous life.

"Kiki." Elijah said.


With a sound an Ugly, little girl appeared in front of Elijah.

This little lady had ears as bid as baits, protruding eyes the size of the tennis balls, a long, and is skinny with few bangs of hairs falling, wearing a an old-fashioned pillowcase, although old, but very clean white.

"Kiki is serving you, little master, what is your order?"

The house elf Kiki lowered her head and asked humbly.

Generally speaking, only some ancient pure-blood families would have house elves. Whole House-elves served wizards and witches and were usually found under the employment of old wizarding families taking residence in elaborate establishments, like mansions, and must do everything that their masters commanded unless they were freed.

There are also a large number of house elves in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Kiki has been in his family for over century now, took care for him since he was one year old.

"Kiki, is lunch ready?"

Elijah asked, he was a little hungry after reading all morning.

"Yes, yes, little master, Kiki has prepared oriental dishes for you, please go to the kitchen for dinner."

Kiki said quickly.

"That's good, and if there is an owl outside, bring it to the dining room."

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