A crazy god decided that Harry Potter fanfics weren't good this days so he sent 7 guys who never asked for that in a parallel Harry Potter world. He granted them a few abilities but didn't give them any choice and phew. Their goal is now to impact the history without changing the key moments of the story. They can do whatever they want and everyone of them can impact the plot. How will they be able to predict the future if they impact the plot too much ? What relationships will they have between themselves ? How will they survive in a world where the history isn't the same anymore simply because of their existence ? Is Voldy really the only guy they need to fear ? Watch how they overcome their difficulties and differences and work each on their own goals in order to realise their dreams which may very well be opposed. I hope you all enjoy reading it !
Delicious, restorative, relaxing.
Oh silence !
Sometimes soft, sometimes dull, a dead silence.
Eh ? Dead ?
But what am I talking about, I can't be dead. Can I ?
Oh shit, I think it's quite possible.
I don't have many examples in mind of people who survived dozens of bullets in their body...
Ah, Emett Dalton, that's true...
I know it because it was in a Lucky Luck that I once red as a child...
So happy to be dead...
But at the same time, how could I have known that terrorists were going to attack a bookstore...
Not a school, not a church, not a football stadium... a bookstore!
But who shoots machine guns in bookstores these days?
Oh what the hell.
It sucks...
Okay, what do I do now?
Hmm. I see a light.
Could it be ?
But yes !
The end of the tunnel !
(Great, I make jokes to myself... how pathetic am I ?...).
I get closer, and ah!!!
I find myself in a large, clean white hall, next to 6 shadows that appear to be projections of humans.
I imagine they see me the same way...
I walk to them :
"Hello there ! Could it be that you also died ?
- Indeed, do you know why and where we are ?
- If I knew, I'd certainly tell but sadly... I don't...
Is there anyone here who know it ?"
They all answer negatively...
As we were together thinking 🤔 about the possible answer, we were blinded by a flash.
A man suddenly appeared in the middle of the room.
He was wearing beach clothes with flip-flops, he looked clean-shaven, and he was smiling in an absolutely sadistical way that certainly sended shivers down my spine (if I still had one).
He looked at us for a moment and I realized that I wasn't able to speak or move, it was just like a cutscene in a video game.
He finally spoke after a minute of sizing us up.
"Welcome my dear friends!
If I'm here today, it's to warn you of a few little things.
First of all, you probably suspect it but you just died.
Ah ah ah ah ah 🤣, it's quite funny isn't it ? Now, I'm going to explain to you why you're here :
I'm bored...
I'm a Harry Potter fan and recently, I was tired of reading and rereading the saga and the films, so I started reading fanfiction...
I have to say I was disappointed.
I only red 4 or 5 of them that were good and everything else was crap.
Either the MC was too powerful and the world revolved around him.
Either the character was likeable but circled around the plot without changing anything. Either the character is causing chaos but without purpose.
And then I said to myself, 'Évørär, you are a god, you can create your perfect fanfiction in real life!'
And so here you are!
I will reincarnate you into the world of Harry Potter.
Cool isn't it ?
You weren't expecting this I suppose ?
You'll all have a pretty badass family.
You are 7 like Voldy's favorite number,
don't ask me why,
I just felt that the more the better.
And on top of that, I'm going to give you all a gift in addition to what I'm going to provide to your bodies.
None of you should have existed in this world but you will all have a reason to exist and you will each be the hero of your own saga.
You can become heroes, dark mages, immortals, ordinary people...
So that you all know each other, I made you all born in the same year.
And so as not to completely ruin the plot, I'll give you a warning :
don't change the plot too much...
I want to see the incidents happening.
You shouldn't modify Harry Potter's perception of the world and you truly shouldn't interfere when he's doing what he should...
He's still the chosen one, remember ?
You can help him but don't change the story too much.
You can become stronger but don't go against Voldemort, you can fight his guys but don't kill them before the 7 tome, I don't want to see the plot changing too much.
Sure you can become his friends or his ennemies but don't interfere too much.
If you do, my sister'll become truly angry and believe me :
you don't want to see something like this...
I assume you all know Harry Potter ?
Yes, phew, I thought I was dealing with idiots...
Some Harry Potter fanfiction characters don't know the plot and some fanfic authors themselves don't seem to know it very well... Anyway, I'm not here to criticize society but to change the world.
Ah you should know that the universe in which you find yourself is an alternative universe in which your original bodies and all those who interacted with them have disappeared.
In addition, you must know that you are going to undergo a very unpleasant experience :
I am going to mix your soul and your spirit with those of the body that you are going to possess.
You will wake up at the age of 1 because even though due to the mix you won't think the same way anymore, it can be embarrassing to be a baby especially if you are not able to do anything for a year.
There you go, any questions?
Ah that's right, you can't talk.
Ah yes just know that if I chose you it's just because you died at the right time in the right place (in the same geographical area).
Don't think you're elected heroes or anything, you just got lucky.
Well, have a good life!
Ah ah ah ah !
Okay, this guy is seriously sick...
I suddenly feel myself being sucked into a whirlwind, everything goes black in front of me.
I stand all alone, amidst the nothingness...
Suddenly a little being appears before me in the middle of the nothingness.
He start speaking in a kid's voice :
"Hello there, I hereby stand before you following the orders of my master the great sir Évørär.
He send me to assist you in time of need, for my first mission, I have to explain you a few things you may want to know :
He decided to help everyone of you so he decided that beside your others abilities, he would grant you each a unique ability.
You won't be able to choose because the great sir already chose them in his magnanimity :
you'll possess a mighty power named Seer of the Changing plot.
With that you'll be able to consult a book whenever you need it, in this book there is the saga Harry Potter modified :
every time there is a change in the plot, this book will change colour for you to see it. You'll be able to read it whenever you want but know that if you're in thr book, the character will just do what you already decided to do and what you're likely to do. The book'll become red if there's a massive change in this year or in the last year of the saga.
With that you'll be able to make everyone believe you're a seer (someone who can have visions of the future).
It'll even grant you the ability to easily lie and make predictions with special effects
(lights out of your eyes and all) everytime you want.
I'd suggest you to keep appearing in the every day life of the main characters of the plot, because like that, you'll be able to predict you're own future.
After the end of the saga, you'll become a true seer but you'll rarely have dreams about the future event if it'll still happen.
So you won't just lose this ability and make everyone believe you're a liar after Voldy death.
I don't recommend you to divulge informations about you true unique ability even to the others 'cause they aren't necessarily good people.
You're just all dead at the right time.
One of them could be a dangerous criminal and with the power you'll all have.
They could easily become as dangerous as Voldemort or Grindelwald if not more so be careful.
I think that'll be all 🤔
If you need my help you can just call me. I now am your guardian angel and might help you or give you my opinion. 👍
After he finished speaking, the little guy disappeared.
He then found himself alone in the dark once again.
Suddenly, he saw a figure in the distance, slowly approaching him.
A child with jet black hair walked on all fours towards him.
Amazingly, he could be seen in the darkness.
Given his size he couldn't have more than a year.
And that's when the man who would soon be known as Arcturus Black realized what was going to happen...
When the child came to his level, he reached out his hand towards him and they made contact.
Their two "bodies" merged.
From them escaped blinding rays of light.
They were in pain.
The pain was excruciating.
A dull and sharp pain at the same time.
They suffered a whole lot.
Their respective memories mixed, added themselves together and finally they merged.
They were only one: him, Arcturus Regulus Black.
A brilliant 1 year old child with memories of his previous life.
His memories of this life being hazy and incoherent.
He simply was.
As he tried to organize his thoughts and the pain finally subsided, he opened his eyes.
At first he saw nothing, then in the darkness the shadows of furniture could be distinguished.
He was lying in a cot.
He was in his room.
The door opened and a ray of light entered the room, as did Regulus Black, his father. Regulus seemed panicked, he was grabbing a few things here and there.
A bag of clothes, a photo gift representing Arcturus as a baby, with him and his late wife, a few grimoires and finally his magic wand.
He looked at his son, got him out of bed and gently placed him in his arms.
After that, he stormed out of the house before teleporting away.