
Chapter 51 - Training With Flitwick

Felix closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling the exhaustion and adrenaline of the day finally catching up to him. He laid back on his bed. He reflected on the events of the day, from the troll incident to his battle with the acromantulas in the Forbidden Forest. It had been a long and eventful day, but he was grateful for the experiences that had come his way.

"These experiences are the ones that give me a good clearing out compared to others."

"With these experiences, I will have the ability to use my powers and advantages."

As he drifted off to sleep, Felix thought about the power of the spells he had been practicing. The ability to manifest without a wand was a skill that few wizards possessed, and he felt a sense of pride in his ability to do so. He knew he had much more to learn and master, but the progress he had made thus far was a source of motivation for him.

"Of course, if not for the system, learning all these spells would take too much time. Not to mention the fact that learning and mastering are not the same."

As he fell deeper into slumber, Felix dreamed of the future. He imagined himself as a powerful wizard, renowned for his mastery of Hermetic magic and his prowess in battle. He saw himself traveling the world, encountering new creatures, and fighting evil wherever it may lurk. It was an exciting vision, and one that inspired him to continue his training and never give up on his dreams.

In the early hours of the morning, Felix awoke feeling refreshed and energized. He knew he had a busy day ahead of him, with classes and training sessions to attend.

"I believe that today I will be practicing with Flitwick on the matter of duels."


Felix went to the dueling club after the classes with Flitwick were over. Flitwick greeted him, and they started to practice dueling. Felix was using Hermetic magic without a wand, and Flitwick was using his wand.

Flitwick started the duel by casting a "stupefy" spell at Felix, which he quickly dodged.

"Stupid, from the start."

Felix thought as he countered with an "Expelliarmus" spell,

but Flitwick deflected it with a "Protego" spell. The deflecting seemed too easy from the outside, but it was not.

Flitwick then cast a "Petrificus Totalus" spell, which Felix managed to dodge by performing an acrobatic jump.

Flitwick smiled as he commented.

"He is good, too good for his age; he knows how to use his body to counter some of the spells."

Most of the wizards are too reliant on spells and forget to move back and forth; they forget that they have legs and can move, crouch, jump, etc. to dodge most of the spells.

Felix followed up with a "Reducto" spell, but Flitwick countered it with a "Diffindo" spell.

"He is able to counter with great timing."

Felix commented and not surprised. As he knew that Flitwick was a duelist champion back then and he is still good when it comes to duel between wizards.

The two spells connected, and a small explosion manifested.

Flitwick then cast a "Confringo" spell, which Felix dodged by performing a quick sidestep.

Flitwick, then stopped and whispered.

"This is enough for the time being, Mr.Hermian."

Felix took a deep breath, and his eyes showed great excitement as well as fun. Flitwick took a deep breath.

"So, first of all, let me give you some advice."

Flitwick said as he used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his head.